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Triple Word Challenge 5

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Triple Word Challenge 5
Message from jonquille posted on 03-08-2011 at 00:55:42 (D | E | F)

The French version of the game has helped me to improve my vocabulary , so I thought that it would be interesting to try it in English to help those learning English, and others! This “game” will have no winners initially, it will merely be a means of displaying your knowledge and talent! Therefore, the rules will start off much more basically because of my time constraints, but should the need arise and time permit, rules may be adjusted or added.


Goal: Very simple! Create a text using the 3 words that have been given to you. The text may be short (20-40 words) or longer (60-80 words).

1) Who can participate?: All members from beginner to expert.
2) Word usage: Try to keep the words in the form in which they are given. However, since this is a game to help you improve your English, some changes to the words will be accepted (letters may be added/changed to correspond to the subject, verbs may be changed from singular to plural). For native English speakers, no changes to the words will be allowed.
3) Language usage: Texts should be correct (grammar, spelling, punctuation). Please make the text appropriate to the users of this site (remember they are of all ages!). You will receive a private message if your text has errors.
4) Texts: Entries may be surrealistic or “creative” but they must make sense logically!
5) Game end: Each game will finish on the date noted in red. Words for succeeding games will be chosen randomly from the texts of those who have participated in the current game.
6) Text: To make the words easier to find in the texts, please put the game words in blue.

Important!! Closing date for this game: Sunday, 6 PM in New Hampshire, USA
(Your first challenge...what time is it for you when it is 6 PM in New Hampshire? )

Your next challenge – to put these words (taken from the TWC #4 texts) in 1- 5 sentences:

Noun: memories (from hortensia)
Adjective: wild (from ariane6)
Verb: rack (from clairefr)

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lucile83, posted on 03-08-2011 at 10:13:55 (D | E)
Hello jonquille

Here is my try,thank you!

Last week,in the forest,people found a young boy who used to live like a wild animal.He is said to have few memories of the previous months he spent there. Scientists are now racking their brains, trying to find out how he could survive in such bad conditions.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from dolfine56, posted on 03-08-2011 at 11:56:00 (D | E)
Hello, Jonquille, Lucile, and everybody

In 1799, in France, a wild-ten year old boy is glimpsed in Tarn. Two years later,he is caught and examined: he doesn't speak and lives as an animal. He has no memories and, when Abbé Bonnaterre, then Doctor Itard want to take care of him, he goes to rack and ruin. (cf "the wild child" F.Truffaut.)

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from violet91, posted on 03-08-2011 at 23:41:11 (D | E)
Hello to the three of you and the coming ones ,

Thank you for being so lenient to me but hardly any net overhere !

I was born at Grandmother's in Limousin, near where Richard 'Lion's Heart' died , actually. Bound to be keen on English !
I adored her since the beginning...
No need to rack my brains to tell you one of my infancy's memories.

I was about two , a toddler then to look closely after . Grandma used to gather her two daughters and families every July. Once,everybody was sitting, chatting and enjoying the sunny summer afternoon on the front terrace facing the house.
While Granny was sewing indoors as usual - she had such an attractive machine for the little monkey ( that) I was -, I myself decided to disobey her. I put on her tempting gardening clogs despite her frequent warnings of the danger . My little feet were lost in those gigantic loose ' flat boats'...Why was a silly tin basin' forgotten' on the lowest step of the three leading to the wide-open front door ?
There,I stumbled and tumbled down, with my face right into the awful stinging mixture ! The cruel silly entire company of grown-ups burst out giggling and laughing at me sneezing ,coughing, spitting ,screaming and plunged into tragic tears.What a performance ! I was wild with fury and shame from the bottom of my heart !

Yet, a different adult did exist : my darling ' Mémé ' was my rescuer .She rushed down and helped me up . Within a minute, I found myself wiped, dried, safe, held tight and comforted in so protective caring arms.
That is just an example of how our mutual love could develop ! Thank you for that 'endless' tenderness , dearest Grandma !....

PS : You are right , dear Lucile and Jonquille . I tried it shorter but you know I am writing the first page of my present novel ! A hearbreak to cut anything off with a carving knife ! Thank you , all . I am ' hors competition'...

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from ariane6, posted on 04-08-2011 at 14:41:34 (D | E)
Hello jonquille! hello everybody!

Only a few allowed words, if you agree, to tell you that after reading Violet's (quite a few over 180 words!) wild memories, I am racked!

Edited by ariane6 on 04-08-2011 23:34
Thank you Jonquille!

Hello again !

