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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de missmj posté le 24-02-2012 à 20:07:45 (S | E | F)

j'ai rédigé mon expression écrite; pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes de grammaire, de conjugaison ou/et d'orthographe s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour votre aide.

Sujet : Some parents prefer their children to be taught at home. In your opinion, what are their motivations ? Give your point of view.

I think, some parents prefer their children to be taught at home because according to them they will have a better education and receive an education adapted to their needs. Indeed, the teacher will have more time and attention for the child who learn at home. The child will make progress at his own pace whereas school set the pace. These learning conditions are right for the fulfillment of children because they are not disturb in their progress.

But, it cannot be denied that children prefer attend school because they are cheerful to go at school and meet their friends. School is essential because it's bring an open-mindedness at children. They meet new friends talk with them, share their opinions, discover and learn many interesting things about world together. Like parents school goal's is to make well-bred and intelligent children.

As I see it, I prefer learn at school there is more advantages in learning at school than home. In my schooldays I have meet several teachers and friends who are unforgettable. We work together and learn together. Last year, I did a talk with three of my classmates it's was an rewarding experience. Therefore, I prefer the teaching in school instead of borings lessons alone at home. But for sick children who have serious disease and unfortunately can't go school their teaching at home is required and necessary. Last but not least, I want to become a teacher and teach at children who can't afford a personal teacher or a private school fees i-e in a common-school.

Edited by lucile83 on 24-02-2012 22:00

Réponse: Essai/éducation de notrepere, postée le 25-02-2012 à 04:37:00 (S | E)

I think, some parents prefer their children to be taught at home because according to them they will have a better education and receive an education adapted to their needs. Indeed, the teacher will have more time and attention for the child who learn(accorde) at home. The child will make progress at his own pace whereas schools set the pace. These learning conditions are right for the fulfillment of children because they are not disturb(passé) in their progress.

But, it cannot be denied that children prefer [préposition manquante] attend school because they are cheerful to go at school and meet their friends. School is essential because it's bring(accorde) an open-mindedness at children. They meet new friends, talk with them, share their opinions, discover and learn many interesting things about the world together. Like parents, school goal's is to make well-bred and intelligent children.

As I see it, I prefer [préposition manquante] learn at school. there is(accorde : advantages) more advantages in learning at school than home. In my schooldays I have meet several teachers and friends who are unforgettable. We work together and learn together. Last year, I did a talk with three of my classmates it's was an rewarding experience. Therefore, I prefer the teaching in school instead of borings lessons alone at home. But for sick children who have serious disease (accorde : children) and unfortunately can't go school, their teaching at home is required and necessary. Last but not least, I want to become a teacher and teach at children who can't afford a personal teacher or a private school fees i-e, i.e. in a common- normal school.

Réponse: Essai/éducation de missmj, postée le 25-02-2012 à 19:25:01 (S | E)
Hello notrepere, thank you for your rectification.
Can you please check my changes :

1) who learns
2) they are not disturbed
3) prefer to attend
4) it brings
5) an open-mindedness to children
6) the goal of school
7) prefer to learn
8) there are more advantages
9) diseases
10) teach to children

Réponse: Essai/éducation de notrepere, postée le 25-02-2012 à 20:50:49 (S | E)

Très bien et bon travail. Pour le N• 10, on peut dire 'teach children' sans préposition.

Réponse: Essai/éducation de missmj, postée le 27-02-2012 à 22:32:42 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide notrepere.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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