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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de laura60400 posté le 19-02-2012 à 11:56:40 (S | E | F)

voici un dialogue que j'ai écrit . Je pense qu"il y a des fautes car je ne suis pas très forte en anglais.
Merci d'avance à tous ceux qui essayeront de m'aider

"Sophie had long time hesitated on these future projects, to what she would do later. Today, she finally found her voice and she decides to announce these parents.
"Dad, Mom, you can come into the dining room please, I have something to tell you" Sophie said
His parents came down the stairs and to demanded that Sophie would tell them
"What°s the matter?" asked his father
"Well, it's a long time have you wonder what I wanted do later, I°ve never really answered because I did not know myself what I wanted to do with my life and as you know, I always had trouble knowing what I liked or not but I think today that found” Sophie answered
"It is true that it has been a long time to keep on repeating same as it would be activated because wishes for Post Bac stop late March” father asked
"And then, what is it?" mother said
“I think to a BTS in the artisanal sector and more in the woodworking”
"Oh, you abandoned the idea of becoming a teacher?" Mother exclaimed
"You know very well that I do not like the FAC, I've already said I do not want to go. And you dad, you think of what?” Sophie said
"If that's what you want to do and if not why do you like, it's your future" father answered
“I°m a little disappointed, your sister is in college and I thought that you would have followed. I have been proud of you” Mother exclaimed
"It°s mean if I'm not going to college you will not know me proud?” Sophie asked
“No, I never said that I would not be proud of you, you are my daughter and I am your mother I'll always be proud of you, some or your choice.” Mother said."

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-02-2012 11:58

Réponse: Correction/dialogue de headway, postée le 19-02-2012 à 13:46:59 (S | E)

Voice= voix

voie= way

These= ces

ses= her (dans la cas présent)

Et j'en passe...

Revenez avec un travail personnel et non celui d'un traducteur et vous aurez de l'aide


Réponse: Correction/dialogue de laura60400, postée le 19-02-2012 à 17:41:48 (S | E)
Sophie was a long time about his future, what she would do later. Today, she finally found her way and she decides to tell his parents.
"Mom, Dad, you can come into the dining room please, I have something to tell you," Sophie exclaimed

His parents came into the living room for know what Sophie wanted to tell them.
"What's the matter?” his father asked
"If that's what you want, why not, it's your future"
“Bein voilà, it has been a long time since you what asked you what I want to make of my life, I've never really answered because I did not know myself what I wanted to do and as you know, I always had trouble knowing what I liked or not but now I think I found "Sophie said
"And what is it?” his mother Interrupted
"I think I register for a BTS artisanal, rather in the work wood"
"You abandoned the idea of becoming teacher? I would prefer that you stay on this way, I think it's not a good idea, "her mother replied disappointed
"You know very well that I do not like college, and I did not want to do long studies" Sophie exclaimed annoyed
"It's a shame because you have skills for college, I was proud of you!” His mother said
“And you dad, what do you think?" Sophie asked
"I must confess I'm a little disappointed but hey you are my daughter, I am your mother and whatever your choice I encourage you! " his mother said

merci d'avance

Réponse: Correction/dialogue de headway, postée le 19-02-2012 à 17:46:11 (S | E)
Hi again,

même remarque:

His ne va pas puisque Sophie est une fille.

"Bein voilà" n'est pas anglais.

Abandonner: give up/forget, ici.


Réponse: Correction/dialogue de laura60400, postée le 19-02-2012 à 19:10:01 (S | E)
Sophie was a long time about his future, what she would do later. Today, she finally found her way and she decides to tell his parents.
"Mom, Dad, you can come into the dining room please, I have something to tell you," Sophie exclaimed

Her parents came into the living room for know what Sophie wanted to tell them.
"What's the matter?” his father asked
"If that's what you want, why not, it's your future"
“Bein voilà, it has been a long time since you what asked you what I want to make of my life, I've never really answered because I did not know myself what I wanted to do and as you know, I always had trouble knowing what I liked or not but now I think I found "Sophie said
"And what is it?” his mother Interrupted
"I think I register for a BTS artisanal, rather in the work wood"
"You give up the idea of becoming teacher? I would prefer that you stay on this way, I think it's not a good idea, "her mother replied disappointed
"You know very well that I do not like college, and I did not want to do long studies" Sophie exclaimed annoyed
"It's a shame because you have skills for college, I was proud of you!” His mother said
“And you dad, what do you think?" Sophie asked
"I must confess I'm a little disappointed but hey you are my daughter, I am your mother and whatever your choice I encourage you! " his mother said

Je ne sais pas traduir " bein voilà" car c'est un langage familier et peut être que en anglais il y a une formule spéciale pour exprimer cela


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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