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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Compréhension orale/aide
Message de dvn44 posté le 05-07-2011 à 20:10:45 (S | E | F)

I've watched this video Lien Internet

Can someone help me to fill in the blanks I left (because I didn't understand several words, please?
Thanks a lot.

This desert landscape forms a part of the Navajo Nation Tribal Park which straddles the border between Utah an Arizona.The sandstones among the rocks of the plateau were laid two hundred and seventy million years ago. Many have been eroded to axtraordinary shapes vividly coloured by oxydes and manganese. what we see today is just one stage in unrelenting process. Given a few more million years evolution, they will all have disappeared. The amphitheater of Bryce Canyon displays an unravel range of patterns that wind and rain can create from rock. This maze of almost called Hoo Doo has been constructed by water and by the effect of heat and cold. This is a part of high Colorado plateau often backing hot by day and freezing by night. The cycle of freeze and thaw cracks the layers of sandstone and moonstone creating these intricate formations. The paleo Uth Indians who once lived on the rim of this canyon believed the Hoo Doos could be bad people who, as punishment, had been turned to rock.When European settlers first discovered this spectacle, they drew on their own methodology to name these curious formations : this is Thor's Hammer, rewarded by the Nordic God Thor.

Modifié par dvn44 le 05-07-2011 20:16

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-07-2011 22:05

Réponse: Compréhension orale/aide de aneth-estragon, postée le 05-07-2011 à 21:52:13 (S | E)
Hello, dvn !
This desert landscape forms a part of the Navajo
Nation Tribal Park which straddles the border between Utah and
Arizona.The sandstones among the and other  rocks of this plateau were laid two
hundred and seventy million years ago. Many have been eroded into
extraordinary shapes vividly coloured by oxydes of iron
and manganese. What we see today is just one stage in an unrelenting
process. Given a few more million years evolution, of erosion they will all have
disappeared. The amphitheater of Bryce Canyon displays an unravel unrivaled range
of patterns of what wind and rain can create from rock. This maze of colourful almost translucent
called Hoo Doo has been constructed sculptured by water and by the effect of heat
and cold. This is a part of high Colorado plateau often backing baking hot by
day and freezing cold by night. The cycle of freeze and thaw cracks the
layers of sandstone and moonstone creating these intricate formations.
The paleo Uth Indians who once lived on the rim of this canyon believed
the Hoo Doos could be bad people who, as punishment, had been turned to
rock.When European settlers first discovered this spectacle, they drew
on their own methodology mythology to name these curious formations : this is
Thor's Hammer, rewarded wielded by the Nordic God Thor.
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-07-2011 22:08

Modifié par aneth-estragon le 05-07-2011 22:11

Réponse: Compréhension orale/aide de sherry48, postée le 05-07-2011 à 23:08:29 (S | E)
Hello dvn44 and aneth-estragon,

I think Aneth-estragon's version is nearly perfect. There are only some minor differences in what I think I hear:

...of the patterns of what that ...
translucent pinnacles called Hoodoos has been sculptured ...
the layers of sandstone and moonlimestone...
The paleo Uth Payute Indians...
the Hoodoo
s could to be bad people ... wielded by the Nordic God of Thunder.

Modifié par sherry48 le 05-07-2011 23:09

Réponse: Compréhension orale/aide de dvn44, postée le 05-07-2011 à 23:25:37 (S | E)
Merci à vous, il ne devrait plus y avoir d'erreur maintenant .

Réponse: Compréhension orale/aide de notrepere, postée le 06-07-2011 à 02:24:23 (S | E)

Two small errors remain:

were laid down two hundred
part of the high Colorado plateau

Now I think it's perfect.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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