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Correction/The Guardian

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/The Guardian
Message de amande224 posté le 07-01-2012 à 18:42:44 (S | E | F)

j'ai un travail d'anglais à effectuer pour lundi : il faut résumer un article de "The Guardian" en faisant comme si on le racontait à un personne quelconque, il faut faire environ 150 mots et on a le début de phrase imposée tout en sachant qu'il faut faire le texte au passé.
Je vous demande ainsi votre aide parce que mon niveau d'anglais n'est pas terrible et j'aimerais faire le moins de "grosses" fautes possibles, s'il vous plaît.

PS : Je suis en première.

Voici mon travail : Yesterday I read an article from the Guardian. This article spoke of a teenager named David who was nearly sixteen years old and was mentally handicapped. This boy according to the article was an article physically, he has a man's voice and funny eyes. It's big only stupidity was that he had steal biscuits ! These parents looked after him even if there are difficulties every day. His father in the article said that he didn't want David and he had thought about murdering David nevertheless his father said to him that he was all the same his son. According to me the father moreover contradicted himself. One learn then David stayed has the hospital for three months, the nurse in charge of David thought that he communicated with humour and he was helpful, for example he helped another man at the table, his father said staggered. Finally, from my point of view. I find the article very complete and it shows a part of the life of certain people who lives differently. I got a lot from it to read this article.

Merci d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-01-2012 19:41

Réponse: Correction/The Guardian de gerondif, postée le 07-01-2012 à 19:10:54 (S | E)

Yesterday I read an article from the Guardian. This article spoke of a teenager named David who was nearly sixteen years old and was mentally handicapped.

Cette première partie commence bien, à part "spoke of" un article n'ayant pas de cordes vocales, on dirait plutôt : this article was about.....

Après, c'est beaucoup plus maladroit, parfois, vos erreurs en français (David resta a l'hôpital devient "David stayed has the hospital") font se tromper le traducteur.

This boy according to the article was an article physically(sens?), he has a man's voice and funny eyes (pourquoi au présent?). It's big only stupidity was that he had steal biscuits ! These (ces parents ou ses parents?)parents looked after him even if there are (pourquoi au présent?) difficulties every day. His father in the article said that he didn't want David and he had thought about murdering David, nevertheless his father said to him that he was all the same his son. According to me the father (moreover) contradicted himself. One learn then (on apprend alors que...?)David stayed has the hospital for three months, the nurse in charge of David thought that he communicated with humour and he was helpful, for example he helped another man at the table, his father said staggered. Finally, from my point of view. I find the article very complete and it shows a part of the life of certain people who lives differently. I got a lot from it to read this article.

Réponse: Correction/The Guardian de amande224, postée le 08-01-2012 à 09:52:55 (S | E)
Ok merci beaucoup !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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