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Triple Word Challenge 2 (1)

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Triple Word Challenge 2
Message from jonquille posted on 16-07-2011 at 00:04:02

The French version of the game has helped me to improve my vocabulary , so I thought that it would be interesting to try it in English to help those learning English, and others! This “game” will have no winners initially, it will merely be a means of displaying your knowledge and talent! Therefore, the rules will start off much more basically because of my time constraints, but should the need arise and time permit, rules may be adjusted or added.


Goal: Very simple! Create a text using the 3 words that have been given to you. The text may be short (20/40 words) or longer (60/80 words).

1) Who can participate?: All members from beginner to expert.
2) Word usage: Try to keep the words in the form in which they are given. However, since this is a game to help you improve your English, some changes to the words will be accepted (letters may be added/changed to correspond to the subject, verbs may be changed from singular to plural). For native English speakers, no changes to the words will be allowed.
3) Language usage: Texts should be correct (grammar, spelling, punctuation). Please make the text appropriate to the users of this site (remember they are of all ages!). You will receive a private message if your text has errors.
4) Texts: Entries may be surrealistic or “creative” but they must make sense logically!
5) Game end: Each game will finish on the date noted in red. Words for succeeding games will be chosen randomly from the texts of those who have participated in the current game.
6) Text: To make the words easier to find in the texts, please put the game words in blue.

Important!! Closing date for this first game: Wednesday 6 PM in New Hampshire, USA
(Your first challenge...what time is it for you when it is 6 PM in New Hampshire? )

Your next challenge – to put these words (taken from the TWC #1 texts) in 1-4 sentences:
Noun: constitution (from lakata)
Adjective: naughty (from lucile83)
Verb: flickering (from aneth-estragon)

Edited by webmaster on 17-07-2011 11:43
Unfortunately, we don't know how long the text can be.
To help members play, from now on, games should contain the maximum size of replies. If it is not specified, the default size will be: 100 words.
Lien Internet

thank you

Edited by lucile83 on 21-07-2011 07:26
Please go to Game 3

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by lucile83, posted on 16-07-2011 at 08:06:35
Hello jonquille,

Thanks for TWC1
Here is my try for number 2...

President John Doe wanted to modify the Constitution in order to ban the use of naughty words, but there was a big storm while he was writing a rough draft. He had to keep on writing in the flickering light of a candle but the wind blew it out. The Constitution has never been modified.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by dolfine56, posted on 16-07-2011 at 15:17:56
Hello Jonquille,

That naughty boy was well-known in his little village to have a very bad and wrathful constitution. One day,as he was walking ,alone in the forest,he came face to face with a young bear and,at once,he became like the flickering flame of a candle. After that great fear, he became as gentle as a lamb .
Neither his parents nor the villagers recognized him.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by ng, posted on 16-07-2011 at 16:16:31
Hello Jonquille,

My dear Peter, for your birthday I prepared you a wonderfully naughty chocolate cake. Knowing your iron constitution, I’m sure that you can blow out all these flickering candles with one puff!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by violet91, posted on 17-07-2011 at 13:00:12

Hello to all ,

.....A worried man of weak constitution entered a dangerously crumbling down disused house to chase out a gang of naughty children who must be playing ' hide and seek' there , unaware of the risks. He went down the cellar stairs on his own: no trace of the rascals !No soul at all, actually ! He found himself in silence and darkness. He struck a match to see where he was going and in its flickering dancing light, there on the wall, , he caught sight of a huge black shape : it was a spider , a meter in diameter !..
It didn't take him a minute to rush back into the open air and enjoyed being safe in that deserted street.

...................................inspired by a text ( not a real fact !). Have a nice Sunday .

Sorry, dear lucile, I hadn't remembered the required number of words. This is a shorter version..but still a few extras!
And sorry , too : I've gone back to the first version (worse!...)Tuesday July 19th.3.15pm
Edited by lucile83 on 18-07-2011 07:50
It's OK now

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by lakata, posted on 17-07-2011 at 16:24:43
Hello jonquille!

He'd already spent years in jail.
Actually, he couldn't complain about the guard who was kind enough to play chess with him. But he was fed up with all that.
Therefore, despite his fragile constitution (sorry), and taking advantage of the fact that the guard was used to keeping only one eye on him, he began to dig a tunnel. He knew it was a naughty thing to do towards the guard, but he was so eager to be on his own and do crosswords!
After months, he caught at least a sight of the flickering light of freedom! Phew!

Edited by lakata on 17-07-2011 19:18 Many thanks to jonquille for her corrections

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by lakata, posted on 17-07-2011 at 16:31:36
Hum...I'm tiptoeing in...but I can't help asking this question : " Who on earth was stupid enough to put "constitution" in their post???"

Edited by lakata on 19-07-2011 10:36 Merci à Lucile pour sa correction aussi discrète qu'appréciée !

Edited by lucile83 on 19-07-2011 21:06
You're welcome but how could you say that in English? the English Only forum...

