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Law and trial/correction

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Law and trial/correction
Message de bernard02 posté le 14-01-2012 à 18:51:25 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

je dois rendre les exercices suivants pour lundi, pouvez-vous me dire, s'il vous plait, s'ils sont corrects ou s'il y a des corrections et des améliorations à apporter? C'est issu de "English Vocabulary in Use" (pre-intermediate and intermediate).
Merci pour votre aide.

Exercises for the sixteenth of January 2012.

Put this story in the correct order.

1) they found both men guilty. 2) and charged them with the robbery. 3) 10,000 pounds was stolen from a bank in the High Street. 4) After the jury had listened to all the evidence. 5) They were sent to prison for seven years. 6) The trial took place two months later. 7) and they finally arrested two men. 8) They questioned them at the police station 9) The police questioned a number of people about the crime
According to me, the correct order is: 3-9-7-8-2-6-4-1-5.
10,000 pounds was stolen from a bank in the High Street. The police questioned a number of people about the crime and they finally arrested two men. They questioned them at the police station and charged them with the robbery. The trial took place two months later. After the jury had listened to all the evidence. they found both men guilty. They were sent to prison for seven years.

Answer the questions.

1) Who investigates crimes? -> Answer: it's the police who must investigate crimes.
2) Who sentences people? -> Answer: it's the judge who sentences people.
3) Who lives in cells? -> Answer: it's the prisoner convicted of the crime and sent to prison, according to the judge's decision.
4) Who decides if someone is innocent or guilty? -> Answer: it's the court who decides (the jury for the crimes like murders).
5) Who defend people and present evidence? -> Answer: it's the lawyer (or the barrister, or the attorney).
6) Who commit crimes? -> Answer: it's the delinquents (or offenders).

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-01-2012 20:26

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de bernard02, postée le 14-01-2012 à 18:52:49 (S | E)
Fill the gaps with suitable words.

1) I have never .............. the law and ............. a crime. -> Answer: I have never broken the law and committed a crime. Actually, I have already committed minor offences, such as illegal parkings and exceeding the speed limits.
2) In Britain it is ................ the law to drive a car without insurance. -> Answer: in Britain it is breaking the law to drive a car without insurance.
3) If you park illegaly you will have to pay a .......... -> Answer: if you park illegaly you will have to pay a fine.
4) The police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to ............... it in court. -> Answer: the police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to charge with it in court (or prove with ????).
5) The jury must decide if the accused is innocent or .............. -> Answer: The jury must decide if the accused is innocent or guilty.
6) In order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the ................ -> Answer: in order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the all the evidence for and against the defendant.
7) If the accused is .................... of murder, the .......................... may be at least ten years in prison. -> Answer: If the accused is convicted of murder, the sentence may be at least ten years in prison.
8) He has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor .............
-> Answer: he has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor offence (or crime).

Read this short story, then write down your response to the questions below, based on your knowledge of the law in your own country.

Two fifteen-year-old boys broke into a house in the middle of the day when the owner was out, and took money and jewellery worth about 900 pounds. The owner reported the crime to the police when she returned home at 6 p.m.

1) Will the police investigate this crime? -> Answer: Yes, she (it ????) will, the police must investigate that sort of crime.
2) How will they investigate? What will they do? -> Answer: I think they will invite the boys' parents who are still responsible of the boys who are minors.
3) Do you think the police will catch the two boys? -> Answer: yes, she will.
4) If they do, what crime will they be charged with? -> Answer: they will be charged both with the robbery.
5) Can the boys sent to prison? -> Answer: no, I don't think so because it's only a robbery and not a murder and because of their age.
6) What do you think the sentence would be? Do you think this is the correct sentence?
-> I think they can be sent in an establishment specialized for young delinquents, or condemned for works of collective interest.

Compare your answers with the answer key (based on the situation in the United Kingdom).
If possible, discuss your answers with someone else.

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de lucile83, postée le 15-01-2012 à 23:09:30 (S | E)

Could anybody help,please?

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de notrepere, postée le 16-01-2012 à 00:06:53 (S | E)

Le premier exercice est correct.


2) In Britain it is ................ the law to drive a car without insurance. -> Answer: in Britain it is breaking the law to drive a car without insurance.

4) The police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to ............... it in court. -> Answer: the police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to charge with it in court (or prove with ????).

6) In order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the ................ -> Answer: in order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the all the evidence for and against the defendant (Le mot 'evidence' suffit)

Modifié par notrepere le 16-01-2012 00:07

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de bernard02, postée le 16-01-2012 à 00:56:03 (S | E)
Bonjour notrepere,

je suppose que c'est correct aussi pour le deuxième et le quatrième exercices, puisque vous n'en parlez pas.

Pour ce qui est des deux phrases dont vous parlez, j'ai les expressions suivantes dans le texte de référence "When someone commits a crime (breaks th law and does something wrong/illegal/against the law)" et "and If they are sure the person committed the crime, the person is charged with the crime (the police make an official statement that they believe the the person committed the crime). The person must then go to court for trial. Je pense donc que nous devons reprendre des expressions de ce texte dans l'exercice qui l'accompagne.

