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IELTS /practising

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IELTS /practising
Message de elasista posté le 03-06-2011 à 01:49:59 (S | E | F)

Please take a look at my essay and please correct it. I still have one day left before taking my IELTS test.


The chart shows the number of students who decided to improve their English in UK, in one of the Kaplan International College in the year’s 2009. At the first sight, we can immediately notice that the number of students who joined a college is higher during the summer holidays especially in August. The figures reached almost 350 students during this month. When we take a look to the graph, we can see that the number of students goes slightly up from January until April, then decrease until the next month. From May until September the number of student has increased with 200 students. After that, the numbers fall down until December.
According to this graph, it appears that January is the less appropriate month for students to go in UK in order to improve their skills in English. During this month, only 100 students went to a Kaplan international college. This is probably because they had to go to school in their own country.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-06-2011 07:35

Réponse: IELTS /practising de notrepere, postée le 03-06-2011 à 05:00:00 (S | E)

The chart shows the number of students who decided to improve their English in UK (1), in one of the Kaplan International College in the year’s 2009. At the first sight, we can immediately notice that the number of students who joined a college is higher during the summer holidays especially in August. The figures reached almost 350 students during this month. When we take a look to (2) the graph, we can see that the number of students goes slightly up from January until April, then decrease (3) until the next month. From May until September the number of student (4) has increased with 200 students. After that, the numbers fall down until December.
According to this graph, it appears that January is the less appropriate month for students to go in UK in order to improve their skills in English. During this month, only 100 students went to a Kaplan international college. This is probably because they had to go to school in their own country (4).**

(1) mal dit; il faut refaire; il faut un article avant UK
(2) mauvaise préposition
(3) accorde
(4) au pluriel

**Don't students have to go to school in other months? I don't think this could be the only reason. Maybe it's because people don't like to travel to the UK in January.

You are not describing the chart clearly. It is not clear whether the chart shows a gradual increase from May until September or the same amount during that time.

Modifié par notrepere le 03-06-2011 05:01

Réponse: IELTS /practising de willy, postée le 03-06-2011 à 08:25:28 (S | E)

"To go in UK" "To travel to the UK"

Compare and correct the wrong expression!

Réponse: IELTS /practising de elasista, postée le 03-06-2011 à 09:51:15 (S | E)
1: In the UK
in the year 2009, at first sight
2: at
3: I do not see the correct answer
4 students


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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