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HELP Correction lettre ERASMUS

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


HELP Correction lettre ERASMUS
Message de nines39 posté le 02-01-2012 à 14:37:56 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je suis étudiante et je souhaite partir en Erasmus l'année prochaine.
Je solicite votre aide car j'ai besoin d'un oeil expert qui puisse me corriger mes fautes de grammaire, syntaxe (point faible en anglais )
voici ma lettre de motivationvos conseils, et critiques seront les bienvenu =)) MERCI !

Dir Sir or, Dear Madam
Currently a 2nd year student in Information and communication at the xxx University, I’m highly motivated in an academic exchange with your Tallinna Ülikool University , Estonia.
For a long time, I have wanted to spend a while abroad, especially in the east-countries. After short researches my choice emerges (comes up ?) for your university. I choose to study in Estonia because it is a very particular place, between the Germanic and Slavonic cultures, what makes me even more curious about your country. I wanted to discover a new culture and a totally different country from mine. Studying in a different environment is really enriching. I have been to Ukraine this summer to make a linguistic internship in the economic university of Kharkov. This experience has been really helpful improving my Russian language. I am not afraid to go in a new country, i am able to go on my own way.
This exchange will fulfil two of my objective:
- To pass my third year abroad and to improve my language skills, both English, Russian and start to Learn Estonian.
Moreover your university offers the opportunity to have complementary lessons, in link with my studies concerning: XXX
To obtain my third year abroad could be really helpful for the development of my professional future in terms of(concerning?) skills and maturity. My goal for the future is to work in the east-country, spend a semester in Estonia will give me another point of view of the eclectic of those countries.
I’m highly motivated and enthusiastic about being a part of your university.

Please let me know if you need further information.
I look forward to hearing from you. I thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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