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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction / publicité
Message de nana3009 posté le 22-02-2012 à 17:57:21 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je poste de nouveau un message car j'ai une description de publicité à faire pour vendredi et j'aimerais avoir de l'aide pour la correction. J'ai essayé de modifier mon texte avec mes propres mots mais mon niveau d'anglais est faible.
Merci de vos réponses.

This document is an advertisement taken from the famous American newspaper magazine « Cosmopolitan ».This poster illustrate the brand “Clinique”. This advert is composed of four parts.
The background of the advert is white, the products shows up very well against that background

At the top of the image, we see photography of 2 products of colour blue: turnaround concentrate and turnaround body smoothing cream. We realise that these products are fluff and there is a tear at the level of the center of products to leave appear sharply products.
In the middle of the advert, there is a catch phrase to draw the attention of the people" now revel new born skin, head to toe ".
Underneath, there is a text which describes the advantages of these 2 products.
So, we can read that these products allow having a more sensational, clearer, younger skin...
They are exfoliating products.
Bottom right-hand corner, there is a mark “Clinique”
Consequently, we notice that there is a link between the photography and the text because that this shows us clearly the efficiency of the presented products. The photography is vague but with the application of this product, it becomes clear. Quite as the skin, later the application of the product, it becomes more sensational, net…

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2012 20:16

Réponse: Correction / publicité de gerondif, postée le 22-02-2012 à 18:19:51 (S | E)
This document is an advertisement taken from the famous American newspaper magazine « Cosmopolitan ».This poster illustrate(présent 3ème personne = S ) the brand “Clinique”. This advert is composed of four parts.
The background of the advert is white, the products shows up very well against that background

At the top of the image, we can see photography(c'est la science de la photographie et non pas une photo, "a photo" ou "a photograph" ou "a picture") of 2 products of colour blue: turnaround concentrate and turnaround body smoothing cream. We realise that these products are fluff(flou se dit "out of focus") and there is a tear at the level of the center of the products to leave appear the sharply products.
In the middle of the advert, there is a catch phrase to draw the attention of the people" now revel (dans quel sens?) new born skin, from head to toe ".
Underneath, there is a text which describes the advantages of these 2 products.
So, we can read that these products allow having (essayez avec le verbe give : les produits vous donnent)a more sensational, clearer, younger skin...
They are exfoliating products.
in the Bottom right-hand corner, there is a mark “Clinique”
Consequently, we notice that there is a link between the photography and the text because that this shows us clearly the efficiency of the presented products. The photography is vague but with the application of this product, it becomes clear. Quite as the skin, later(après) the application of the product, it becomes more sensational, net…


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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