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BBC/ Pensioner poverty

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BBC/ Pensioner poverty
Message de moonlit-sunset posté le 30-05-2011 à 12:59:50 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody !

I've started transcribing the following video : Lien Internet

but I'm struggling with some passages.
Could you please help me fill in the blanks ?
Thank you in advance !

---Retranscription ---
They are meant to be golden years, but for many hundreds of thousands of people, retirement is a struggle.
65 year-old Tina Watkin gets by on a 130 pounds a week from her state pension and benefits.

"That's for a job, one part in the same day, in the same week, and I spent hard work, I have struggled with 3 children, my husband worked, of course, somehow I just think, you know, I've pursuited / I've pushed ?? ... and I seemed not to have a lot back at the end of it.

Key reasons to why XXX pensions XXX is living in relative poverty is, according to MPs, due to the complexity of the system. The latest figures show that up to 1.7 million people fail to claim benefits to which they are entitled.

"People don't know that the benefits exist, people don't realize they may be eligible for these benefits and therefore they don't claim them. I mean, if we did hard a hundred percent take-up of all the various welfare benefits that would be around, the poverty among the population will be substantially reduced."

Pension is mostly XXX to be allowed XXX better help themselves financially according to the Selec committee. Their reports describe the legislation which allows companies to retire workers at 64 whether they want to stop work or not as discriminatory and must be undid.

From XXX next year changes will enable more people to qualify for a full state pension and also say it'll make it easier for those who haven't worked full time to build up their whole their pension pot. However, MPs argue there's still much more that can be done to allow pensioners to enjoy their retirement.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-05-2011 13:23

Réponse: BBC/ Pensioner poverty de dsmith, postée le 30-05-2011 à 15:41:39 (S | E)

are meant
 to be golden years, but for many hundreds of
thousands of people, retirement is a struggle.
65 year-old Tina
Watkin gets by on a 130 pounds a week from her state pension and

first paragraph is all correct! Good Job

for a job, one part
 (she talks about how many jobs she
had at one time at a point in her life. You heard the word "for" –
but it is "four" – I've had four...) in the same day, in the same
week, and I spent (try to listen for the
word “been” here) hard work
, I have struggled ,you
, with 3 children, my husband worked, of course, somehow I
just think, you know, I've put
?? (I think you can understand
this now)... and I seem to have not
a lot back
 at the end of it.

Key reason as to why XXX
(These are numbers "x in y")
is living in relative poverty is, according to MPs, due to the
complexity of the system. The latest figures show that up to 1.7
million people fail to claim benefits to which they are

"People don't know that the benefits exist,
people don't realize they may be eligible for these benefits and
therefore they don't claim them. I mean, if
we did ha
ve a hundred
percent take-up of all the various welfare benefits that would be
around, the poverty amongst the xxxxx
(a 5 letter word here)
population will be substantially

Pension is ( no, this one word – the same as in the last sentence of the text)
mostly  (not mostly - “must be”)
allowed XX (a preposition here) better
help themselves financially according to the Select
committee. Their reports describe the legislation which allows
companies to retire workers at 64 (you put the wrong age – listen
again) whether they want to stop work or not as discriminatory and
must be (a form of the word “end”

From XXX 
(this is a month of the year) next year
changes (in the xxx) will enable more people to qualify for a full
state pension and  it'll also
make it easier for those who haven't worked full time to build
up their (xxx three letter word here) pension pot
. However,
MPs argue there's still much more that can be done to allow
pensioners to enjoy their retirement. 

Excellent! You did a very good job.  The older woman especially is hard to understand.


Réponse: BBC/ Pensioner poverty de moonlit-sunset, postée le 30-05-2011 à 17:44:45 (S | E)
Thank you very much dsmith, I'll try to listen to it again with your helpful indications.

Réponse: BBC/ Pensioner poverty de moonlit-sunset, postée le 30-05-2011 à 18:51:55 (S | E)
It really helped me thank you.

Here is the corrected version. I think I got it all except 2 missing passages :

" I've had four jobs [ONE PART ?] in the same day, in the same week, and it’s been hard work, I have struggled ,you know, with 3 children, my husband worked, of course, somehow I just think, you know, I've put such a lot in I seem to have not got a lot back at the end of it.

A key reason as to why one in five pensioners XXXXXX is living in relative poverty is, according to MPs, due to the complexity of the system. The latest figures show that up to 1.7 million people fail to claim benefits to which they are entitled.

"People don't know that the benefits exist, people don't realize they may be eligible for these benefits and therefore they don't claim them. I mean, if we did have a hundred percent take-up of all the various welfare benefits that would be around, the poverty amongst the older population will be substantially

Pensioners must be also allowed to better help themselves financially according to the Selec committee. Their reports describe the legislation which allows companies to retire workers at 65 whether they want to stop work or not as discriminatory and must be immediately ended.

From April next year changes in the system will enable more people to qualify for a full state pension and it'll also make it easier for those who haven't always worked full time to build up their own pension pot. However, MPs argue there's still much more that can be done to allow pensioners to enjoy their retirement.

Réponse: BBC/ Pensioner poverty de notrepere, postée le 31-05-2011 à 00:06:29 (S | E)

Here are the corrected words.

" I've had four jobs AT ONE POINT in the same day, in the same week, and it’s been hard work. I have struggled ,you know, with 3 children TO BRING UP. My husband worked, of course. Somehow I just think, you know, I've put such a lot in I seem to have not got a lot back at the end of it.

A key reason as to why one in five pensioners IS CLASSED AS living in relative poverty is, according to MPs, due to the complexity of the system. The latest figures show that up to 1.7 million people fail to claim benefits to which they are entitled.

"People don't know that the benefits exist, people don't realize THAT they may be eligible for THOSE benefits and therefore they don't claim them. I mean, if we did have a hundred percent take-up of all the various welfare benefits that would be around, the poverty amongst OUR older population will be substantially reduced."

Réponse: BBC/ Pensioner poverty de moonlit-sunset, postée le 31-05-2011 à 13:46:04 (S | E)
Thank you notrepere !

Réponse: BBC/ Pensioner poverty de dsmith, postée le 31-05-2011 à 15:16:30 (S | E)

It is a Select committee with a "t" on the end.

Good job!


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