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Aide /Exposé Facebook
Message de lin0u9z posté le 18-02-2012 à 20:30:57
Bonjour à tous
Je suis en terminale bac pro et cette année pour le bac,et je serai interrogé à l'oral durant 10 mn sur un des trois exposés que je dois faire.
J'ai fait les exposés, et je suis vraiment, mais vraiment, NUL en anglais. Je lesaies ai d'abord rédigé en français puis j'ai traduit mot à mot en anglais avec reverso et mon dico. Donc j'imagine que je dois avoir pas mal de phrases incorrectes .. alors si vous pouviez m'aider en corrigeant, en me disant ce qui ne va pas ça m'aiderait beaucoup parce que j'ai passé déjà énormément de temps dessus.. Bien sûr, je poste un exposé pas les trois, je ne vais pas abuser non plus.
Le thème est sur Facebook :
I’m going to speak about Facebook, because it’s a subject which wills always of actuality and which concern all publics.
Facebook is a social network on the internet which was to create the 4 February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg.
Marck Z has first created for the students of the university Harvard for their allow to establish links and to share their photos. With to the interest shown by the young people, the founder decides to surround itself with persons in the purpose of perfecting his site and to make him world-famous. From September2006, he was opened to all publics and in July, He exceeds the 500 millions of members by becoming the first social network to the world.
According to figures, Least than 25 years represent 50 % of the members of Facebook, 26-44 years represents 40 %, and 45-54 years and 55-65 years are still under-represented on Facebook with 7 % and 4 % of members in the world.
As regards France, Facebook possesses more than 20.8 million users, that is to say 44.2 % for 15-64 years.
Countries the most connected to Facebook are Italy (66 % of the Internet users), Australia (63 %), the United States and the United Kingdom (62 %).
To be able to reach Facebook, of an identifier and of a password chooses during the inscription. We create then a profile by adding and a photo of cover, our coordinates and information concerning us (Favourites books, music style...). For to protect the private life of every member, parameters of confidentiality were set up.
Since its creation, Facebook make of numerous debates, in particular on the disclosure of private information as regards the school domain but also of the work.
For example, when a pupil ignoring the consequences of his act, publishes on his wall a photo of his professor, it entails an invasion of privacy of the person, which can thus turn around against pupils.
Furthermore, when the profile is accessible to everybody, a stranger can be informed about the centers of interest, the address and the projects of travels of a person, what facilitates the task for the burglars.
It is the reason for which it is necessary to be watchful during the creation of a facebook account and especially, avoid revealing too personal information
Merci à ceux qui prendront de leur temps pour m'aider
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2012 21:17
Message de lin0u9z posté le 18-02-2012 à 20:30:57
Bonjour à tous
Je suis en terminale bac pro et cette année pour le bac,et je serai interrogé à l'oral durant 10 mn sur un des trois exposés que je dois faire.
J'ai fait les exposés, et je suis vraiment, mais vraiment, NUL en anglais. Je les
Le thème est sur Facebook :
I’m going to speak about Facebook, because it’s a subject which wills always of actuality and which concern all publics.
Facebook is a social network on the internet which was to create the 4 February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg.
Marck Z has first created for the students of the university Harvard for their allow to establish links and to share their photos. With to the interest shown by the young people, the founder decides to surround itself with persons in the purpose of perfecting his site and to make him world-famous. From September2006, he was opened to all publics and in July, He exceeds the 500 millions of members by becoming the first social network to the world.
According to figures, Least than 25 years represent 50 % of the members of Facebook, 26-44 years represents 40 %, and 45-54 years and 55-65 years are still under-represented on Facebook with 7 % and 4 % of members in the world.
As regards France, Facebook possesses more than 20.8 million users, that is to say 44.2 % for 15-64 years.
Countries the most connected to Facebook are Italy (66 % of the Internet users), Australia (63 %), the United States and the United Kingdom (62 %).
To be able to reach Facebook, of an identifier and of a password chooses during the inscription. We create then a profile by adding and a photo of cover, our coordinates and information concerning us (Favourites books, music style...). For to protect the private life of every member, parameters of confidentiality were set up.
Since its creation, Facebook make of numerous debates, in particular on the disclosure of private information as regards the school domain but also of the work.
For example, when a pupil ignoring the consequences of his act, publishes on his wall a photo of his professor, it entails an invasion of privacy of the person, which can thus turn around against pupils.
Furthermore, when the profile is accessible to everybody, a stranger can be informed about the centers of interest, the address and the projects of travels of a person, what facilitates the task for the burglars.
It is the reason for which it is necessary to be watchful during the creation of a facebook account and especially, avoid revealing too personal information
Merci à ceux qui prendront de leur temps pour m'aider
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2012 21:17
Réponse: Aide /Exposé Facebook de lucile83, postée le 18-02-2012 à 21:17:16
Si je donne à Reverso une phrase en français, en tablant sur vos fautes d'orthographe, j'obtiens votre traduction en anglais.Cela est quand même amusant et intéressant de cerner les fautes en français à partir d'une traduction en anglais!
Facebook est un réseau social sur internet qui fut créer le 4 février 2004
Facebook is a social network on the Internet which was to create February 4th, 2004
Nous ne corrigeons pas les traductions de robot.