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IELTS practising/essay
Message de elasista posté le 26-05-2011 à 00:16:43 (S | E | F)
For this essay , I have to write a report for a university lecturer. Unfortunately, I was not able to copy/past the pie graph. Would you mind taking a look to my essay in order to help me to improve my writing please.
I would be very pleased.
Thanks you.
The pie graph shows the percentage of European Union being spent between 2007 and 2013 for transports: Ports, Airports, Roads, Railways, Public transport, intermodal and inland waterways. According to the graph, we can immediately maintain that these figures are suppositions. We can directly notice that more than the half of the budget goes for roads with 52 per cent followed closely by railways with 31 per cent. These two forms of transport take 83 per cent of the European Union funds. Public transport takes 10 per cent of the budget which is not negligible compare to the percentage of the rest of transport which are less often used. Intermodal, inland waterways, ports and airports need the fewest funds. They all take only one per cent of the funds.
To conclude, according to the data shown, it appear that the majority of European Union funds is spent for road which is used every days by several vehicles that slight damage it.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2011 06:02
Message de elasista posté le 26-05-2011 à 00:16:43 (S | E | F)
For this essay , I have to write a report for a university lecturer. Unfortunately, I was not able to copy/past the pie graph. Would you mind taking a look to my essay in order to help me to improve my writing please.
I would be very pleased.
Thanks you.
The pie graph shows the percentage of European Union being spent between 2007 and 2013 for transports: Ports, Airports, Roads, Railways, Public transport, intermodal and inland waterways. According to the graph, we can immediately maintain that these figures are suppositions. We can directly notice that more than the half of the budget goes for roads with 52 per cent followed closely by railways with 31 per cent. These two forms of transport take 83 per cent of the European Union funds. Public transport takes 10 per cent of the budget which is not negligible compare to the percentage of the rest of transport which are less often used. Intermodal, inland waterways, ports and airports need the fewest funds. They all take only one per cent of the funds.
To conclude, according to the data shown, it appear that the majority of European Union funds is spent for road which is used every days by several vehicles that slight damage it.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2011 06:02
Réponse: IELTS practising/essay de stammer, postée le 27-05-2011 à 00:14:39 (S | E)
The pie graph shows the percentage of the European Union's budget being spent between the years 2007 and 2013
To conclude, according to the data shown, it would appear that the majority of European Union funds is spent
N'hésitez pas à repondre si vous voulez que j'éxplique mes corrections.
(les Américains écrivent "percent" mais nous, les anglais, écrivons "per cent".
Réponse: IELTS practising/essay de elasista, postée le 27-05-2011 à 01:18:04 (S | E)
oops, j'ai fait énormément d'erreurs.
Je dois passer mon test la semaine prochaine et honnêtement, je ne me sens pas du tout prête quand je vois le résultat.
J'ai un grand problème avec le gérondif, je ne sais pas quand il s'applique.
exemple; European Union's budget
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2011 06:17
Réponse: IELTS practising/essay de stammer, postée le 27-05-2011 à 01:26:12 (S | E)
Il est naturel qu'on fasse des erreurs, vous n'en avez pas fait beaucoup. C'est plutôt le fait que vous avez traduit des idiomes français, et ils semblent étranges en anglais.
Le gérontif? Est-ce que vous voulez dire "le gérondif"?
Modifié par stammer le 27-05-2011 01:26
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2011 06:18
Réponse: IELTS practising/essay de elasista, postée le 27-05-2011 à 01:41:48 (S | E)
disons que je compte passer un test d'anglais dans 1 semaine et le stress commence à monter.
C'est le test IELTS qui me permettra d'aller étudier en Angleterre ( Manchester) sinon, je voulais dire Génitif
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2011 06:19
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais