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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Entretien échange/aide
Message de decelles posté le 19-02-2012 à 16:29:17 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis actuellement en école de commerce et j'ai un entretien demain car je souhaite partir en échange dans une école à l'étranger l'année prochaine.
Vu que l'anglais n'est pas mon point fort, j'ai fait quelques phrases afin de pouvoir répondre plus facilement aux questions que l'examinateur pourrait me poser.
Est-ce que qqn quelqu'un pourrait prendre un peu de temps pour corriger mes fautes svp s'il vous plaît?
Merci beaucoup d'avance
Bonne journée

1) I'd rather go to a country I've never been.

2)Discovering a new country, culture and way of life is the main argument that made me decide to choose a far amay destination.

3) I have never had the chance to visit these country but which attracts me a lot

4) I am more particularly interested by the Asian ant American continent. To have a different approach to commerce from the European point of view. 

5) As far as I'm concerned, I love traveling, I am open-minded, I have never had any problems adapting to a new environment or people and I am independent.

6) I believe I am a good candidate for this program because I have been through similar situations of adapting to a new environment this year.

7) I'm hardworking and always ready to learn more. 

8) This program offer me the opportunity to discover another way of thinking and working.

9) I'm motivated and determined.

10) It will be an extraordinary chance for me to improve my English.

11) This opportunity will be the occasion to discover a new culture and there is absolutely no doubt that from a personal point of view, it will be an unforgettable experience

12) From exchange in a big city seems more suited to my character.

13) I love to communicate and meeting new people.

14) I do not regret my first international experience . I advise this to everyone.

Merci encore

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-02-2012 22:13

Réponse: Entretien échange/aide de lucile83, postée le 19-02-2012 à 22:28:31 (S | E)

Green : correction is given
Blue : you have to correct the mistake

1) I'd rather go to a country I've never visited.

2)Discovering a new country, culture and way of life is the main factor that made me decide to choose a far away destination.

3) I have never had the opportunity to visit these country plural but they attracts plural me a lot

4) I am more particularly interested by wrong preposition the Asian and American continent plural. To have a different approach to commerce from the European point of view. that's not a sentence; where is the verb?

5) As far as I'm concerned, I love travelling, I am open-minded, I have never had any problems adapting to a new environment or people and I am independent.

6) I believe I am a good candidate for this program because I have been through similar situations of adapting to a new environment this year.

7) I'm hardworking and always ready to learn more. 

8) This program offer 3rd sing. person me the opportunity to discover another way of thinking and working.

9) I'm motivated and determined.

10) It will be an extraordinary chance occasion for me to improve my English.

11) This opportunity will be the occasion to discover a new culture and there is I have absolutely no doubt that from a personal point of view, it will be an unforgettable experience

12) From exchange in a big city seems more suited to my character. what do you mean?

13) I love to communicate and meeting why a gerund? new people.

14) I do not regret my first international experience . I advise recommend this that/it to everyone.

Réponse: Entretien échange/aide de decelles, postée le 20-02-2012 à 05:21:35 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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