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Correction dialogue

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction dialogue
Message de nymphadora posté le 14-12-2011 à 14:00:22 (S | E | F)

Pourrait-on m'aider s'il vous plaît à corriger ce dialogue qui a pour but de résumer l'histoire du Château ambulant/Château de Hurle ?
Merci par avance.

Sophie : hello, my name’s Sophie and I’m the eldest daughter of my family. When my father died, I took over his hats feature.
Lettie: I’m her sister and you have to know, that we live in a village where there is a rumour about a wizard : Howl, who stole hearts of young womens.
Witch of the Waste : When she met him, I was so furious and jealous, that I transformed her in a very old women.
Sophie : I was so afraid of the reaction of my family that I decided to go away and the only refuge I found was the Howl’s Moving castle.
Calcifer : we conclued a pack : I had to help her to stay in the castle and to try to break out the spell if she also break out meine.
Michael : It was very difficult for her, because she had to clean up this.. this pigsty and also to undergo the jumps of humor of my teacher, who are very not easy to live.
Howl : Thank, Michael !! Yes, ok, but it was also very difficult for me to live with her because she wanted always put her nose everywhere.
Calcifer : But don’t forget that she helped you to resolve the mystery about Suliman, Prince Justin and etc. and …
Howl : Yes, and she freed us. That why, there is a happy-end, we were free of our spell and she was free of hers to.

Bye, Nymphadora

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-12-2011 18:17

Réponse: Correction dialogue de alienor64, postée le 14-12-2011 à 20:15:51 (S | E)

Bonsoir Nymphadora

- "...the eldest daughter of my family "
-" ...young womens "
- "...transformed in ( autre préposition: il y a changement d'état ) ...."

- "...a very old women ( mettre au singulier )
- "...we conclued ..." ( verbe : to conclude " )
- " ...a pack " ( a pack or " a pact " ? )
-" ...the jumps of humor " ( the sudden changes in ...)
- " Thank Michael " ( Thanks / Thank you )
- " ..she wanted always ...." ( voir la place de l'adverbe )

-" put her nose everywhere " ( mal dit ; " to nose about..." or " to pry into something " )
- " That( verbe ) why ..."
-" ...and she was free of hers to "

Réponse: Correction dialogue de nymphadora, postée le 14-12-2011 à 20:59:42 (S | E)

Réponse: Correction dialogue de carr30, postée le 18-12-2011 à 11:50:56 (S | E)

Sophie : Hello, my name’s Sophie and I’m the eldest daughter in my family. When my father died, I took over his hats feature. (don't know what 'hats feature' means - it sounds like an exhibition of hats - Took over father's role is 'stepped into his shoes')

Lettie: I’m her sister and you have to know, that we live in a village where there is a rumour about a wizard

Howl: Who stole the hearts of young women. (Man singular, men plural, so woman/women)

Witch of the Waste : When she met him, I was so furious and jealous that I transformed her into a very old woman.

Sophie : I was so afraid of the reaction of my family that I decided to go away and the only refuge I found was the Howl’s mobile castle.

Calcifer : We concluded a pact: I had to help her to stay in the castle and to try to break her from her spell if she would also break me from mine.

Michael : It was very difficult for her, because she had to clean up this.. this pigsty and also to suffer swings in the teacher's moods, which were not easy to endure.

Howl : Thank you, Michael !! Yes, OK but it was also very difficult for me to live with her because she always wanted to put her nose in everywhere.

Calcifer : But don’t forget that she helped you to resolve the mystery about Suliman, Prince Justin and etc. and …

Howl : Yes, and she freed us. That is why, there is a happy ending, we were free of our spell and she was free of hers too.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-12-2011 17:50
Les corrections toutes faites sont déconseillées.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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