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Correction/Vegetarian meal

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Correction/Vegetarian meal
Message de abracadabra posté le 06-06-2011 à 20:50:13 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone !

I had to write a text about the vegetarian diet…
Can you help me and correct it, please ?

I choose this subject because my father would like to become a vegan, as he is at high risk for hypertension, but my mother doesn’t agree. As a matter of fact, this is the point of a lot of rows at home! My dad think that you don’t need to eat animals as they are fed on corn, letuce and stuff like that you just need to directly eat these vegetables. Moreover, he told me that some animals were nourished on flour comming from other annimals that had probably been ill. Thus, according to him, everybody ought to devour cereals, vegetables and vegan dishes as tofu. In addition, he think that it’s becoming the same with fishes : he have a friend who is working in a trout farming and he feed his trouts on prawns so you cook two animals when you want to eat a fish. On the contrary, my mother is a meat lover : she told me that she couldn’t live without beef , lamb and pork as it is full of iron. As a matter of fact, she want me to scoff a rump steack daily. In my view, a perfect menu would be pasta for every meal, but I know that it is not possible. However, I would rather not eat red meat, white meat or poultry anymore but as I’m allergic to fish I won’t become a vegan as I don’t want to ingest eggs and toffu everyday instead of cod and salmon.

I already thank you !

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-06-2011 20:52

Réponse: Correction/Vegetarian meal de notrepere, postée le 06-06-2011 à 21:03:14 (S | E)

I choose (1) this subject because my father would like to become a vegan, as he is at high risk for hypertension, but my mother doesn’t agree. As a matter of fact, this is the point (2) of a lot of rows at home! My dad think that you don’t need to eat animals as they are fed on corn, lettuce and stuff like that you just need to directly eat these vegetables. Moreover, he told me that some animals were nourished on flour comming from other annimals that had probably been ill. Thus, according to him, everybody ought to devour cereals, vegetables and vegan dishes such as tofu. In addition, he think (3) that it’s becoming the same with fishes : he have (3) a friend who is working in a trout farming and he feed (3) his trouts on prawns so you cook two animals when you want to eat a fish. On the contrary, my mother is a meat lover : she told me that she couldn’t live without beef , lamb and pork as it is full of iron. As a matter of fact, she want (3) me to scoff a rump steack (4) daily. In my view, a perfect menu would be pasta for every meal, but I know that it is not possible. However, I would rather not eat red meat, white meat or poultry anymore but as I’m allergic to fish I won’t become a vegan as I don’t want to ingest eggs and toffu everyday (5) instead of cod and salmon.

(1) au passé
(2) un autre mot 'sujet'?
(3) accorde
(4) je ne comprends pas cette expression
(5) deux mots

Réponse: Correction/Vegetarian meal de abracadabra, postée le 07-06-2011 à 19:54:55 (S | E)
thank you very much !
However, I don't know what to tell in spite of "the point of a lot of rows " Can you help me ?

Réponse: Correction/Vegetarian meal de notrepere, postée le 07-06-2011 à 20:04:29 (S | E)

un autre mot comme 'sujet'

The subject/topic of a lot of rows...

Réponse: Correction/Vegetarian meal de silky, postée le 07-06-2011 à 22:32:54 (S | E)
Pour le point 2, peut-être "and it causes a lot of rows" OR "it is responsible for a lot of rows"


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