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Mail / to a CEO

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Mail / to a CEO
Message de pluto posté le 24-09-2011 à 22:47:14 (S | E | F)

I must write an e mail in English for a CEO to explain why invest in New Zealand.
In this mail I have to present advantages and drawbacks and present the firm.
I have to present the company I have chosen and the nationality.
Can you please correct my mistakes?
Thanks for your help .

dear mr Price,
i am writing this in reference to our demand why invest in new zealand.
our software company has already passed the development phase, for increase this development i think it's the most appropriate time for open a subsidiary in new zealand. we can found an excellent skill base at very competitive cost and it'a such an important area for a company like ours to set up in this country

why in new zealand , because it's an ideal place for investors and we also don't have a problems with the language,in fact english is new zealend first language.
we can deal with them, make contracts and have good relation with customers. that the very good point for doing business .
moreover in this country we don't have to face politics and economics problems :
- new zealand has a good position to face the global storm,
- and it's the least corrupt country in the world

even if new zealand is not as low cost as some other country, it offers a very good quality of life and a better culture. furthermore we can make trade with country like china, japan and other. it could permit to make trade with them and take a good place in economic market.
it's not difficult for foreigners like ours to do business, indeed new zealand is first to protecting investors and second for ease at doing business.

New Zealand has developed telecommunications infrastructure and also has Private-sector for research and development.i think it's a good opportunity to invest in new zealand because it will permit to increase our business in international level and also it will permit a favorable exchange with some other country. in fact new zealand offers grants to assits new company and it surely will be helpful.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know.

Edited by lucile83 on 24-09-2011 22:49+ forum
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-09-2011 09:31
Voir texte amélioré plus bas (avec majuscules)

Réponse: Mail / to a CEO de lucile83, postée le 24-09-2011 à 22:57:32 (S | E)

Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît revoir votre texte en ajoutant les majuscules nécessaires?
I au lieu de i/début de phrase/nom de pays etc.

Cela donnera peut-être envie à des membres du site de vous corriger.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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