Je viens de m'apercevoir qu'ils écrivent « the police make », pourquoi n'est-ce pas « the police makes » ?

Mais, je peux remplacer "2) In Britain it is ................ the law to drive a car without insurance. -> Answer: in Britain it is breaking the law to drive a car without insurance . » par «  2) In Britain it is ................ the law to drive a car without insurance. -> Answer: in Britain it is forbidden by the law to drive a car without insurance » et « 4) The police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to ............... it in court. -> Answer: the police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to charge with it in court (or prove with??) » par «4) The police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to ............... it in court. -> Answer: the police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to prove it in court. ».

Pourriez-vous me dire si ces nouvelles réponses seraient correctes ?  

Merci d'avance.

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de stammer, postée le 16-01-2012 à 00:59:08 (S | E)
Being somewhat familiar with the legal system in the UK I shall endeavour to help you.

1) I have never .............. the law and ............. a crime. -> Answer: I have never broken the law and committed a crime. Actually, I have already (unnecessary word) committed minor offences, such as parking illegally and exceeding the speed limits.
2) In Britain it is ................ the law to drive a car without insurance. -> Answer: In Britain it is against the law to drive a car without insurance.
3) If you park illegaly you will have to pay a .......... -> Answer: If you park illegaly you will have to pay a fine.
4) The police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to ............... it in court. -> Answer: the police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to prove it in court.
5) The jury must decide if the accused is innocent or .............. -> Answer: The jury must decide if the accused is guilty or not guilty. Note: A jury never finds a defendant "innocent", but "not guilty".
6) In order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the ................ -> Answer: In order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the all of the evidence for and against the defendant.
7) If the accused is .................... of murder, the .......................... may be at least ten years in prison. -> Answer: If the accused is convicted of murder, the sentence may be at least ten years in prison.
8) He has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor .............
-> Answer: he has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor offence. Offence is better.

Read this short story, then write down your response to the questions below, based on your knowledge of the law in your own country.

Two fifteen-year-old boys broke into a house in the middle of the day when the owner was out, and took money and jewellery worth about 900 pounds. The owner reported the crime to the police when she returned home at 6 p.m.

1) Will the police investigate this crime? -> Answer: Yes, they will, the police must investigate that sort of crime.
2) How will they investigate? What will they do? -> Answer: I think they will speak tothe boys' parents who are still responsible forthe boys as they are are minors.
3) Do you think the police will catch the two boys? -> Answer: Yes, they will.
4) If they do, what crime will they be charged with? -> Answer: They will be charged both with burglary. Note: Robbery is not the same as theft/burglary, legally. Robbery is basically theft with the use or threat of violence.
5) Can the boys sent to prison? -> Answer: No, I don't think so because it's only a burglary, not murder, and because of their age.
6) What do you think the sentence would be? Do you think this is the correct sentence?
-> I think they can be sent in an establishment specialized for young delinquents, or condemned for works of collective interest Note: this doesn't make sense and you didn't asnwer whether this is the correct sentence..

NOTE: "The police", despite being singular, are often talked of as though they are plural, e.g. "The police are incredibly inefficient."

Modifié par stammer le 16-01-2012 01:00

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de gerondif, postée le 16-01-2012 à 01:01:26 (S | E)
they knew it would be difficult to prove it in court. est correct.

Essayez: it is against the law...(contre la loi)

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de stammer, postée le 16-01-2012 à 01:34:41 (S | E)
Just thought I'd add a little explanation of the English (it is different for Scotland and Northern Ireland) criminal justice system, reading your first exercise I'm not sure you know the way things work.

There are two types of courts "Magistrates' Courts" and "Crown Courts".
Magistrates are volunteers from a local community who deal with less serious (legal term: summary) crimes. Usually three of them decide whether a defendant is guilty and sentence the defendant. Their decision is based on a majority vote (i.e. if two think guilty and one not guilty the defendant is guilty).
In a Crown Court a jurors (members of the local community who are selected and obliged to do jury duty) decide whether a defendant is guilty or not and a paid judge (who has likely been a lawyer for a considerable amount of time before becoming a judge) is responsible for sentencing. Crown Courts deal with more serious (indictable) crimes.

Of course there are examples where this format it not always followed, but this is a basic look at English criminal courts. The basic principle is that one is tried by one's peers (equals), i.e. magistrates or jurors. A defendant is always innocent until proven guilty and to be found guilty a juror/magistrate must be sure "beyond reasonable doubt" that they are guilty.

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de bernard02, postée le 16-01-2012 à 02:05:07 (S | E)
Bonsoir Stammer,

non le "Rebonsoir" n'est pas très "ok" car pas très "légal". En fait, le mot "rebonsoir" n'existe pas en français ni le mot "re" d'ailleurs! Mais, on se permet parfois des petites choses pas très "légales" en terme de langage! Mais, quitte à ne pas respecter la langue de Molière, je pense qu'il vaut mieux écrire le mot "re" tout simplement (c'est déjà plus court), c'est mon avis personnel.

