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Correction /rapport stage

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Correction /rapport stage
Message de bastos17 posté le 07-06-2011 à 19:34:46 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,

Je dois faire un résumé de mon rapport de stage en anglais. Celui-ci porte sur le dimensionnement d'installations photovoltaïques.
Une âme charitable voudrait-elle me le corriger ?
Merci d'avance !!!

"Photovoltaic is always growing thanks to tax credit and that EDF must buy the produced electricity at an attractive price. Nevertheless, the recent price-cutting of photovoltaic electricity slows down the market. But the serious accident in Fukushima might turn the tide.

So, my work consisted in designing and sizing photovoltaic systems and to complete the required administrative procedures to create a photovoltaic field. For this, it is necessary to do studies in order to have the best performance and to respect the standards."

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-06-2011 20:09

Modifié par bastos17 le 07-06-2011 21:19

Réponse: Correction /rapport stage de gerondif, postée le 07-06-2011 à 22:02:49 (S | E)

"Photovoltaics is always (keeps + ing au sens de n'arrête pas de serait adéquat)growing thanks to tax credit(tax reduction) and that(ce "que" n'est relié à rien.because irait mieux) EDF must (has to indiquerait une obligation extérieure plus officielle) buy the produced electricity at an attractive price. Nevertheless, the recent price-cutting of photovoltaic electricity slows down the market,but the serious accident in Fukushima might turn the tide.

So, my work consisted in designing and sizing photovoltaic systems and to(rupture de construction, respectez le in de consisted in + ing) complete the required administrative procedures to create a photovoltaic field. For this(in order to do that), it is(pourquoi repasser au présent après un prétérit) necessary to do studies in order to have the best performance and to respect the standards."

Réponse: Correction /rapport stage de bastos17, postée le 07-06-2011 à 22:39:22 (S | E)
Donc si j'ai bien compris la correction, ça donne :

"Photovoltaic keeps growing thanks to tax reduction and because EDF has to buy the produced electricity at an attractive price. Nevertheless, the recent price-cutting of photovoltaic electricity slows down the market, but the serious accident in Fukushima might turn the tide. (ça veut bien dire que cela pourrait inverser la tendance, c'est bien ça?)

So, my work consisted in designing and sizing PV systems and completing the required administrative procedures to create a PV field. In order to do that, it was necessary to do studies in order to have the best performance and to respect the standards."

ps : PV c'est photovoltaic et merci de me consacrer du temps !!

Réponse: Correction /rapport stage de gerondif, postée le 07-06-2011 à 22:48:39 (S | E)
quand je double clique sur photovoltaic, le dictionnaire en ligne me dit que :

No translation found for 'photovoltaic'.

Did you mean?


qui donne donc:

photovoltaics: WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2011

photovoltaics (Electronique) photovoltaïque nf nf, nom féminin.

les sciences en anglais sont souvent en ics: physics, mathematics, electronics.....

Donc, je mettrais le substantif , le nom, comme sujet de la phrase (pour traduire notre "le photovoltaïque", adjectif substantivé) et ensuite j'utiliserais comme vous l'adjectif photovoltaic devant les noms comme energy,electricity.

Sinon, le texte corrigé me semble correct à l'échelle de mes compétences !

Réponse: Correction /rapport stage de bastos17, postée le 07-06-2011 à 23:43:29 (S | E)
D'accord, merci pour cette précision !!! Merci beaucoup !!!!

Réponse: Correction /rapport stage de notrepere, postée le 08-06-2011 à 04:03:26 (S | E)

'tax credit' is OK.

money that is taken off your total tax bill

Lien Internet

Essentially, as G says, a tax reduction, but the expression itself is OK.

Réponse: Correction /rapport stage de gerondif, postée le 08-06-2011 à 18:02:16 (S | E)
np is right, tax credit does mean "réduction d'impots", so you could have kept it.

Maybe you should mention that EDF is "the French Electricity Board" as an English native might never have heard of "EDF", just as SNCF would be the equivalent of BR (British Rail).


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