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Michael Jackson/ oral

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Michael Jackson/ oral
Message de natyna posté le 25-10-2011 à 15:00:45 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous!

Avec deux autres camarades, nous avons une présentation orale à faire pour la rentrée. On a choisi de parler de Michael Jackson. Je dois m'occuper de la deuxième partie, celle sur sa vie privée.
Serait-il possible que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger mon travail s'il vous plaît?

I'm going to talk about Michael Jackson's personal life.

Michael had three sisters: Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet, and five brothers: Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Randy. A sixth brother, Brandon, died shortly after birth.
Michael always had a troubled relationship with his father, Joe, who were very authoritarian.
Besides, since he was a child, Michael was psychically and emotionally abused by his father. This tragic event affected him throughout his grown life.

Despite his popularity and his brilliant career, Michael became the subject of several scandals. In 1993, he was accused of child sexual abuse by a 13-year-old boy named Jordan Chandler. After that, his public image was severely damaged. It was sort of the beginning of the end.
Ten years latter, in 2003, another child sexual abuse was made on Jackson’s name, this time coming from Gavin Arvizo. Michael denied the allegations and, finally, he was acquitted on all counts.

He got married twice. In May 1994 Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of rock legend, Elvis Presley. As a matter of interest, Michael proposed to Presley over the telephone, towards the fall of 1993, saying, “If I asked you to marry me, would you do it?” Just like that!
At the time, the media speculated that the wedding was a way to cover Michael's public image. Michael and Lisa divorced less than two years later, remaining friendly.
In 1996 Michael married for his second time to Debbie Rowe (who was a nurse that Michael had met in the treatment of his skin pigment disorder). Together they had their first child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson jr (born in 1997) and a daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson (born one year latter)
In 2002 Jackson's third child, Prince Michael Jackson II (also known as Blanket) was born. The mother's identity was never released by Jackson, but he has said the child was the result of artificial insemination.

This, is a very short summary of his tempestuous life.

Finally, as everybody know, On June 25th 2009 The King of Pop suddenly died of a reported cardiac arrest. He was 50 years old.

Conclusion :
We chose to talk about Michael Jackson because we love this artist, we think it was a good way to pay tribute to his amazing career.
Definitely, we can assert that Michael Jackson is a name that no one can ever forget. He changed the face of music forever, and that's why I think we can thank him.

Merci pour vos réponses et votre aide.

Modifié par natyna le 25-10-2011 15:01

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-10-2011 15:58

Réponse: Michael Jackson/ oral de notrepere, postée le 25-10-2011 à 18:52:50 (S | E)

Michael always had a troubled relationship with his father, Joe, who were very authoritarian.
Besides, since he was a child, Michael was psychically and emotionally abused by his father. This tragic event affected him throughout his grown life.

Despite his popularity and his brilliant career, Michael became the subject of several scandals. In 1993, he was accused of child sexual abuse by a 13-year-old boy named Jordan Chandler. After that, his public image was severely damaged. It was sort of the beginning of the end.
Ten years latter, in 2003, another child sexual abuse allegation was made on Jackson’s name, this time coming from Gavin Arvizo. Michael denied the allegations and, finally, he was acquitted on all counts.

He got married twice. In May 1994, Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of rock legend, Elvis Presley. As a matter of interest, Michael proposed to Presley over the telephone, towards the fall of 1993, saying, “If I asked you to marry me, would you do it?” Just like that!
At the time, the media speculated that the wedding was a way to cover Michael's public image. Michael and Lisa divorced less than two years later, remaining friendly.
In 1996 Michael married for his a second time to Debbie Rowe who was a nurse that Michael had met in the treatment of his skin pigment disorder. Together they had their first child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson jr (born in 1997) and a daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson (born one year latter)
In 2002, Jackson's third child, Prince Michael Jackson II (also known as Blanket) was born. The mother's identity was never released by Jackson, but he has said the child was the result of artificial insemination.

This is a very short summary of his tempestuous life.

Finally, as everybody knows, On June 25th 2009 The King of Pop suddenly died of a reported cardiac arrest. He was 50 years old.

Conclusion :
We chose to talk about Michael Jackson because we love this artist and we think it was (1) a good way to pay tribute to his amazing career.

(1) we thought it was OR we think it is

Definitely (2), we can assert that Michael Jackson is a name that no one can will ever forget. He changed the face of music forever, and that's why I think we can thank him.

(2) Placez entre 'can' et 'assert'

Réponse: Michael Jackson/ oral de natyna, postée le 25-10-2011 à 19:36:50 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour cette précieuse aide =)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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