Even after many years, violent sobs still rack my whole body when I recall memories of getting a puncture in the South African bush where many wild animals roam, and having to change a wheel at nightfall ...

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lucile83, posted on 04-08-2011 at 18:09:16 (D | E)

violet's wild memories are racking my mind.
wild violet's memories are racking my mind.

I can't write a shorter sentence,sorry! ...yes of course I can!
wild memories rack my mind.

   OK  I quit....

I must say violet tried to shorten her text, but in fact she made it longer and it's not finished I believe!it is 200 words long so far...the culprit is her i-phone I guess...... it keeps on writing while she is lying on the beach!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lakata, posted on 04-08-2011 at 19:26:43 (D | E)
Good evening everyone!

To be honest, dear Jonquille, I'd say I'm not particularly wild about your choice of the verb rack...
I'm not used to dealing with it and I've been struggling for hours to use it, you know... I'd have preferred a more "comfortable" one, like...let me think about get, for example!
Nevertheless, I hope to remember it or, in other words, I hope it will belong to my memories, even if not the best ones!
P.S. I feel of course so exhausted now that it's high time I racked out !
Edited by lakata on 05-08-2011 09:08
Despite "everything", thank you "dear" Jonquille...

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from jonquille, posted on 04-08-2011 at 20:20:56 (D | E)
Hi everyone!

I racked my brains and racked up hours trying to figure out what memories possessed me to choose such a wild verb as rack ...but I'm not wracked with guilt...because I know we'll all learn from this “experience!”

And, I'll be responding to all your wonderful sentences, shortly. As for Violet's story...well...that may take longer.....

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lakata, posted on 05-08-2011 at 10:35:31 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille!

You must be right, Lucile, about i-phone...and that's why I refuse to get one.
I hate the thought of letting this thing run wild and write indiscreetly some memories I'd rather keep hidden from you all. At this idea, I can't help being racked with some rancour...
P.S.Sorry to feel compelled to write such silly things only to put your nasty verb rack in my text, Jonquille!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from hortensia, posted on 05-08-2011 at 11:05:47 (D | E)
Jenna didn't have to rack her mind for a long time to put a name on the man in front of her : his brown, wild beard and clear blue eyes were still vividly standing out in her memories.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from matou94, posted on 05-08-2011 at 17:32:44 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille and Everybody

Thanks a lot for this new TWC

Here is my sentence

In our memories, we remind ourselves that this horse was quite wild, and we couldn't consider to select him for our races, but he has been tamed, and now he racks up a lot of victories in show jumping !

Edited by matou94 on 06-08-2011 15:02

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lakata, posted on 05-08-2011 at 17:40:08 (D | E)
It's me again, dear Jonquille..

Coincidentally, one of my memories has just come back to my mind. A childhood one .
I was strolling with my father in a rather wild forest when we heard a strange noise coming from the top of the trees, one that Dad had never heard before. "It can't be anything else but a bird", my father said, "but, which one?"...I remember well the very time when the bird did:"Rack! Rack! Rack!"
Does somebody have any piece of information about this animal? If yes, please, let me know!
P.S. And only to make dear Lucile react : "Trois rack d'un coup...Qui dit mieux ???"

Edited by lucile83 on 05-08-2011 17:56
Oh dear,what a naughty girl!! some French words here!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from violet91, posted on 06-08-2011 at 12:53:35 (D | E)

Hello dear all ,

Taking the mickey of me ?!!!

Lakata , did it do [ rK] or [ rk] ? In that deep wild forest you were strolling in with your dear Dad, it must have been a Welsh or Scottish duckling , calling you for a game...or Billy ...the hobbit !!

Nice day !

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lakata, posted on 06-08-2011 at 13:38:37 (D | E)
I'm taking the mickey out of anybody...

The bird did...I'm trying to remember..Hm...the two!. Depending of course on where the wind blew from...

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from icyy, posted on 06-08-2011 at 13:57:22 (D | E)
Once upon a time,there was a wild mammoth in mystery.No one has ever seen it,but only i.
It was always in my memories.My parents were attacked by it.And it racked my parents.They were in an agony.
And the scene was right in front of me......

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from violet91, posted on 06-08-2011 at 18:34:19 (D | E)
Hello ! Me again works here ( seafront and ' hairdresser's ' )

Those crowds of dolmens and other impressive erected stones everywhere in this area -remains and memories of a mysterious past , may be fond of spiders , but no doubt they keep away from all kinds of (cob)webs !
I shall be respectul when I visit the site and apologize to the ' spirits' who rack my nerves and make me wild with excitement, because of my shocking modern addiction !

