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Correction/ pour oral

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Correction/ pour oral
Message de sisi_babou posté le 12-10-2011 à 19:56:08 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je passe dans quelque temps un oral en anglais. Celui-ci est basé sur la compétence créative. J’ai donc une petite partie d’un travail de groupe à réaliser.
Serait-il possible de corriger ma réalisation s'il vous plaît?
Merci à vous ;)

Good morning,

As Michèle said previously, the creativity is in daily life. Some poeple are more creative than others. But everyone may improve his creative skills.

For improve the creative skills, to work itself is necessary. It has aim :

- To develop natural ability to generate a new
- to get rid things that block us
- To learn to organize the right condition for improve the creative skills

The first of all, the things that block us are :

- Afraid of making mistakes
- To believe that dreaming is childish
- To believe « i don’t be creative »
- Afraid of to working in a team
- To believe to think is a waste of time

For improve there are several ways

- To invite customers for make an brainstorming
- To play with funny toys in the office when you are stuck
- To write as much as ideas that possible in five minutes
- To make one picture wall for to inspire
- To make a suggestion box

In the company the brainstorming is frenquently used.
The brainstorming is technique that aim to produce a maximum of ideas for understand or to solve a problem.

Why use it ? The creativity of thegroup of poeple is much higher than a single poeple.

This method imposes one research in tree time :

The first is  Definition that the topic of the brainstorming and setting-up the group

The group included ten persons maximum. This phase can be achieved by means of tool « WWWWHW »
 Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

The second phase is  the research of ideas
And thirdly is  evaluation of ideas that is to take the ideas most relevant

This third phase may be performed using the tool cause and effect Diagrams and five Why tool.
This diagram look likes of a fish bone that is composed of main trunck which is indicated after studying the effect of five field and corresponding that five families of causes :
Manpower, environement, material, method, means

Often, the cause is that the consequence of others dysfunction. For to put in a prominent position the causes of the problem it must asking the question five times « Why »

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-10-2011 21:00

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de gerondif, postée le 12-10-2011 à 20:20:29 (S | E)

il y a beaucoup trop d'erreurs au delà des deux premières lignes:
une chose qui vous bloque :

traduire "pour":

for + nom: this letter is for Jenny.
to + verbe: pour exprimer un but: I use a pen to write (pour écrire)

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sherry48, postée le 13-10-2011 à 02:52:03 (S | E)
Hello sisi_babou. Start with these verbs. Some should be infinitives, others don't agree with the subject or are used incorrectly.

For improve the creative skills, to work itself is necessary.

- To develop natural ability to generate a new
- to get rid of things that block us
- To learn to organize the right condition for improve the creative skills

- To believe « i don’t be creative »
- Afraid of to working in a team
- To believe to think is a waste of time

For improve there are several ways

- To invite customers for make an brainstorming
- The brainstorming is technique that aim to produce a maximum of ideas for understand or to solve a problem.

And thirdly is  evaluation of ideas that is to take the ideas most relevant

This diagram look likes of a fish bone that is composed of
Often, the cause is that the consequence of others dysfunction. For to put in a prominent position the causes of the problem it must asking the question five times « Why »

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sisi_babou, postée le 13-10-2011 à 10:48:46 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci à vous pour vos réponses...
je vais tenter de corriger!

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-10-2011 16:22

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sisi_babou, postée le 13-10-2011 à 18:43:53 (S | E)

j'ai essayé de corriger mon texte mais n'est je ne suis vraiment pas sûre de moi ... quelqu'un peut-il "re"jeter un coup d'oeil?
Merci à vous pour votre aide.


As Michèle said previously, the creativity is in daily life. Some poeple are more creative than others. But everyone may improve his creative skills.

To improve the creative skills, to work itself is necessary. It has aim :

- To develop natural ability to generate a new
- To get rid of things that block us
- To learn to organize the right condition to improve the creative skills

The first of all, the things that block us are :

- Afraid of making mistakes
- To believe that dreaming is childish
- To believe « i don’t be creative »
- Afraid of to work in a team
- To believe to reflect is a waste of time

To improve there are several ways

- To invite customers for to do an brainstorming
- To play with funny toys in the office when you are stuck
- To write as much as ideas that possible in five minutes
- To make one picture wall for to inspire
- To make a suggestion box

In the company the brainstorming is frenquently used.
The brainstorming is technique that which aim to produce a maximum of ideas for understand or to solve a problem.

