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Vérification/social network

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Vérification/social network
Message de laineux posté le 14-02-2012 à 00:20:11 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous

J'ai un résumé à rendre sur un sujet en anglais pour bientôt et j'aurais voulu savoir si la traduction que j'ai faite est juste car mon niveau d'anglais est relativement moyen (mais j'y travaille grâce à ce site ).
J'ai fait un sujet sur les réseaux sociaux (notamment sur facebook).

Voici mon article:
Social networks.

Today social networking websites play a major role.
A social network is a set of social entities such as individuals or social organizations linked together by bonds created during social interactions.
The origin of social networks goes back to blogs and web forums.
The main social network in the world is Facebook. Facebook was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg at the time it was just a rogue's gallery of Harvard University.
Facebook is made up of different applications such as:
- A list of his friends
- A box to access photos of the user
- A wall that allows the user to e friends leave little messages.
- An online discussion with friends who are connected
At facebook users we have:
5% of 55-64 years
8% of 45-54 years
15% of 35-44 years
20% of 13-17years
26% of 18-25years
26% of 26-34years
It is observed that the use of social networks (facebook for those numbers) are doing at any age.

If facebook were a country it would be the fourth most populous in the world.
Indeed 40 million status messages every day.
2 billion external links every week.
2 billion photos are uploaded each month.

In January 2011, the company would be $ 50 billion according to sources from the internet.
Within a few years, Facebook has become a slot machine must ever expanding.

There is also a social network that twitter is having great success. The user can send free short messages (called tweets) via the internet by web or SMS messaging.

Then Social networks have a significant impact on users. Indeed, 39% of Americans think 18-24 years to leave their jobs if their company blocks facebook and 21% would be disgusted by this practice.
It is observed that social networks have become prominent in people's lives. So important that now, social networks play a role even at work.

In terms of generations who use the Internet:
53% of those 13-14years and 58% of 15-17yrs host their own blog
66% of 13-14years and 74% of 15-17yrs use the webcam.
91% of 9-17years use the internet to search for information, 80% to communicate with their friends, 68% for watching videos, playing 68%.
55% of 15-17years have a profile on a social network (Facebook or Myspace).

So we see that young people who were most affected by the wave of social networks. Young people who use social networks as a hobby but can be dangerous for their privacy.

Despite his immense success around the world, social networks have many problems to solve as the protection of privacy that can be achieved if one is not careful. Example: When we share a photo or an item, the item is visible to everyone, those who can cause problems.
-The security of computer

For me, facebook is a huge revolution in our world today, but it is a revolution to consume with moderation.

Merci à ceux qui prennent le temps de lire

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2012 06:20

Réponse: Vérification/social network de laineux, postée le 14-02-2012 à 18:28:01 (S | E)
Petit "Up"

Réponse: Vérification/social network de lucile83, postée le 14-02-2012 à 21:38:42 (S | E)
Merci de patienter un peu car les membres du site sont sans doute occupés ailleurs (vie de famille ou activité professionnelle par exemple); dès qu'un membre pourra vous aider il le fera.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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