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Message de vivina7 posté le 26-10-2011 à 17:44:18 (S | E | F)
je suis en 3ème et je dois effectuer une rédaction;le thème est "l'adolescence".
Nous avons à notre disposition différents documents qui nous montrent des adolescentsadoptent le au look "rock'n'roll", qui sont fainéants ou encore accros aux jeux-vidéo...Je dois dans ma rédaction décrire (rapidement) les documents et donner mon avis sur l'image que donnent ces documents sur l'adolescent en général.
Voici ma rédaction que j'ai faite seule:
In some documents, they are various documents of teenagers who adapted a rock look, they have the appropriate style of dress, piercings, tattoos ... It seems that rock'n'roll music is like a religion for them . One that, they is the image of a generation of teenager who no listen their parents like in the cartoon in which one sees a little boy with full face piercings. His mother is in shock, lower it says "mum relax ... it's macaroni" This shows that the practice of forcing children do not like their parents but still, they do.
In other documents, cartoons deal with the parents / adolescents. It was a pictures of a generation of adolescents in which technology dominates, like the document in which a child talking on the phone behind him, his parents says everything he owns (internet connection, playstation, cell phone, I Pod etc …). It was also, an image of the lazy teenager who would be as shown in the two documents in which, we see teenagers room in disorder. So we can say that documents show the difficulty of the parent / children who struggle to communicate and to understand.
I think the different images are caricatures of adolescents based on stereotypes. Teenager is not synonymous with rebellion and disrespect for his parents. I think it concerns a minority of teenagers. Also, be teenager doesn't necessarily mean being a follower of rock music. This is a period in which the child become an adult and tries to identify himself through a variety of music (classical, rock, rap, pop etc ... ) that corresponds him.
I think this images are based on stereotypes because it's the image of the youth we show the media, TV series shows are nour adolescents as a separate being who rejects his family. But this is not the case for everyone. In conclusion all its documents, we project an image of adolescents is the negative and not based on the profound reality.
Je souhaiterais que l'on m'indique mes erreurs pour que je puisse par la suite les corriger car j'ai quelques difficultés en anglais.
Je vous remercie par avance.
Bonne Journée.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-10-2011 17:48
Message de vivina7 posté le 26-10-2011 à 17:44:18 (S | E | F)
je suis en 3ème et je dois effectuer une rédaction;le thème est "l'adolescence".
Nous avons à notre disposition différents documents qui nous montrent des adolescents
Voici ma rédaction que j'ai faite seule:
In some documents, they are various documents of teenagers who adapted a rock look, they have the appropriate style of dress, piercings, tattoos ... It seems that rock'n'roll music is like a religion for them . One that, they is the image of a generation of teenager who no listen their parents like in the cartoon in which one sees a little boy with full face piercings. His mother is in shock, lower it says "mum relax ... it's macaroni" This shows that the practice of forcing children do not like their parents but still, they do.
In other documents, cartoons deal with the parents / adolescents. It was a pictures of a generation of adolescents in which technology dominates, like the document in which a child talking on the phone behind him, his parents says everything he owns (internet connection, playstation, cell phone, I Pod etc …). It was also, an image of the lazy teenager who would be as shown in the two documents in which, we see teenagers room in disorder. So we can say that documents show the difficulty of the parent / children who struggle to communicate and to understand.
I think the different images are caricatures of adolescents based on stereotypes. Teenager is not synonymous with rebellion and disrespect for his parents. I think it concerns a minority of teenagers. Also, be teenager doesn't necessarily mean being a follower of rock music. This is a period in which the child become an adult and tries to identify himself through a variety of music (classical, rock, rap, pop etc ... ) that corresponds him.
I think this images are based on stereotypes because it's the image of the youth we show the media, TV series shows are nour adolescents as a separate being who rejects his family. But this is not the case for everyone. In conclusion all its documents, we project an image of adolescents is the negative and not based on the profound reality.
Je souhaiterais que l'on m'indique mes erreurs pour que je puisse par la suite les corriger car j'ai quelques difficultés en anglais.
Je vous remercie par avance.
Bonne Journée.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-10-2011 17:48
Réponse: Rédaction/adolescence de notrepere, postée le 26-10-2011 à 19:22:48 (S | E)
Avez-vous utilisé un traducteur en ligne ?
Réponse: Rédaction/adolescence de vivina7, postée le 27-10-2011 à 17:35:16 (S | E)
absolument pas j'ai d'abord écrit mon texte en français puis avec mon dictionnaire(robert et collins)j'ai essayé de traduire au mieux...Enfin bon, si vous n'arrivez pas à me comprendre ce n'est pas grave je supprimerais le sujet.
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais