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Correction /conjugaison (1)

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Correction /conjugaison
Message de goldeagle posté le 29-10-2011 à 20:42:02
Bonsoir tout le monde,

je voudrais savoir s'il vous plaît si je n'ai pas de fautes dans mon exercice;
la consigne est :
Mettez les verbes suivants à la forme négative puis interrogative.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am eating
Neg : I am not eating
Int : May i eating ?

She has been listening
Neg : She hasn't been listening
Int : Did she been listening ?

We ate
Neg : We didn't ate
Int : Did we ate ?

They slept
Neg : They didn't slept
Int : Did they slept ?

I had written
Neg : I didn't written
Int : Did i written ?

You may work
Neg : You don't may work
Int : May you work ?

The Queen cannot vote
Neg : ???
Int : Can the queen vote ?

People walk
Neg : People don't walk
Int : Do people walk ?

I will repeat
Neg : I don't will repeat
Int : May i repeat ?

They can have left
Neg : They can't have left
Int : Can they have left ?

He may come
Neg : He don't may come
Int : May he come ?

The girls must stop shouting
Neg : The girls don't must stop shouting
Int : Do the girls must stop shouting ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2011 21:31

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-10-2011 20:56

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de lucile83, postée le 29-10-2011 à 21:39:32

J'ai gardé uniquement ce qui était faux.Il y en a beaucoup comme vous voyez
Ce qui ne figure pas ici est correct.

Int : May i eating ?

Int : Did she been listening ?

Neg : We didn't ate
Int : Did we ate ?

Neg : They didn't slept
Int : Did they slept ?

Neg : I didn't written
Int : Did i written ?

Neg : You don't may work

The Queen cannot vote doit y avoir une erreur d'énoncé
Neg : ???

Neg : I don't will repeat
Int : May i repeat ?

Neg : He don't may come

Neg : The girls don't must stop shouting
Int : Do the girls must stop shouting ?

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de goldeagle, postée le 29-10-2011 à 22:14:55
Merci pour votre réponse; j'ai essayé de corriger.
Pouvez-vous me corriger svp s'il vous plaît?

I am eating
Neg : I am not eating
Int : May i eat ?

She has been listening
Neg : She hasn't been listening
Int : Did is she been listening ?

We ate
Neg : We didn't eat
Int : Did we eat ?

They slept
Neg : They didn't sleep
Int : Did are they sleep ?

I had written
Neg : I didn't write
Int : Did i write ?

You may work
Neg : You no may work
Int : May you work ?

The Queen cannot vote
Neg : ???
Int : Can the queen vote ?

People walk
Neg : People don't walk
Int : Do people walk ?

I will repeat
Neg : I don't will repeating
Int : May i repeating ?

They can have left
Neg : They can't have left
Int : Can they have left ?

He may come
Neg : He no may come
Int : May he come ?

The girls must stop shouting
Neg : The girls don't must stop shout
Int : Do the girls must stop shout ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2011 22:26

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de lucile83, postée le 29-10-2011 à 22:35:13

Ce qui ne figure pas ici est correct; ça diminue!

Int : May i eat ? ...pourquoi may?

Int : Did is she been listening ?...did + to be???

Int : Did are they sleep ?...idem

I had written
Neg : I didn't write...had, pas did
Int : Did i write ?...idem

Neg : You no may

The Queen cannot vote
Neg : ??? The Queen can't vote

I will repeat
Neg : I don't will repeating + will??
Int : May i repeating ?...pourquoi may?

Neg : He no may

Neg : The girls don't must stop + must??
Int : Do the girls must stop shout ?...idem

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de may, postée le 29-10-2011 à 23:21:19

Une petite remarque pour vous:

la consigne est :
Mettez les verbes suivants à la forme négative puis interrogative

Selon la consigne, vous devez garder le verbe original dans la phrase affirmative, par exemple:

I am eating (verbe to be + V + ing)
Neg : I am not eating (oui, c'est très bien)
Int : May i eating ? (Verbe to be + sujet + V +ing)

Et ensuite.....

