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Correction /about theatre
Message de lilimouss94 posté le 24-01-2012 à 23:14:13 (S | E | F)
Voilà je dois faire une petite rédaction en exprimant mon opinion à propos d'une pièce de théâtre vue au cours d'anglais la semaine dernière. Je voulais juste savoir si quelqu'un pourrait vérifier afin d'être sûr de la grammaire, l'orthographe etc.
Merci d'avance :-)
It was the first time that I saw a play in English so it was a little bit complicated to understand the entirety of story especially because the actors played several different characters: it was sometimes difficult to understand who was who. Moreover there was also a lot of music (the actors sang during all the play and they used several musical instruments too) and a lot of lights effects (for instance during the storm). Then, there weren’t many sets in the stage but it was enough.
Concerning the understanding, despite the fact that I had read the script before, it was complicated to understand because the actors moved most of time, they sang, they shouted and spook very fast for me. But I understood the story on the whole.
In my opinion, the story was original and the actors played very well, I really believe what I saw: they were absolutely convincing.
About the audience, there was a lot of interaction between the audience and the actors; it’s very pleasant and funny. The audience had respect for actors, we were quite and interested in the play even if the theatre was full of students.
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-01-2012 22:43
Message de lilimouss94 posté le 24-01-2012 à 23:14:13 (S | E | F)
Voilà je dois faire une petite rédaction en exprimant mon opinion à propos d'une pièce de théâtre vue au cours d'anglais la semaine dernière. Je voulais juste savoir si quelqu'un pourrait vérifier afin d'être sûr de la grammaire, l'orthographe etc.
Merci d'avance :-)
It was the first time that I saw a play in English so it was a little bit complicated to understand the entirety of story especially because the actors played several different characters: it was sometimes difficult to understand who was who. Moreover there was also a lot of music (the actors sang during all the play and they used several musical instruments too) and a lot of lights effects (for instance during the storm). Then, there weren’t many sets in the stage but it was enough.
Concerning the understanding, despite the fact that I had read the script before, it was complicated to understand because the actors moved most of time, they sang, they shouted and spook very fast for me. But I understood the story on the whole.
In my opinion, the story was original and the actors played very well, I really believe what I saw: they were absolutely convincing.
About the audience, there was a lot of interaction between the audience and the actors; it’s very pleasant and funny. The audience had respect for actors, we were quite and interested in the play even if the theatre was full of students.
Modifié par lucile83 le 25-01-2012 22:43
Réponse: Correction /about theatre de gerondif, postée le 24-01-2012 à 23:55:18 (S | E)
bon texte, agréable à lire, peu d'erreurs !
It was the first time that I saw(plus que parfait!!) a play in English so it was a little bit complicated to understand the entirety of the story (il est vrai comme le dit l'interlocuteur suivant que "the entire story" "the whole story" serait plus courant!!)especially because the actors played several different characters: it was sometimes difficult to understand who was who. Moreover there was also a lot of music (the actors sang during all the play and they used several musical instruments too) and a lot of light
Concerning the understanding, despite the fact that I had read the script before, it was complicated to understand because the actors moved most of the time, they sang, they shouted and spook very fast (trop vite? too fast) for me. But I understood the story on the whole.
In my opinion, the story was original and the actors played very well, I really believe(prétérit en ed) what I saw: they were absolutely convincing.
About the audience, there was a lot of interaction between the audience and the actors; it’s(prétérit) very pleasant and funny. The audience had respect for the actors, we were quite.....(manque un mot? ou alors, supprimer and) and interested in the play even if the theatre was full of students.
Modifié par gerondif le 25-01-2012 17:40
Réponse: Correction /about theatre de notrepere, postée le 25-01-2012 à 03:14:47 (S | E)
A mon avis, il reste quelques problèmes.
... so it was a little bit complicated to understand the entirety of story (1) especially because the actors played several different characters: it was sometimes difficult to understand who was who. Moreover there was also a lot of music (the actors sang during all the play (2) and they used several musical instruments too) and a lot of lights effects (3) (for instance during the storm). Then, there weren’t many sets in (4) the stage but there were enough.
Concerning the understanding (7), despite the fact that I had read the script before, it was complicated to understand because the actors moved most of time, they sang, they shouted and spook very fast (5) for me. But I understood the story on the whole.
In my opinion, the story was original and the actors played very well, I really believed what I saw: they were absolutely convincing.
About the audience, there was a lot of interaction between the audience and the actors; it was very pleasant and funny. The audience had respect for actors, we were quite (6) and interested in the play even though the theatre was full of students.
(1) cette tournure de phrase ne va pas, on dirait: the story in its entirety, ou, the entire story.
(2) the entire play; (generally this is called a "musical" in English instead of a play)
(3) lighting effects
(4) mauvaise préposition: sur
(5) too quickly
(6) orthographe
(7) my comprehension (of the dialogue)
Modifié par notrepere le 25-01-2012 03:15
Réponse: Correction /about theatre de lilimouss94, postée le 25-01-2012 à 19:16:56 (S | E)
Est-ce donc correct cette fois? Merci beaucoup en tout cas !
It was the first time that I had been a play in English so it was a little bit complicated to understand the whole story especially because the actors played several different characters: it was sometimes difficult to understand who was who. Moreover there was also a lot of music (the actors sang during the entire play and they used several musical instruments too) and a lot of lighting effects (for instance during the storm). Then, there weren’t many sets on the stage but there were enough.
Concerning my comprehension, despite the fact that I had read the script before, it was complicated to understand because the actors moved most of the time, they sang, they shouted and spook too fast for me. But I understood the story on the whole.
In my opinion, the story was original and the actors played very well, I really believed what I saw: they were absolutely convincing.
About the audience, there was a lot of interaction between the audience and the actors; it was very pleasant and funny. The audience had respect for the actors, we were quiet and interested in the play even though the theatre was full of students.
Réponse: Correction /about theatre de gerondif, postée le 25-01-2012 à 20:03:42 (S | E)
to see, I saw, seen (et pas been)
to speak, I spoke, spoken !
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