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New York/exposé

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


New York/exposé
Message de suzanne0802 posté le 23-11-2011 à 09:48:54 (S | E | F)

J'aurai besoin de votre aide s'il vous plaît. J'ai un petit exposé à faire sur NY, pourriez-vous m'aider à le corriger?
Merci pour vos réponses.

In 1626 New York was sold by Indians at Duchs for only 24 dollars.
(When we think how much cost the square feet in NY now.....)

In 1970, the city of NY was in bankrupt and Indians offered to buy back NY for the same price, but le deal didn't work.....

There are 8 millions inhabitants in NY and the city is dividied in 5 boroughs :

- Manhattan,
- Queens,
- Brooklyn,
- The Bronx,
- Staten Island.

NY is the second town the most inhabited over the world and qualified as the capital of the world.

The statut of liberty is one monument the most visited in NY and it is the symbol of US.

French people offered it in 1889 in order to celebrate the centennial of the town and signed friendship between 2 nations.

It was built by August Bartoldi, a french sculptor born in Colmar. As he needed help for building the inner structure , Gustave Eiffel helped him.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-11-2011 10:07

Réponse: New York/exposé de sherry48, postée le 23-11-2011 à 13:10:18 (S | E)
Hello suzanne0802.
spelling different word *word missing agreement wrong place
In 1626 New York was sold by * (usually use an article here) Indians at Duchs for only 24 dollars.
(When we think how much * cost * (for or per)the square feet (singular) in NY now.....)

In 1970, the city of NY was in bankrupt and * Indians offered to buy back NY for the same price, but le deal didn't work.....

There are 8 millions inhabitants in NY and the city is dividied in (into) 5 boroughs :

- Manhattan,
- Queens,
- Brooklyn,
- The Bronx,
- Staten Island.

NY is the second town the most inhabited over the world and qualified as the capital of the world.

The statut of liberty is one * monument (plural) the most visited in NY and it is the (indefinite article-it's not the only one) symbol of * US.

* (article)French people offered it * (preposition)* in 1889 in order to celebrate the centennial of the town and signed * (you can't sign friendship) friendship between * (article) 2 nations.

It was built by August Bartoldi, a french sculptor born in Colmar. As he needed help for building the inner structure , Gustave Eiffel helped him.
I hope it is clear. Sherry

Réponse: New York/exposé de suzanne0802, postée le 23-11-2011 à 13:46:44 (S | E)
Thank you Sherry. Here is my new text corrected.

In 1626 New York was sold by the Indians to Dutchs for only 24 Dollars.
When we think how cost per the square foot in NY now....)

In 1970, the city of NY was bankrupt and the Indians offered to buy back NY for the same price, but the deal didn't work....

There are 8 millions inhabitants in NY and the city is divided into 5

New YOrk is the second city most inhabited in the world and qualified as the capital of the world.

The Statut of Liberty is one of momuments the most visited in NY and it is also a symbol of the United States.

The French people offered 1889 in order to celebrate the centennial of the town and signed a friendship agreement between the 2 nations.

It was built by August Bartoldi, a French sculptor born in Colmar. As he needed help for building the inner structure, Gustave Eiffel helped him.

Réponse: New York/exposé de gerondif, postée le 23-11-2011 à 19:47:41 (S | E)

In 1626 New York was sold by the Indians to Dutchs for only 24 Dollars.
When we think how cost per the square foot in NY now....)

In 1970, the city of NY was bankrupt and the Indians offered to buy back NY for the same price, but the deal didn't work....

There are 8 millions inhabitants in NY and the city is divided into 5

New YOrk is the second most inhabited city in the world and qualified as the capital of the world.

The Statut of Liberty is one of the most visited momuments in NY and it is also a symbol of the United States.

The French people offered 1889 in order to celebrate the centennial of the town and signed a friendship agreement between the 2 nations.

It was built by August Bartoldi, a French sculptor born in Colmar. As he needed help for building(notion de but, pas de cause: example: I need some money to buy some bread) the inner structure, Gustave Eiffel helped him.

Réponse: New York/exposé de suzanne0802, postée le 23-11-2011 à 20:05:58 (S | E)
Merci Gerondif d'avoir corrigé mon texte.

Voici les corrections :

- The Indians to the Dutchs (mais je ne suis pas sûre)
- When we think how much the square foot cost in NY....
- 8 millions
- the statue
- As he needed help to built

Réponse: New York/exposé de gerondif, postée le 23-11-2011 à 20:17:29 (S | E)

The Indians to the Dutchs (mais je ne suis pas sûre)adjectif substantivé, donc invariable, the French drink coffee, the English drink tea, The Dutch have a high standard of living.
- When we think how much the square foot costs in NY....
- 8 millions (adjectif numéral invariable, comme hundred et thousand dans les nombres)
- the statue
- As he needed help to built (infinitif)


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