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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Texte /des erreurs
Message de magiccerbere posté le 28-11-2011 à 11:13:15 (S | E | F)

Voilà un texte que j'ai écrit, j'aimerais s'il vous plaît savoir si vous voyez des erreurs, que ce soit d'orthographe, de grammaire ou autres... malgrè mes relectures.
Merci pour vos réponses !

"Report of semester

To begin with, it is worth noticing that I really increase. Of course, I am still away of majority level although I see my increase at vocabulary and reading. Whereas I also know my pronunciation and my oral comprehension are very bad. This last semester, I concentrated one's efforts on vocabulary (with Anki). Thanks to this software, I learnt about one thousand words, and nearly everyday some new words add to other. I find this words in a book : “Express Yourself”. Obviously, I also find some words in some articles, on the Internet and the Assimil Method. The report of Assimil Method is modify. This method is old and it's restrictive : everyday, for fifteen minutes... But I improved a little my oral comprehension. The last thing is the book “Pratique de l'anglais de A à Z”. A kind of dictionary for the grammar. It's convenient. I was beginning after the first step. Before, I lacked base of grammar. Now, I understand more and more things.

My mainly objective for the next semester is improve my oral comprehension thanks to CD-ROM available to CRL. I continue to learn new words and obviously to read the book “Pratique de l'anglais de A à Z”."

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2011 11:19

Réponse: Texte /des erreurs de gerondif, postée le 28-11-2011 à 13:47:53 (S | E)
traduction un peu mécanique pour quelqu'un qui fait autant d'efforts !

"Report of semester (faire un nom compose du type "exercise-book"

To begin with, it is worth noticing that I really increase. Of course, I am still away of majority level although I see my increase at vocabulary and reading. Whereas I also know my pronunciation and my oral comprehension are very bad. This last semester, I concentrated one's efforts on vocabulary (with Anki). Thanks to this software, I learnt about one thousand words, and nearly everyday some new words add to other. I find this words in a book : “Express Yourself”. Obviously, I also find some words in some articles, on the Internet and the Assimil Method. The report of Assimil Method is modify(sens?). This method is old and it's restrictive : everyday, for fifteen minutes... But I improved my oral comprehension a little . The last thing is the book “Pratique de l'anglais de A à Z”. A kind of dictionary for the grammar. It's convenient. I was beginning (mauvais choix de temps)after the first step.(sens?étape?) Before (rarement utilisé seul), I lacked base of grammar(ordre des mots). Now, I understand more and more things.

My mainly objective for the next semester is improve my oral comprehension thanks to CD-ROM (au pluriel s'il n'y a pas d'article devant) available to CRL. I continue to learn new words and obviously to read the book “Pratique de l'anglais de A à Z”."

Réponse: Texte /des erreurs de magiccerbere, postée le 30-11-2011 à 11:23:54 (S | E)
Merci d'avoir signalé les erreurs.

C'est certes mécanique, mais je pars de vraiment très bas... Petit à petit, je (re)monte la pente pour être "à niveau" (et parce que c'est un plaisir de comprendre certaines choses).
Merci encore.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-11-2011 12:51


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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