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Understanding issues

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Understanding issues
Message from dvn44 posted on 08-07-2011 at 23:33:52 (D | E | F)


Need some help please : when watching this video Lien Internet
, I stumbled over a few words in these sentences below,
Thanks a lot .
Best regards

".... Three hundred years ago, Vervet Monkeys were from west Africa with slaves serving the rum industry....

.... Just as we very taste for alcohol, so do the monkeys...

....But unlike us, monkeys that heavy made better leaders respected by other monkeys...."

Edited by lucile83 on 09-07-2011 07:20

Re: Understanding issues from jonquille, posted on 09-07-2011 at 02:40:08 (D | E)

You did very well with what you understood! Perhaps listening again and filling in the blanks with the few missing words will help. Need more clues? Let me know!

Three hundred years ago, Vervet Monkeys were _____ _______(2 words) from west Africa with slaves serving the rum industry....

.... Just as we vary ____ ____ (2 words) taste for alcohol, so do the monkeys...

....But unlike us, monkeys that ______ heavy _______ make better leaders respected by other monkeys....

Good luck!

Re: Understanding issues from dvn44, posted on 09-07-2011 at 09:56:38 (D | E)
hi !

Thank you Jonquille for your help !

And three cheers for Lucile83! I wish she had been my teacher !

Best regards.

Re: Understanding issues from may, posted on 11-07-2011 at 02:13:42 (D | E)

Is it true? It's so cute especially when they were drunk hmmm...However, I would like to add one missing word:

Three hundred years ago, Vervet Monkeys were from west Africa along with slaves serving the rum industry....

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Cours gratuits > Forum > English only


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