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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de alphafifi posté le 20-11-2011 à 21:11:15 (S | E | F)

Est-ce correct s'il vous plait ?
Non je n'ai pas utilisé le traducteur cette fois !
Merci pour votre aide.

Ma traduction

The United States are situated or localiZed for north america and the superficie is nine million six milles twenty nine kilometers.The principal capital is Washington Dc.The american inhabitant speak mainly English whose is the principal language.Its a federal republic where the money is dollar.The United States are the first economic,politic and military power of the world. It's a country who is constitute of 50 states.The principals towns are Los Angeles,New York , Miami , chicago , San francisco...The history of the United States is important because find the american way of life in many countries today.

Texte initial:

Les Etats Unis sont situés au nord de l'amérique et la superficie est de 9 629 048 kilomètres carrés. La principale capitale est Washington DC.Les habitants Américains parlent surtout l'anglais qui est la langue principale ou officielle .C'est une république fédérale ou la monnaie est le dollar. Les Etats-Unis sont la première puissance économique, politique et militaire du monde. C'est un pays qui est constitué de 50 Etats.Les principales villes sont Los Angeles,New York , Miami , chicago , San francisco ... L'histoire des Etats Unis a beaucoup fait parlé d'elle car on retrouve le mode de vie à l'américaine "american way of live" dans plusieurs pays aujourd'hui.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2011 21:34
J'ai mis des pour signaler les fautes, comme gerondif avait fait, ce sont à peu près les mêmes fautes car vous n'avez pratiquement rien changé.Vous savez ce que vous devez modifier.Mais vous attendez apparemment qu'on fasse le travail à votre place.Ce ne sera pas le cas.

Réponse: Traduction/USA de lucile83, postée le 20-11-2011 à 21:45:18 (S | E)

The United States are situated or localiZed for north america and the superficie is nine million six milles twenty nine kilometers.The principal capital is Washington Dc.The american inhabitant speak mainly English whose is the principal language.Its a federal republic where the money is dollar.The United States are the first economic,politic and military power of the world. It's a country who is constitute of 50 states.The principals towns are Los Angeles,New York , Miami , chicago , San francisco...The history of the United States is important because... find the american way of life in many countries today.

Cette traduction ressemble beaucoup à la précé n'ai pas signalé l'absence de majuscules, de trait d'union,d'apostrophe...

Réponse: Traduction/USA de alphafifi, postée le 20-11-2011 à 22:22:41 (S | E)
Voilà j'espère que c'est correct:

The United States are situated in North America and the area is nine million six hundred and twenty nine thousand and forty eight kilometers.The principal capital is Washington Dc.The american inhabitants speak mainly English whose is the principal language.It's a federal republic where the currency is dollar.The United States are the first economic,politic and military power of the world. It's a country whose constituted of 50 states.The mainly towns are Los Angeles,New York , Miami , chicago , San francisco...The history of the United States is important because we find the american way of life in many countries today.

Réponse: Traduction/USA de gerondif, postée le 20-11-2011 à 22:55:08 (S | E)
The United States are situated in North America and the area is nine million, six hundred and twenty nine thousand and forty-eight kilometers.The principal(maladroit, vérifiez le sens de "main" et puis, dire "la principale capitale" semble indiquer qu'il y en aurait une subalterne....) capital is Washington Dc.The american inhabitants speak mainly English whose(dont?) is the principal language.It's a federal republic where the currency is the dollar.The United States are the first economic,politic and military power of the world. It's a country whose(dont?)(verbe être) constituted (bizarre, pensez au verbe make, ou make up)of 50 states.The mainly towns are Los Angeles,New York , Miami , chicago , San francisco...The history of the United States is important because we find the american (majuscule)way of life in many countries today.

Réponse: Traduction/USA de alphafifi, postée le 21-11-2011 à 00:14:53 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup gerondif !

Es-ce que c'est mieux comme ça?

The United States are situated in North America and the area is nine million, six hundred and twenty nine thousand and forty-eight kilometers.The capital is Washington Dc.The american inhabitants speak mainly English which is the main language.It's a federal republic where the currency is the dollar.The United States are the first economic,politic and military power of the world. It's a country which make up 50 states.The mainly towns are Los Angeles,New York , Miami , Chicago , San francisco...The history of the United States is important because we find the American way of life in many countries today.

Réponse: Traduction/USA de notrepere, postée le 21-11-2011 à 03:17:52 (S | E)

The United States are is situated in North America (1) and the area is nine million, six hundred and twenty nine thousand and forty-eight kilometers. The capital is Washington D.C.. The american inhabitants speak mainly English which is the main (2) language. It's a federal republic where the currency is the dollar. The United States are is the first a premier economic, political and military power of the world. It's a country which make up 50 states. (3) The main towns (4) are Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Chicago and San Francisco. The history of the United States is important because we find the American way of life in many countries today.

(1) Je dirais: on the North American continent
(2) official
(3) mal dit: The country is comprised of 50 states.
(4) largest cities

Réponse: Traduction/USA de nevada, postée le 01-12-2011 à 10:02:47 (S | E)
On parle de superficie ici donc ce ne sont pas des kilomètres qu'il faut utiliser mais des kilomètres carrés ( ou square miles ici )

1 square miles = 2 589 988.11 m2


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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