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Exposé/peine de mort

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Exposé/peine de mort
Message de mel2401 posté le 05-02-2012 à 19:44:17 (S | E | F)

Voici un texte que j'ai préparé pour mon oral d'anglais sur la peine de mort (je suis en première). Je voudrais bien que vous m'aidiez à localiser mes erreurs et si possible m'aider à les corriger.

At first, I was against the death penalty. I thought that society has (had ?) no right to decide someone's life, although he is a murderer. But the more I thought the more I realized what death is, what murder is. (prétérit ou present perfect)
I wondered ( peut-être present perfect ?) what could feel a victim at the time of his death. What was she thinking ?
She had probably no time to realize that her life would end in the most horrible way possible.
Any victim could have lived a little longer if someone did not decide to kill her and to stop her life.
That's why murderers should pay for what they did. They took life of people who did not deserve it. Why defend them? Why ban the only way that will definitely stop the acts of murderers? Nobody could defend the victims, no one could predict their death and prevent such barbarous acts are committed. So what's protecting the murderers to death. They deserve it, more than anyone else. Death penalty is maybe radical but it deters people from killing and helps prevent recurrences, which often occur. Kidnappings, rapes and murders are everyday committed so I think that the government have to do something to limit those acts. And that's the death penalty.

J'ai mis entre parenthèses les verbes et souligné les mots dont je n'étais pas sûre ou ceux que je ne savais pas trop comment formuler.
Ce point de vue n'est pas forcément le mien. Merci de ne pas le prendre en considération.

Merci pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-02-2012 20:31
C'est un sujet comme un autre, souvent traité en littérature, et qui doit faire partie de la culture.

Réponse: Exposé/peine de mort de gerondif, postée le 05-02-2012 à 23:18:09 (S | E)

At first, I was against the death penalty. I thought that society (had ?) no right to decide to take someone's life, although he is(was) a murderer. But the more I thought the more I realized what death is, what murder is. (prétérit ou present perfect)
I wondered what a victim could feel at the time of his death. What was she(he or she) thinking ?
She had probably no time to realize that her life would end in the most horrible way possible.
Any victim could have lived a little longer if someone did not decide (plus que parfait)to kill her and to stop her life.
That's why murderers should pay for what they did. They took life of(from) people who did not deserve(plus que parfait) itto die . Why defend them? Why ban the only way that will definitely stop the acts of murderers? Nobody could defend the victims, no one could predict their death and prevent such barbarous acts are(oups erreur de ma part : to prevent something from + being) committed. So what's the use of protecting the murderers to(même construction que prevent) death (why + base verbale irait mieux). They deserve it, more than anyone else. Maybe Death penalty is radical but it deters people from killing and helps prevent recurrences, which often occur. Kidnappings, rapes and murders are committed everyday so I think that the government have to do something to limit those acts. And that's the death penalty.

Modifié par gerondif le 06-02-2012 00:14

Réponse: Exposé/peine de mort de mel2401, postée le 06-02-2012 à 00:03:15 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide. Bonne soirée

Réponse: Exposé/peine de mort de mel2401, postée le 06-02-2012 à 17:07:16 (S | E)
J'ai bien pris la correction en note. Encore merci


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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