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Correction /a play

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /a play
Message de grenadiine011 posté le 04-01-2012 à 16:28:25 (S | E | F)

Je l'ai déjà corrigé une fois mais je ne suis pas sûre qu'il n'y ait plus aucune faute. Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

In the play we can see two conflicting worlds, the Kowalskis’ and the Dubois’.

Stanley Kowalski is a pole, he is brutal ans has a basic life and he dosent like glamour stuff, as opposed to the Dubois’. Blanche and Stella were born in a big house, Belle Reve, they are French, they come from a rich family with refinement and they are delicate.

Stella stands between of the two differents worlds because she’s married to Stanley. She is always delicate but not like Blanche. She has also a violente’s side, we can see that in the relation between Stanley and Stella, Their relation is violent ans passionate, but Stella likes these un commun relation. In scene three, Stella forgives Stanley violence. Later she says to Blanche that the scene the night before is normal. Stella makes efforts not to judge Stanley’s world.

As regards Blanche and Stanley, it’s more complicated. Neither makes efforts. Blanche thinks her world is Superior, we can see thar when she critcizes Stanley’s condition, She says he’s a « little bit on the primitive side ». Stanley thinks that Banche is fake and she wants to look better that she is.

The Dubois’ are Superior to the Kowalskis’ as regards education and conditions of life (before the loss of Belle Reve) but the Kowalskis’ are Superior for honesty and it is stronger. Blanche ridicules him every time.

Blanche is a material girl and she isn’t honest. She arrived at Stanley’s home and she’s judged.

I think Blanche is Superior for material stuff but not for the character. Stanley shows his superiority for his character, he’s honest and says what he thinks but we must take into account that he raped Blanche and dosent tell anybody about it.
The Dubois are superior because they never had a bad behavior. Blanche is a liar but not for hurting someone. She tells “what ought to be truth”. She turned to alcohol and sexual promiscuity but this helps to show her entire life has been affected by the husband’s suicide and the loss of Belle Reve. She isn’t a bad person. Stella is not violent, she has always been on Blanche’s side. She tries to believe Blanche about the rape but Blanche has lied a lot of times, she “prefers” to believe Stanley because simpler for the baby.
As conclusion the Dubois’ world is superior to the Kowalskis’ because we can excuse the acts of the Dubois’ because Blanche is a bit lost and sensitive, she doesn’t want bad things for anybody, and Stella is in love with Stanley, she believes him and she’s a bit naïve. Stanley is brutal and doesn’t try to understand anyone, he thinks he is the king and he’s greater of other people, maybe physically but not for the mentality, he is primitive and he only knows to play poker and to be aggressive. He doesn’t have money, he has just a big character and he’s respected by other people but he has a dark side.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2012 21:45

Réponse: Correction /a play de citizenhancer, postée le 04-01-2012 à 18:48:28 (S | E)

Je n'ai pas tout lu, mais n'aurais-tu pas écrit trop vite ?
he is brutal ans AND has a basic life and he dosent DOESN'T like

Modifié par citizenhancer le 04-01-2012 18:48

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2012 21:50

Réponse: Correction /a play de grenadiine011, postée le 04-01-2012 à 19:10:54 (S | E)
Oui ce sont des fautes de frappe, j'ai écrit assez vite.
Je m'en excuse. Je vous prie de m'excuser.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2012 21:51

Réponse: Correction /a play de citizenhancer, postée le 04-01-2012 à 19:37:50 (S | E)
J'en vois quelques autres, je te conseille donc de les corriger puisque tu arrives à les reconnaitre ;)
Et de revenir poster ton texte par la suite.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2012 21:52

Réponse: Correction /a play de grenadiine011, postée le 04-01-2012 à 20:29:36 (S | E)

Je l'ai relu deux fois, et j'ai corrigé ce que j'ai vu. J'espère ne pas en avoir loupé oublié.

In the play we can see two conflicting worlds, the Kowalskis’ and the Dubois’.

Stanley Kowalski is a pole, he is brutal and has a basic life and he doesn’t like glamour stuff, as opposed to the Dubois’. Blanche and Stella were born in a big house, Belle Reve, they are French, they come from a rich family with refinement and they are delicate.

Stella stands between of the two differents worlds because she’s married to Stanley. She is always delicate but not like Blanche. She has also a violente’s side, we can see that in the relation between Stanley and Stella, Their relation is violent and passionate, but Stella likes these uncommun relation. In scene three, Stella forgives Stanley violence. Later she says to Blanche that the scene the night before is normal. Stella makes efforts not to judge Stanley’s world.

As regards Blanche and Stanley, it’s more complicated. Neither makes efforts. Blanche thinks her world is superior, we can see that when she criticizes Stanley’s condition, she says he’s a « little bit on the primitive side ». Stanley thinks that Banche is fake and she wants to look better that she is.

The Dubois’ are Superior to the Kowalskis’ as regards education and conditions of life (before the loss of Belle Reve) but the Kowalskis’ are superior for honesty and it is stronger. Blanche ridicules him every time.

Blanche is a material girl and she isn’t honest. She arrived at Stanley’s home and she’s judged.

I think Blanche is Superior for material stuff but not for the character. Stanley shows his superiority for his character, he’s honest and says what he thinks but we must take into account that he raped Blanche and doesn’t tell anybody about it.
The Dubois are superior because they never had a bad behavior. Blanche is a liar but not for hurting someone. She tells “what ought to be truth”. She turned to alcohol and sexual promiscuity but this helps to show her entire life has been affected by the husband’s suicide and the loss of Belle Reve. She isn’t a bad person. Stella is not violent; she has always been on Blanche’s side. She tries to believe Blanche about the rape but Blanche has laid a lot of times, she “prefers” to believe Stanley because simpler for the baby.
As conclusion the Dubois’ world is superior to the Kowalskis’ because we can excuse the acts of the Dubois’ because Blanche is a bit lost and sensitive, she doesn’t want bad things for anybody, and Stella is in love with Stanley, she believes him and she’s a bit naive. Stanley is brutal and doesn’t try to understand anyone, he thinks he is the king and he’s greater of other people, maybe physically but not for the mentality, he is primitive and he only knows to play poker and to be aggressive. He doesn’t have money, he has just a big character and he’s respected by other people but he has a dark side.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2012 21:54


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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