Best wishes

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de goldeagle, postée le 30-10-2011 à 19:07:41

je vous remercie pour vos réponses ;j'ai essayé de corriger et je voudrais savoir si j'ai des fautes.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am eating
Neg : I am not eating
Int : Am i eating ?

She has been listening
Neg : She hasn't been listening
Int : Did is she been listening ?

We ate
Neg : We didn't eat
Int : Did we eat ?

They slept
Neg : They didn't sleep
Int : Did are they sleep ?

I had written
Neg : I hadn't write
Int : Had i write ?

You may work
Neg : You didn't may work
Int : May you work ?

The Queen cannot vote
Neg : The Queen can't vote
Int : Can the queen vote ?

People walk
Neg : People don't walk
Int : Do people walk ?

I will repeat
Neg : I not will repeating
Int : Will i repeating ?

They can have left
Neg : They can't have left
Int : Can they have left ?

He may come
Neg : He did'nt may come
Int : May he come ?

The girls must stop shouting
Neg : The girls not must stop shout
Int : Must the girls stop shout ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-10-2011 07:13

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de notrepere, postée le 31-10-2011 à 04:34:36

Avez-vous vraiment six ans ?

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de lucile83, postée le 31-10-2011 à 07:23:47

I am eating
Neg : I am not eating
Int : Am i eating ?

She has been listening
Neg : She hasn't been listening
Int : Did is she been listening ?

We ate
Neg : We didn't eat
Int : Did we eat ?

They slept
Neg : They didn't sleep
Int : Did are they sleep ?

I had written
Neg : I hadn't write
Int : Had i write ?

You may work
Neg : You didn't may work
Int : May you work ?

The Queen cannot vote
Neg : The Queen can't vote
Int : Can the queen vote ?

People walk
Neg : People don't walk
Int : Do people walk ?

I will repeat
Neg : I not will repeating
Int : Will i repeating ?

They can have left
Neg : They can't have left
Int : Can they have left ?

He may come
Neg : He did'nt may come
Int : May he come ?

The girls must stop shouting
Neg : The girls not must stop shout
Int : Must the girls stop shout ?

Vous refaites la plupart du temps les mêmes fautes; on dirait que vous ne réfléchissez pas à ce que vous écrivez.
Ce qui est en rouge est faux; inutile de recopier le reste qui est juste.

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de goldeagle, postée le 31-10-2011 à 18:23:18

je vous remercie pour vos réponses ;j'ai essayé de corriger et j'ai des fautes dont je ne comprend pas donc pourriez vous m'aidez svp
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am eating
Neg : I am not eating
Int : Am i eating ?

She has been listening
Neg : She hasn't been listening
Int : Did is she been listening ?

We ate
Neg : We didn't eat
Int : Did we eat ?

They slept
Neg : They didn't sleep
Int : Did were they sleep ?

I had written
Neg : I hadn't written
Int : Had i written ?

You may work
Neg : You didn't may work
Int : May you work ?

The Queen cannot vote
Neg : The Queen can't vote
Int : Can the queen vote ?

People walk
Neg : People don't walk
Int : Do people walk ?

I will repeat
Neg : I not will repeat
Int : Will i repeat ?

They can have left
Neg : They can't have left
Int : Can they have left ?

He may come
Neg : He did'nt may come
Int : May he come ?

The girls must stop shouting
Neg : The girls not must stop shouting
Int : Must the girls stop shouting ?

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de notrepere, postée le 31-10-2011 à 19:05:46

I think 50 lashes with a wet noodle are in order.

Réponse: Correction /conjugaison de lucile83, postée le 31-10-2011 à 20:56:05

Vous avez remis vos fautes sans essayer de corriger.
C'est votre choix mais personne ne vous donnera la correction toute faite.
On a atteint les limites de la patience; ce topic est donc fermé.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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