Edited by lakata on 20-07-2011 10:58
Deeply sorry! I've seen your note only now, Lucile...So, I would say: "Many thanks to Lucile whose correction is as discreet as appreciated."

Edited by lucile83 on 20-07-2011 11:04
Thank you!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by lucile83, posted on 17-07-2011 at 16:36:14
oops...perhaps a... naughty girl, who knows?

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by jonquille, posted on 17-07-2011 at 17:01:24
Good...afternoon! (Morning for me!)
Ah yes, constitution...that IS a good word, isn't it? But as is often said in movies, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!" The vocabulary I've seen in these posts has been wonderful... great "fodder" for the next round!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by ariane6, posted on 17-07-2011 at 18:29:51

Good morning jonquille! Hello to everyone !

The revolving lights stopped flashing and started flickering...then what?... a naughty alien with a quite strong constitution got out of the flying saucer...

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by aneth-estragon, posted on 17-07-2011 at 18:32:07
Hello, Jonquille!

First contact?
According to innumerable testimonies, a strange light was flickering over Newton, Kansas, yesterday around 11 PM. A reliable report confirms that an object, seemingly a spacecraft, silently landed in a nearby cornfield, and a frail being came down a ladder on two very slender legs, gazing at witnesses through huge black eyes. A woman dared to make a snide joke about its feeble constitution while her young son ran forth shouting "We ain't all as naughty as her!" The passenger and vessel took off, and vanished with a dazzling flash, not to be spotted again!

Hello Ariane
Must be an invasion of aliens!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by ariane6, posted on 17-07-2011 at 18:35:28
Hello aneth !

I can't believe it ...What a strange coincidence !

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by willy, posted on 17-07-2011 at 20:16:11

I just could not believe it! My eyes even started flickering when that naughty boy with a slender constitution told me he would help me with my bags to redeem himself!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by jonquille, posted on 19-07-2011 at 01:03:11
I thought I would have a try.... and under 100 words! Hope you enjoy it!

How naughty was he, who when the flickering candle he did spy,
Tipped it over and uttered a cry...Oh my!
The wax splashed onto a small table nearby,
Landing on the constitution whose ink was not yet dry.
Said the boy with a sigh,
I can't be caught in a lie,
So, escape, I must! Into the night I will fly...
And off he went...bye bye!!

Now, if at night you look to the sky,
Among the flickering stars way up high,
You may just see that mischievous guy,
Hiding amidst the constellation of Gemini!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by lucile83, posted on 19-07-2011 at 07:29:22
what a nice text jonquille!
I do like it.Thank you

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by clairefr, posted on 19-07-2011 at 11:29:16
Hello Jonquille,

I didn't know there was such a game on this website. So let's try :

Mary was fed up with studying. It was late, her eyes were blinking, the vanilla candle she lit to get rid of cooking odours was flickering. She was exhausted, she had to sleep and no matter how much she tried, she won't be able to memorize the Constitution until tomorrow. At this point, she didn't care if she got a bad mark. She went to bed but while she closed her eyes, she couldn't help feeling like a naughty girl who had disappointed her parents.

I'm sure there are many mistakes ... so sorry about it !
Thank you.

Edited by clairefr on 19-07-2011 17:40 Thank you Jonquille for your helpful corrections !

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by lakata, posted on 19-07-2011 at 14:56:18
Hello jonquille !

Time travel.

" No way to get fire tonight...herbs too damp !", the man moaned while adding a few naughty words I'm not allowed to write here. But by dint of rubbing his two pieces of flint together, he eventually succeeded in getting some sparks then a flickering flame. Actually enough for him who wanted absolutely to be able to read something he'd been told about by the people in the next cave over : it was a very nice poem whose constitution wasn't fragile at all () and which had been composed by our famous talented Jonquille !

Edited by lakata on 19-07-2011 19:50
Many thanks to Jonquille for her suggestions.


Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by benha, posted on 19-07-2011 at 20:44:57
Hello all,

What's a fantastic idea !!
I will try with that :
The world constitution needs the support of everyone to ban those naughty actions and to erase all this war, which are flickering all over the world.

Is it correct please ?

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by aneth-estragon, posted on 20-07-2011 at 10:49:19
Hello everyone !

Knock knock!
-Ahem... Am I interrupting anything? I'm sorry, I thought I saw a flickering light in here... May I come in?
-Of course! But be careful not to tread on the daffodils! That would be naughty, they're precious to us!
-Oops, sorry! Why, they're gorgeous!
-You bet they are! They are the very reason for our gathering here.
-Tell me, how come nobody has ever heard of the constitution of this club?
-Well, it's quite new actually, but feel free to join in!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 2 by jonquille, posted on 21-07-2011 at 04:58:43
Another game has come to an end. I admit, I am very impressed at the level of English that I have seen! A big welcome to the members who have recently “discovered” this game and have joined us here. I am also amused that words from the French version of the game seem to have “snuck” into the texts here, and the words from here have appeared in that forum. (Yes, I'm “guilty” of doing that, as well!) Keep up the great writing, everyone...see you in Game 3!

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