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Correction/Passive form

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Correction/Passive form
Message from dlsur posted on 17-07-2011 at 11:46:17 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone.

I am new on this forum; I've been looking for a site where to learn English and to find exercises.
I'm attending an E.O.I in my city.
My first message on the forum is because I need a correction about an exercise .
Here it is ....

- Put each verb in brackets into a suitable passive tense :

a/ I'm sorry, madam , but this carpet ( already sell )____________________ .

The Carpet has already been sold.

b/ The old house on the corner (Knock down )_________________ last year.

The old house was knocked down last year.

C/ When exactly ( John give )_______________his prize? .

When has John been given his prize ?.

d/ Most people agree that America ( not discover )_____________ by Christopher Columbus.

Most people think that , America wasn't discovered by Christopher Columbus.

e/ All complaints about products (deal with )_____________ by our customer services department.

All complaints will have been dealt with the customer services department.

f/ Police confirmed that the murder weapon ( since discover )__________in a nearby lake .

The murder weapon has since been discovered in a nearby lake.

g/ It (announce)________________yesterday that the government has decided not to raise income tax.

The government has been announced not to raise income tax.

h/ Good news! I ( ask )_____________ to take over as the new managing director .

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

i/ I don't believe that this play ( write ) __________________ by Shakespeare.

He believe that this play wasn't written by Shakespeare.

j/ Ann really likes (invite)_________________ to dinner parties.

------------------------------------------------------------ .

I can't do h and j, and I can't say that the rest is ok.
Thanks for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 17-07-2011 11:53

Re: Correction/Passive form from violet91, posted on 17-07-2011 at 12:24:49 (D | E)
--Hello , lsur

- e) are dealt ( généralité) or will be dealt .
- h ) am asked / have( just) been asked ..
-i ) he believes ( woops !!)
- )Ann likes being ( gerund of ' to be ') invited ...

Have a nice Sunday !

Edited by lucile83 on 23-07-2011 13:28
English only forum...

Re: Correction/Passive form from may, posted on 17-07-2011 at 15:15:22 (D | E)
Good morning,

I follow up Violet then

- Put each verb in brackets into a suitable passive tense (there is no such tense in English, we call it passive voice (the Voice) , but it's just a common error, I think

b/ The old house on the corner (Knock down )_________________ last year.

The old house was knocked down last year. OK

C/ When exactly ( John give )_______________his prize? .

When has John been given his prize ?. OK

d/ Most people agree that America ( not discover )_____________ by Christopher Columbus.

Most people think that , America wasn't discovered by Christopher Columbus. OK except there is no Comma after That

f/ Police confirmed that the murder weapon ( since discover )__________in a nearby lake .

The murder weapon has since been discovered in a nearby lake. OK

g/ It (announce)________________yesterday that the government has decided not to raise income tax.

The government has been announced not to raise income tax.
It was announced yesterday that the government has decided not to raise income tax.
or, It was announced yesterday that the income tax has not been raised.

(However,...wait for the other suggestions)

i/ I don't believe that this play ( write ) __________________ by Shakespeare.

He believe (see Violet) that this play wasn't written by Shakespeare.

I suggest: I don't believe that this play was written by Shakespeare.

Happy Sunday.

Edited by lucile83 on 17-07-2011 15:22
#a: correction deleted as the present perfect has to be used.

Edited by may on 17-07-2011 15:34
#a but Lucile, the action "sell" can be considered as already been completed then...

Edited by lucile83 on 17-07-2011 16:15
#a the word 'already'needs the present perfect especially when there is no date.

Edited by may on 17-07-2011 16:28
Well, you're right Lucile

Re: Correction/Passive form from sherry48, posted on 17-07-2011 at 19:37:20 (D | E)
Hello dlsur & everybody,
The corrections all look good, but for C, I would say--When exactly was John given... Sherry

Re: Correction/Passive form from lucile83, posted on 17-07-2011 at 20:57:54 (D | E)
Yes sherry you are right!
'when' + past tense.

Re: Correction/Passive form from willy, posted on 18-07-2011 at 09:25:21 (D | E)

"He believes it wasn't written by S." : this is not the usual way of using verbs like "believe" in negative sentences.

When negative ideas are introduced with "believe, imagine, suppose, think", those verbs are used in the negative form, not the second verb, like in French :

- I don't think he's right.
- I don't believe her husband is at home at the moment.

Re: Correction/Passive form from dlsur, posted on 18-07-2011 at 12:08:48 (D | E)
Hello everyone,

I want to thank everyone for the corrections of my mistakes and the explanations about grammar.
Thanks again .

Edited by lucile83 on 18-07-2011 12:12

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