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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Corrections /Exercices
Message de lili97kat posté le 22-01-2012 à 11:58:55 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai plusieurs exercices et j'aimerais votre avis pour savoir où j'ai fait des fautes, s'il vous plaît.

Complétez avec this/that/these/those.

John: I can't believe you chose to give blue hair to your friend. And this blue on top of that.
Mary: It's always better than that ridiculous trousers yours has.
John: These trousers are an exact replica of John's Lennon's, you really have no taste at all.
Jane: Stop bickering you two! Look at Mickael's and tell me what you think about it.
Mary: This one?
Jane: No the one behind. Yes, this one.

Comparez deux ami(e)s et expliquez ce que vous aimez et n'aimez pas chez eux/elles. Utilisez des démonstratifs.

They are called Naomie and Christina. The one is fair, the other one is brown. This I like at Naomie it's his humor and these manias. But I also appreciate this serious side at Christina.

Et mes questions sont-elles "bien"?

How has he friends?
He has the blue hair?
Is your one frien?
He run away?
Why do you make that?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-01-2012 14:53

Réponse: Corrections /Exercices de notrepere, postée le 22-01-2012 à 19:15:45 (S | E)

Complétez avec this/that/these/those.

Mary: It's always better than that ridiculous trousers yours has.
John: These trousers are an exact replica of John's Lennon's, you really have no taste at all.
Jane: No the one behind. Yes, this one.

Comparez deux ami(e)s et expliquez ce que vous aimez et n'aimez pas chez eux/elles. Utilisez des démonstratifs.

They are called Naomie and Christina. The one is fair, the other one is brown. This I like at Naomie it's his humor and these manias. But I also appreciate this serious side at (mauvaise préposition) Christina.

Et mes questions sont-elles "bien"?

How has he friends? mal construit
He has the blue hair? (Has he got blue hair?)
Is your one frien?
He run away? mal construit; il faut 'do' au passé
Why do you make that?

La plupart de cet exercice n'a pas de sens. Avez-vous utilisé un traducteur en ligne ?

Réponse: Corrections /Exercices de lili97kat, postée le 23-01-2012 à 16:33:09 (S | E)
Merci d'avoir répondu.
Honnêtement, j'ai essayé de faire seule, mais c'était une vraie galère, alors oui, je me suis aidée du traducteur en ligne.

than these ridiculous
Yes, that one.

That I like
with Christina

How has he friends? > How many has he friends?
Is your one frien? > It's your only friend?
He run away? How many times run he away?
Why do you make that? Why do you that? (Pourquoi fais-tu ça? , le sens n'être peut être pas bon?

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-01-2012 09:15

Réponse: Corrections /Exercices de notrepere, postée le 23-01-2012 à 22:41:57 (S | E)

Mary: It's always better than (1) ridiculous trousers you have.
John: These trousers are an exact replica of John Lennon's, you really have no taste at all.
Jane: No the one behind. Yes, this one.

(1) these = le mien / those = le tien ; c'est le pantalon de Jean, il est le sien; Mary remarque le pantalon de John; ton pantalon; Donc, quel choix convient ?

* I like Naomie it's his humor and these manias (ce mot ne va pas)

On dit: What I like about you/John/Mary is your/his/her good taste and good looks. Adaptez...

How many has he friends How many friends (auxiliaire "do" 3rd personne) + he have? / Ou "How many friends has he got?"
It's your only friend Is (pronoun: he/she) your only friend?
How many times run he away How many times (auxiliaire "do" au passé) + he run away? / Ou "How many times has he run away"
Why do you do that?

Réponse: Corrections /Exercices de lili97kat, postée le 26-01-2012 à 15:41:11 (S | E)

Mary: It's always better than those ridiculous trousers you have.

I like Naomie it's his humor and these manners

Is he your only friend?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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