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Scrambled words '130'

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Scrambled words '130'
Message de marit64 posté le 21-09-2011 à 23:28:27 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float for keeping a person afloat. ..... (kfjtlc-eeai)
2- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (dbeag)
3- A field of grass, usually on low ground. ..... (deomwa)
4- A framework of iron bars. ..... (rdig)
5- A shellfish with two shells joined together, used as food. ..... (lmca)
6- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (ifn)
7- The tenth part of a dollar. ..... (mdei)
8- A kind of tall, stiff grass growing on wet or marshy ground. ..... (deer)
9- A synonym of "gushing". ..... (tbaerxune)
10- The joint by means of which a door is fastened to a door-frame, a lid is fastened to a box etc and on which the door, lid etc turns when it opens or closes. ..... (nehgi)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a nice week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '130' de brettdallen, postée le 21-09-2011 à 23:45:41 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
You're telling me it's Wednesday and I really need this to keep my bearings, that's terrible, isn't it? Time's flying these days...Now I've got to to keep floating and for that I've got to make it perfect! So let's go!

1- A sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float for keeping a person afloat. ..... (kfjtlc-eeai) LIFE JACKET
2- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (dbeag) BADGE
3- A field of grass, usually on low ground. ..... (deomwa) MEADOW
4- A framework of iron bars. ..... (rdig) GRID
5- A shellfish with two shells joined together, used as food. ..... (lmca) CLAM
6- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (ifn) FIN
7- The tenth part of a dollar. ..... (mdei) DIME
8- A kind of tall, stiff grass growing on wet or marshy ground. ..... (deer) REED
9- A synonym of "gushing". ..... (tbaerxune) EXUBERANT
10- The joint by means of which a door is fastened to a door-frame, a lid is fastened to a box etc and on which the door, lid etc turns when it opens or closes. ..... (nehgi) HINGE

I made it, I guess...
Thanks again for the job!

Réponse: Scrambled words '130' de flowermusic, postée le 22-09-2011 à 00:27:21 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float for keeping a person afloat. ..... (kfjtlc-eeai) life-jacket
2- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (dbeag) badge
3- A field of grass, usually on low ground. ..... (deomwa) meadow
4- A framework of iron bars. ..... (rdig) grid
5- A shellfish with two shells joined together, used as food. ..... (lmca) clam
6- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (ifn) fin
7- The tenth part of a dollar. ..... (mdei) dime
8- A kind of tall, stiff grass growing on wet or marshy ground. ..... (deer) reed
9- A synonym of "gushing". ..... (tbaerxune) exuberant
10- The joint by means of which a door is fastened to a door-frame, a lid is fastened to a box etc and on which the door, lid etc turns when it opens or closes. ..... (nehgi) hinge

Have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '130' de headway, postée le 22-09-2011 à 07:57:19 (S | E)
Good morning,

and Happy Arthur's Day!

1. A Life Jacket.
2. A Badge.
3. A Meadow.
4. Grid.
5. A Clam.
6. Fin.
7. A Dime.
8. Reed.
9. Exuberant.
10. Hinge.

Marit and talk next week


Réponse: Scrambled words '130' de dolfine56, postée le 22-09-2011 à 10:30:23 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit here we are...

1- A sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float for keeping a person afloat. ..... (kfjtlc-eeai)life jacket
2- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (dbeag)badge
3- A field of grass, usually on low ground. ..... (deomwa)meadow
4- A framework of iron bars. ..... (rdig)grid
5- A shellfish with two shells joined together, used as food. ..... (lmca)clam
6- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (ifn)fin
7- The tenth part of a dollar. ..... (mdei)dime
8- A kind of tall, stiff grass growing on wet or marshy ground. ..... (deer)reed
9- A synonym of "gushing". ..... (tbaerxune)exuberant
10- The joint by means of which a door is fastened to a door-frame, a lid is fastened to a box etc and on which the door, lid etc turns when it opens or closes. ..... (nehgi)hinge

Thanks a lot, Marit, enjoy that week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '130' de nina80, postée le 22-09-2011 à 16:32:03 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1 - life jacket
2 - badge
3 - meadow
4 - grid
5 - clam
6 - fin
7 - dime
8 - reed
9 - exuberant
10- hinge

have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '130' de ng, postée le 23-09-2011 à 22:27:28 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,

1- A sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float for keeping a person afloat. ..... (kfjtlc-eeai) life-jacket
2- A mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc. ..... (dbeag) badge
3- A field of grass, usually on low ground. ..... (deomwa) meadow
4- A framework of iron bars. ..... (rdig) grid
5- A shellfish with two shells joined together, used as food. ..... (lmca) clam
6- A thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc. ..... (ifn) fin
7- The tenth part of a dollar. ..... (mdei) dime
8- A kind of tall, stiff grass growing on wet or marshy ground. ..... (deer) reed
9- A synonym of "gushing". ..... (tbaerxune) exuberant
10- The joint by means of which a door is fastened to a door-frame, a lid is fastened to a box etc and on which the door, lid etc turns when it opens or closes. ..... (nehgi) hinge

Have a nice week !

Réponse: Scrambled words '130' de eos17, postée le 24-09-2011 à 14:46:25 (S | E)
hello dear marit

1- Life jacket
2- Badge
Have a nice week !


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