Why use it ? The creativity of the group of poeple is much higher than a single poeple.

This method imposes one research in tree time :

The first is  Definition that the topic of the brainstorming and setting-up the group

The group included ten persons maximum. This phase can be achieved by means of tool « WWWWHW »
 Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

The second phase is  the research of ideas
And thirdly is  evaluation of ideas so to take them most relevant

This third phase using the tool cause and effect Diagrams and five Why tool.
This diagram resembles of a fish bone that is composed of main trunck which is indicated studying the effect and of five field and corresponding that five families of causes :

Labour, environement, material, method, means
(1er diagram)

Often, the cause is that the consequence of others dysfunction. For to give rise to the causes of the problem it must asking the question five times « Why »
(2ème diagram)

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-10-2011 19:34
Message fusionné avec le sujet initial.Merci de suivre votre sujet et de ne pas ouvrir un nouveau topic si vous ne changez pas de sujet.

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sisi_babou, postée le 16-10-2011 à 16:37:22 (S | E)
Désolé d'avoir mis le texte dans un nouveau sujet mais ,comme je le prévoyais, personne ne répond si ce dernier est remis dans le même sujet...

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de lucile83, postée le 16-10-2011 à 18:35:50 (S | E)

Inexact car les sujets remontent.Patientez, les membres du site ont leurs propres occupations

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de zodiac97500, postée le 16-10-2011 à 19:47:19 (S | E)
Bonsoir sisi babou

Je vais essayer de vous aider avec mes petits moyens

As Michèle said previously, the creativity is in daily life voulez vous dire : (travail à plein temps ? ). Some people are more creative than others.

But everyone may improve ( devrait améliorer, ou peut améliorer ) his creative skills.

To improve the creative skills, to work itself (working by yourself ) is necessary.

Le but est de :

- To develop natural ability to generate a new ( a new what ? )
- To get rid of things that (mentally ) block us
- To learn to organize the right condition to improve the creative skills

the First of all, the things that block us are :

- Afraid of making mistakes
- To believe that dreaming is childish
- To believe «I don’t be creative » ( je ne suis pas créatif : verbe être )
- Afraid of to work in a team
- To believe that to think is a waste of time

There are several ways To improve

- To invite customers for to do a brainstorming
- To play with funny toys in the office when you are stuck ( essayez : (amusez vous avec des jouets marrant quand vous avez un manque d'idées )-
To write as much as ideas that possible in five minutes
- To make one picture wall for to inspire ( draw a picture on the wall for ispiration )
- To make a suggestion box

In the company the brainstorming is frenquently used.
The brainstorming is a technique that which aim to produce a maximum of ideas for understand or to solve a problem.

Why use it ? The creativity of a group of people is much better than a single person.

This method imposes one a research in tree time parts.

The first Definition that about the topic of the brainstorming and setting-up the group

The group included ten person maximum. This phase can be achieved by means of tool « WWWWHW »
Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

The second phase is

the research of ideas

And thirdly

The evaluation of the ideas so to take them most relevant.
This third phase using the tool cause and effect Diagrams and five Why tool.

This diagram resembles of a fish bone that is composed of main trunck which is indicated studying the effect and of five field and corresponding that five families of causes :

Labour, environement, material, method, means
(1er diagram)

Often, the cause is that the consequence of others dysfunction. For to give rise to the causes of the problem it must asking the question five times « Why »
(2ème diagram)

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-10-2011 21:07
Bug réparé

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sherry48, postée le 16-10-2011 à 19:53:18 (S | E)
Hello again sisi_babou. I have made some corrections, so you can continue your revision and post it again. (I got a little lost near the end!) Sherry
As Michèle said previously, the creativity is in daily life. (You could begin with...There is creativity...) Some poeple are more creative than others. But everyone may improve his creative skills.

To improve the creative skills, to work itself is necessary. It has aim : Begin with...'It's necessary to...' or It takes/requires work ...

