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Correction/Cannabis clubs, pros and cons

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Correction/Cannabis clubs, pros and cons
Message de abracadabra posté le 28-05-2011 à 21:37:07 (S | E | F)

I have to take an exam next week but I have some problems with my writing. As a result, I°d like to have some corrections, please.
I already thank you for your help.
The subject was : The Spanish law allows consumption of cannabis in private. As a result,private cannabis clubs spring up in the country. What are the pros and cons, explain and develop.

In my view, this gap in the Spanish law can leed to a lot of problems with consumers of cannabis. For instance, they can get into trouble with the police and it°s also very dangerous for their health because cannabis takes effect in your brain sot hey quickly become addicted and they may risk an overdose. I°ve got a friend whose job is to help drug addicts. He told me that more people will be tempted to test drugs due to the loophole in the law : it could be adults but also teenagers as they want to show off to people. However, parents can influence whether or not their children will take drugs by setting an example. Moreover, what helps drug addicts is to talk so it's easier if they have a family or if they have some friends or workmates to support them. The problem is that sometimes their relatives get bored because of their changes of mood and their aggressivity. My friend also told me that it was really difficult to stop taking drugs so the consumers have to look for a gradual change because they can suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless, there is two advantages in Spanish Cannabis club : Firstly, it's better to educate people instead of trying and failing to prohibit cannabis consumption. Secondly, it's safer to take drugs with people that supervise the absorption of cannabis as in Spanish clubs than to take cannabis in a street or in a park. To conclude, the Spanish government ought to definitely stop allowing the private consumption of cannabis.

Thank you again for your help.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-05-2011 21:44

Réponse: Correction/Cannabis clubs, pros and cons de may, postée le 29-05-2011 à 00:56:36 (S | E)

In my view, this gap in the Spanish law can leed to a lot of problems with consumers of cannabis. For instance, they can get into trouble with the police and it°s also very dangerous for their health because cannabis takes effect in your the brain sot hey besoin an auxiliary verb quickly become addicted and they may risk an overdose. I°ve got a friend whose job is to help drug addicts..idée manquant. He told me that more people will be tempted to test drugs due to the loophole in the law : (it could be) not only adults but also teenagers as they want to show off to people. However, parents can influence whether or not their children will take drugs by setting an example. Moreover, what helps drug addicts is to talk about..... so/and it's easier if they have a family membre (or if they have) some friends or workmates to support them. The problem is that sometimes their relatives get bored/pas de bon mot, overwhelmed peut-être because of their changes of mood and their aggressivity. My friend also told me that it was/temps présent really difficult to stop taking drugs so the consumers have to look for a gradual change in.... (because they can) pour éviter suffer/ing form from withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless, there is/plural two advantages in Spanish Cannabis club/pluriel : Firstly, it's better to educate people instead of trying and failing to prohibit cannabis consumption. Secondly, it's safer to take drugs with people that/autre pronom supervise the absorption of cannabis as in Spanish clubs rather than (to take cannabis) in a street or in a park. To conclude, the Spanish government ought to definitely/vient avant l'auxiliaire stop allowing/autre verbe the private consumption of cannabis.

(....) to be omitted.

Réponse: Correction/Cannabis clubs, pros and cons de dsmith, postée le 29-05-2011 à 04:25:04 (S | E)
Here are some corrections:

In my view, this gap in the Spanish law can leed (misspelled) to a lot of problems with consumers of cannabis. For instance, they can get into trouble with the police and it°s also very dangerous for their health because cannabis takes effect (this is awkward - change it) in your brain so they quickly become addicted and they may risk an overdose. I°ve got a friend whose job is to help drug addicts. He told me that more people will be tempted to test drugs due to the loophole in the law : it could be adults but also teenagers as they want to show off to people. However, parents can influence whether or not their children will take drugs by setting an example. Moreover, what helps drug addicts is to talk so it's easier if they have a family or if they have some friends or workmates to support them. The problem is that sometimes their relatives get bored (what do you mean?) because of their changes of mood and their aggressivity. My friend also told me that it was really difficult to stop taking drugs so the consumers have to look for a gradual change because they can suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless, there is (you need the third person plural) two advantages in Spanish Cannabis club : Firstly, it's better to educate people instead of trying and failing to prohibit cannabis consumption. Secondly, it's safer to take drugs with people that supervise the absorption (this word doesn't work well) of cannabis as in Spanish clubs than to take cannabis in a street or in a park. To conclude, the Spanish government ought to definitely stop allowing the private consumption of cannabis.


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