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Faire une synthese de texte (1)

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Faire une synthese de texte
Message de xili80 posté le 04-12-2011 à 19:12:17
Bonjour j'ai fait une synthèse sur un texte qui traite de l'education j'aimerais savoir il y a des grosse faute d'anglais, merci d'avance de l'aide que vous pourrez m'apporter.

Voici la synthèse:

This article deals with education by means of education as much as a political institution.
It expounds that do justice and freedom does not give much indication as far as education and he also finds that the theorists present their ideas on education whereas he had no children.
In this article the author exposes txo sort of education, an education exercised in accordance with the spirit of freedom and the other exercised without respecting the freedom of the pupils.

Initially, we will explore the point of views of the author with respect to education exercised in accordance with the spirit of freedom.
He says naturally that the children have to follow an education because they are not exceptionally gifted, they cannot make themselves their educations, it is for it that they depend of their elders and albove all of their teachers who have a big civil responsability.
All the children have to continue to be learnt , to read and to write, and some people have to acquire certain knowledge according to the profession which they want to exercise.
According to the author, those who educate have to find a means to exercise the authority in accordance with the spirit of freedom.
For it do not force the human mind.
This education must be exercised by people who have the reverence, because they are not cruel and do not think that in their duties" to mold" the pupils.
These people see the child as something precious, of coronation, as what represents the growth of the life, their wisdom , their self-confidences and their imagination show them what the child can become, what will be his desires, his hopes.
They want to help the child according to his ambitions, to follow him and to frame , without violating the principle of the freedom. The author proposes that the education is given of way more liberal , in particular concerning some subjets as the history and the religion.

Next have show the point of view of the author on the education in accordance with the spirit of freedom we go to see what he blames the education which ignores the freedom of the pupils.

Secondly we will study the opinion of the author towards the education which has a lack of respect for child. First the author thinks that the history and the religion are harmful instructions, because they are taught to transmits to the pupils what we want on the subject. He enunciate in particular the fact that in history we teach that their peculiar :country is always the best and the strongest.
The author takes as example the battle of Waterloo, and announces that according a countries the facts will be slightly different .The author thinks that's it which should be avoided and should not be teach false ideas to favor the national pride.
Of more the education has a political motive which is to strengthen some group national, religious or social groups. It is this motive which determines the subjects to teach and the knowledge that whill be transmitted.
All this force the pupils to acquire mental habits, and according to the author the children having received the more education have very often a sentimental life and spiritual weakens and are lacking some mechanisme which take the place of the thoughts in the life.

The teachers are hardly and the pupils are low , they are despised . The author uses an image, the teacher plays the role of mold, he is the potter with the clay and he has to give to the child the desirate shape.


Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2011 21:57
C'est la 3e fois que votre sujet est refusé pour cause de traduction automatique.C'est aussi la dernière,désolée.

Réponse: Faire une synthese de texte de gerondif, postée le 04-12-2011 à 19:28:56
je viens de comprendre une autre erreur de votre "méthode de traduction".

These people see the child as something precious, of coronation,
Ces personnes voient l'enfant comme quelque chose de précieux, de sacré.
Mais vous avez écrit "sacre" , le sacre de Napoléon par exemple, d'où "l'adjectif" coronation de votre texte.

Quand vous avez de la chance, le traducteur sort une phrase lisible et compréhensible, mais parfois non, et à la moindre erreur de frappe .....

Réponse: Faire une synthese de texte de xili80, postée le 04-12-2011 à 21:28:29
J'ai refais avec un dictionnaire mais j'ai traduit sur un traducteur quelques expressions.

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