- To develop * natural ability to generate a new * (is there a word missing?--not very clear)
- To get rid of things that block us
- To learn * to organize the right condition (plural?) to improve the creative skills

The first of all, the things that block us are :

- Afraid of making mistakes--
- To believe that dreaming is childish
- To believe « i don’t be creative » (present tense to be & capital letter)
- Afraid of to work in a team
- To believe to reflect is a waste of time

To improve there are several ways Begin with.. 'There are several'

- To invite customers for to do an brainstorming *
- To play with funny toys in the office when you are stuck
- To write as much as ideas that as possible in five minutes (ideas are countable--use much with uncountable nouns)
- To make one a picture wall for to inspire
- To make a suggestion box

In the company (plural) the brainstorming is frenquently used.
The brainstorming is * technique that which (don't use both of these here)aim (3rd person singular) to produce a maximum of ideas for understand or to solve a problem.

Why use it ? The creativity of the a group of poeple is much higher than a single poeple. (person)
This method imposes one research in tree ? time :

The first is  Definition that the topic of the brainstorming and setting-up the group Definition of the...or...Define the... (follow the same model for setting up)

The group included ten persons maximum. This phase can be achieved by means of * tool « WWWWHW » (the noun-tool-at the end)
 Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

The second phase is  the research of ideas
And thirdly is  evaluation of ideas so to take them most relevant

This third phase using the tool cause and effect Diagrams and five Why tool. (we sometimes say 'the 5 ws'.)
This diagram resembles of a fish bone that is composed of * main trunck which is indicated studying the effect and of five field and corresponding that five families of causes :

Labour, environement, material, method, means
(1er diagram)

Often, the cause is that the consequence of others dysfunction. For to give rise to the causes of the problem it must asking the question five times « Why »
1. you said 'things that block us' so it is better to use a noun or a gerund
2. spelling or a different word?
3. * word missing

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sisi_babou, postée le 16-10-2011 à 20:29:38 (S | E)
Merci zodiac97500 et Sherry48

la partie en vert voulait dire :

Cette troisième phase pourra être exécutée à l'aide de l'outil Diagramme causes-effet et l'outil des 5 pourquoi
Ce diagramme, sous l'aspect d'une arête de poisson, est composé d'un tronc principal au bout duquel est indiqué l'effet étudié et de 5 branches correspondant à 5 familles de causes :
méthode,milieu, matière, méthode, moyen

Bien souvent la cause, en surface, qui parait logique n'est que la conséquences d'autres dysfonctionnements sous-jacents.
En se posant 5 fois la question du "pourquoi" on mettra en évidence les causes racines du problème

Je vais rectifier toutes mes fautes, merci à vous. Bonne soirée ;)

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-10-2011 21:16

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sisi_babou, postée le 16-10-2011 à 21:17:16 (S | E)
Voilà j'ai rectifié les choses que vous m'avez conseillées... un grand merci pour votre aide! j'espère que celle-ci sera mieux.

Good morning,

As Michèle said previously, creativity is in daily life. Some poeple are more creative than others. But everyone may improve his creative skills.

To improve creative skills, to working by yourself is necessary.

It's necessary to :

- creativity should be a nautal skills
- get rid of things that mentally block us
- create right conditions to improve creative skills

First of all, the things that block us are :

- Fear making mistakes
- Say that dreaming is childish
- Think « I AM NOT creative »
- Afraid of work in a team
- Think to reflect is a waste of time

To improve there are several ways

- invite customers a brainstorm
- play with fun toys in the office when you are stuck
- write as much ideas as possible in five minutes
- make a picture wall for to be inspire
- make a suggestion box

In companies brainstorming is often used.
brainstorming is one technique for produced a maximum of ideas for understand or to solve a problem.

Why use it ? The creativity of group is much higher than a single person.

This method imposes one research in three time :

The first is  Definition of the topic of the brainstorming and setting-up the group

The group include ten persons maximum. This phase can be achieved by means of tool « WWWWHW »
 Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

The second phase is  the research of ideas
And thirdly is  evaluation of ideas select them most relevant

This third phase using the tool cause and effect Diagrams and five Why (5 ws) tool.
This diagram resembles a fish bone that is composed of a main body which is indicated studying the effect and of five field and corresponding that five families of causes :

(1 diagram)

Labour, environement, material, method, means

Often, the cause is the consequence of others dysfunction. To give rise to the causes of the problem it must ask the question five times « Why »

(2 diagram)

Merci, bonne soirée à vous.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-10-2011 21:18

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sherry48, postée le 16-10-2011 à 23:30:10 (S | E)
Hello again.
Correct the spelling of this word once more: poeple .
I have not corrected punctuation, but you should consider that.
Consider whether this sentence...The group should include ten persons maximum, should go after this sentence...The creativity of a group is much higher than a single person .
Also, the connection between your last 2 sentences and what went before it is a little unclear.