Amitiés à toutes Love to everybody

Edited by lucile83 on 06-08-2011 19:41
English only forum....please!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from matou94, posted on 06-08-2011 at 21:14:51 (D | E)
Hello Violet and Lakata,
Thank you for your interesting messages
Good evening

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from jonquille, posted on 07-08-2011 at 03:58:42 (D | E)
Good morning....

Now about that bird, maybe I've identified it! Perhaps it's a crow that stole a tennis ball? Here, crows say "caw, caw!" But maybe you heard one that got the tennis ball stuck...and it came out ", rack, rack!"

Don't laugh too hard!

Edited by jonquille on 07-08-2011 03:59

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lucile83, posted on 07-08-2011 at 08:18:27 (D | E)
ROFL ...

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lakata, posted on 07-08-2011 at 09:27:43 (D | E)
Good morning to all!

I must say that amongst the numerous suggestions I have got so far concerning "my" bird, Jonquille's one is the most logical and, above all, the most ornithological one. In brief, the one I was waiting for.

So, thank you dear Jonquille. The more the time flies, the more special you get to me, I'll say with a tearful voice...So tearful that it is even preventing me from laughing, which is a great pity, isn't it???

and so on...

P.S. Thank you to you both Violet and Matou!
(Violet,I think my "duckling" might rather be an Irish one...)

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from welcome, posted on 07-08-2011 at 10:19:53 (D | E)
Good morning.
It's my first try here, sorry if my sentence is wrong.
Thank you for this game.

It makes me wild to see you being racked with pain by bringing back memories.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from aneth-estragon, posted on 07-08-2011 at 11:15:05 (D | E)
Hello to every body!
And a special nice and friendly hello to mocking-bird-Lakata, along with my apology for what follows

It's really strange to see so many people rack their brains for a solution that's standing right under their noses!
No? Listen again:
Yes, that's it! "Rack rack rack rack rack!"
That was no wild bird, but just Lakata's laughter echoing in the forest of her distant childhood that got entangled with other memories!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from lakata, posted on 07-08-2011 at 14:59:30 (D | E)
Hi again !

Thank you dear Aneth-Estragon for your nice and friendly hello. You didn't have to apologize for what followed, you know.
Nevertheless, there is more than a slight misunderstanding, I am afraid :

In fact, "rack" can't be what I do when laughing because I never laugh. It is an incurable illness not as rare as it seems to be. As far as my memories go back, I've been suffering from it. I belong to an association of people like me where we have noticed that we are getting more and more numerous. We meet every Sunday in order to get bored all together. Today, the other members tried to help me to find a place to put "wild" in my post, which was hard work. It is one of our activities.
I know this story is a sad one and I am deeply sorry to have had to tell it you. But that's life.

Edited by lakata on 08-08-2011 11:53

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from jonquille, posted on 07-08-2011 at 21:22:10 (D | E)
TWC Headline!
Wild memories rack brains of many!
or my “two-cents worth!”...and kept to 80 words!)

Wild animals, a 10-year old boy,
Newly-tamed, prize-winnning horses, oh joy!
Tripping and falling, no fun...
Grammy's love, like the warmth of the sun.
A wild mammoth, a bizarre bird,
Only some of what I've heard!
That verb!... Our brains, it did rack!
Yet, for use of the words, no lack!
Poor lakata with “no laughter disease”
Sunday is too sad, meet Tuesday... please!
These are our memories for all to see,
Wonder what the new words will be???

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from tilly, posted on 08-08-2011 at 11:53:12 (D | E)
Hiya Jonquille i managed to get logged in ... and so far not been thrown out...hehehe
here goes with my first attempt.

i didnt know this word rack
i tried to think back
amongst my memories
even looked in my diaries
it was making me very wild
but now i've got it filed

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from tilly, posted on 08-08-2011 at 13:14:14 (D | E)
amended.... apologies for my incorrect grammar...

I didnt know this word rack.
I tried to think back
amongst my memories,
I even looked in my diaries.
It was making me very wild
but now I've got it filed.

Edited by lucile83 on 08-08-2011 19:17
There was still one 'i' left

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from jonquille, posted on 08-08-2011 at 17:16:56 (D | E)
Ahhh tilly! Your first poem was in the style used by e.e. cummings -- no capital letters or punctuation!

Perhaps you're already a famous poet, but we don't know it?

Edited by jonquille on 08-08-2011 17:17

Re: Triple Word Challenge 5 from jonquille, posted on 08-08-2011 at 18:33:51 (D | E)
TWC #5 is finished....check out TWC #6!

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