Merci pour vos réponses, je n'ai pas bien compris pour mon premier exercice, voulez-vous dire que je n'ai pas mis les événements dans le bon ordre?


Réponse: Law and trial/correction de notrepere, postée le 16-01-2012 à 02:09:25 (S | E)

1) Will the police investigate this crime? -> Answer: Yes, they will, the police must investigate that sort of crime.
2) How will they investigate? What will they do? -> Answer: I think they will invite the boys' parents who are still responsible of (mauvaise préposition) the boys who are minors.
3) Do you think the police will catch the two boys? -> Answer: yes, they will.
4) If they do, what crime will they be charged with? -> Answer: they will be charged both (mal placé) with the robbery.
5) Can the boys be sent to prison? -> Answer: no, I don't think so because it's only a robbery and not a murder and because of their age.
6) What do you think the sentence would be? Do you think this is the correct sentence? (Vous n'avez pas répondu à cette question)
-> I think they can be sent in (mauvaise préposition) an establishment specialized for young delinquents (examinez la tournure de phrase), or condemned for works of collective interest (il faut tourner la phrase autrement).

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de bernard02, postée le 16-01-2012 à 04:50:50 (S | E)

voici ce que j'ai corrigé en fonction de vos réponses (exercice 1 -> ok).
Merci de me signaler ce qui ne va pas encore (ce n'est pas moi qui ai écrit "innocent" donc je ne le remplace pas par "not guilty").

En attendant, je vais dormir, il est plus que temps de ce côté de l'Atlantique !
Vous pouvez encore me signaler les erreurs éventuelles, je regarderai dans quelques heures.

Cordialement et merci encore pour votre aide.

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de bernard02, postée le 16-01-2012 à 15:18:36 (S | E)

il était vraiment temps que je dorme car j'avais oublié de vous joindre ce que j'avais corrigé en fonction de vos informations respectives. Je vous mets donc ma dernière version ci-dessous, n'hésitez pas s'il vous plait à me signaler les erreurs résiduelles.

Answer the questions.

Who investigates crimes? -> Answer: it's the police who must investigate crimes.
Who sentences people? -> Answer: it's the judge who sentences people.
Who lives in cells? -> Answer: it's the prisoner convicted of the crime and sent to prison, according to the judge's decision.
Who decides if someone is innocent or guilty? -> Answer: it's the court who decides (the jury for the crimes like murders).
Who defend people and present evidence? -> Answer: it's the lawyer (or the barrister, or the attorney).
Who commit crimes? -> Answer: it's the delinquents (or offenders).
- Fill the gaps with suitable words.

I have never .............. the law and ............. a crime. -> Answer: I have never broken the law and committed a crime. Actually, I have committed minor offences, such as parking illegally and exceeding the speed limit.
In Britain it is ................ the law to drive a car without insurance. -> Answer: in Britain it is against the law to drive a car without insurance.
If you park illegaly you will have to pay a .......... -> Answer: if you park illegaly you will have to pay a fine.
The police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to ............... it in court. -> Answer: the police were fairly sure that the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to prove it in court.
The jury must decide if the accused is innocent or .............. -> Answer: The jury must decide if the accused is innocent or guilty.
In order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the ................ -> Answer: in order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the all of the evidence.
If the accused is .................... of murder, the .......................... may be at least ten years in prison. -> Answer: If the accused is convicted of murder, the sentence may be at least ten years in prison.
He has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor .............
-> Answer: he has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor offence (or crime).

Read this short story, then write down your response to the questions below, based on your knowledge of the law in your own country.

Two fifteen-year-old boys broke into a house in the middle of the day when the owner was out, and took money and jewellery worth about 900 pounds. The owner reported the crime to the police when she returned home at 6 p.m.

Will the police investigate this crime? -> Answer: Yes, they will, the police must investigate that sort of crime.
How will they investigate? What will they do? -> Answer: I think they will speak to the boys' parents who are still responsible for the boys as they are minors.
Do you think the police will catch the two boys? -> Answer: yes, they will.
If they do, what crime will they be charged with? -> Answer: they will be both charged with burglary.
Can the boys sent to prison?

Réponse: Law and trial/correction de bernard02, postée le 16-01-2012 à 15:20:47 (S | E)

Can the boys sent to prison? -> Answer: no, I don't think so because it's only a burglary and not a murder and because of their age.
What do you think the sentence would be? Do you think this is the correct sentence?
-> I think they could be sent to a young delinquents specialized establishment, or condemned to collective interest works. And I think it would be a good sentence for young delinquents because it's not good for them to be sent to a real prison.

Compare your answers with the answer key (based on the situation in the United Kingdom).
If possible, discuss your answers with someone else.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.


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