To improve creative skills, to working by yourself is necessary. This doesn't quite work.

It's necessary to :

- creativity should be a nautal skills You had before...Develop a natural skill, and it is better to begin with an imperative
- get rid of things that mentally block us
- create right conditions to improve creative skills

First of all, the things that block us are : (nouns/gerunds)

- Fear of making mistakes
- Say that dreaming is childish
- Think « I AM NOT creative »
- Afraid Fear of work in a team
- Thinking to reflection is a waste of time

To improve there are several ways...There are several ways to improve.

- invite customers a to brainstorm
- play with fun toys in the office when you are stuck
- write as much many ideas as possible in five minutes
- make a picture wall for to be inspire (noun)
- make a suggestion box

In companies brainstorming is often used.
brainstorming is one technique for produced (infinitive)a maximum of ideas for understand (infinitive) or to solve a problem.

Why use it ? The creativity of a group is much higher than a single person.

This method imposes one research in three time (phases?) :

The first is  Definition of the topic of the brainstorming and setting-up the group

The group should include ten persons maximum. This phase can be achieved by means of the « WWWWHW » tool
 Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

The second phase is  the research of ideas
And thirdly is  evaluation of ideas select (infinitive) them most relevant

This third phase using the tool cause and effect Diagrams and the five Why tool. 5 whys This diagram resembles a fish bone that is composed of a main body which is indicated studying the effect and of five field and corresponding that five families of causes :

(1 diagram)

Labour, environement, material, method, means

Often, the cause is the consequence of others dysfunction ?. (the dysfunction of others)To give rise to the causes of the problem it must ask the question « Why » five times
That's all for now. Sherry

Modifié par sherry48 le 16-10-2011 23:31

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de zodiac97500, postée le 16-10-2011 à 23:41:49 (S | E)

quelques ajustements

To improve your creative skills, to working by yourself is necessary.
The goal is :

To develop natural ability to generate a new ( project )?
to get rid of things that block us
To learn how to organize the right condition to improve the creative skills

First of all, the things which block us are :

- To be Afraid of making mistakes
- To believe that dreaming is childish
- To believe « I can't be creative »
- Afraid about working in a team
- To believe that reflection is a waste of time

To improve there are several ways

Invite customers for a brainstorming
Play with funny toys in the office when you ( have a lack of ideas )
Write the most ideas that possible in five minutes
make Draw a picture for inspiration
Make a suggestion box

In the company the brainstorming is frenquently used.
Brainstorming is a technique that which aim to produce a maximum of ideas for understand or to solve a problem.

Why use it ? The creativity of the group of people is much higher than a person alone .

This method imposes a research in tree parts :

The first part : Definition about the topic of the brainstorm and setting-up the group

The group include ten persons maximum. This phase can be achieved by means of tool « WWWWHW »
 Who, What, Where, When, How, Why

The second phase is  the research of ideas

And thirdly  evaluation of the ideas to take the most relevant

This third phase using the tool : Cause and effect Diagrams and five( W ) tools.
This diagram resembles to a fish bone which is composed by a main trunck at the end of which is indicated the result studied and five branches which correpond to five family of causes
Labour, environement, material, method, means
(1er diagram)

Very often, when at first sight the result seems logic it can in fact drown out
hidden problems .

By using the five (why ? )it will highlight the roots of the problem .

Bonne soirée

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sisi_babou, postée le 26-10-2011 à 19:32:44 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,

Comment se traduit "un produit non-conforme"??

Car j'ai vu en classe que l'on pouvait dire standard pour la conformité ,je pense car je ne suis plus très sure...

Alors peut-on dire "the components non-standard"??

Merci à vous ;) bonne soirée

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de notrepere, postée le 26-10-2011 à 19:46:47 (S | E)

La traduction dépend du contexte. Mais 'non-standard' est un adjectif qui se place avant le nom.

Réponse: Correction/ pour oral de sisi_babou, postée le 26-10-2011 à 20:10:54 (S | E)
Ha ok merci!

Je veux dire : " la machine à produit des produits non conformes"

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-10-2011 20:15
Votre proposition???


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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