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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de sandrine34 posté le 04-03-2012 à 11:45:38 (S | E | F)

j'ai deux exercices d'anglais où l'on me demande de mettre les verbes entre parenthèses au temps approprié. Dans la mesure où je ne suis pas très doué, j'ai essayé de répondre.
Pouvez-vous me dire quelles sont mes erreurs s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.

First text :

After many weeks of intense and initially problem–ridden negotiations between a Chinese and an American Bank, the CEOs of both bank signed (sign) a deal. The deal was signed (sign) after the respective Board of Governors gave (give) the green light for the merger agreement between both banks signed (sign).

As part of the deal, Mr. David, who has been (be) the CEO for the American Bank since 2007 shall make (make) the General Manager of the new consortium. Before the announcement of Mr. David’s appointment, it was (be) anybody’s guess who among the two CEOs would become (become) the head of the merger.

The plan to merge both banks has been (be) on and off since 2001 when the first contacts between both banks made (make). Then, the American Bank has had (have) second thoughts because it feared (fear) to be taken over (take over) by Chinese shareholders with whom it had never had (never have) any relations before. Before, the Chinese had (have) a reputation of being bad financial managers and this made (make) the American bank drag its feet until it become convinced (become convince) that merging with a Chinese bank would bring (bring) more good than harm.

Generally, companies merge (merge) because this is (be) one of the easiest ways to secure fast growth. As businesses expand (expand), the idea of merging appeals (appeal) to more and more companies which would wish (wish) to consolidate their presence in many markets all over the world. Globalization means (mean) that no company is able to withstand competition alone without going into some form or the other of an alliance with other companies.

If the blending of the American and Chinese business cultures go well, Mr. David will know (know) that he will head (head) one of the most financially sound groups in the banking sector. He planned (plan) to visit China next week where he will meet (meet) with his Chinese counterparts on Wednesday. He knows that he shall speak (speak) to a friendly and pro-American group because many of those who hold high positions in the Chinese bank went (go) to business schools in the USA, some with American wives and husbands.

Second text :

Dear Brian
I write (write) to let you know how the negotiations concerning the sale of military helicopters to the Nigerian government are (be). Sorry I did not write (write) you before now but this is because I have been being (be) so busy since I arrived (arrive) here last Monday, getting to meet a number of highly placed government officials.
So far, the feedback at all my meetings had been (be) very positive and I can say that I have never had (never have) such an enthusiastic response to our offer to sell our helicopters. I keep hearing the same message from all the high-ranking government officials I speak (speak) with: that the interest in renewing the fleet of military helicopters grew (grow) ever since the country decided (decide) to be the regional gendarme in the west African sub-region. I assure (assure) that more and more of our helicopters will buy (buy) in the future if we are able to close the current deal in a win-win manner.
I am invited (invite) to speak at a seminar at Abuja University next Monday at 11am. I could not (can’t) phone you at 11.30 am on Monday as I had promised (promise) because I shall still speak (still speak) before the students. I hope to phone you at noon because I think (think) I would have finished (finish) my seminar then.
I will be (be) in touch next Monday.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-03-2012 12:24

Réponse: Temps/aide de notrepere, postée le 04-03-2012 à 17:59:05 (S | E)

After many weeks of intense and initially problem–ridden negotiations between a Chinese and an American Bank, the CEOs of both bank signed (sign) a deal. The deal was signed (sign) after the respective Board of Governors gave (give) the green light for the merger agreement between both banks signed (sign). (pour moi, ce n'a pas de sens)

As part of the deal, Mr. David, who has been (be) the CEO for the American Bank since 2007 shall make (make) the General Manager of the new consortium. Before the announcement of Mr. David’s appointment, it was (be) anybody’s guess who among the two CEOs would become (become) the head of the merger.

The plan to merge both banks has been (be) on and off since 2001 when the first contacts between both banks made (make). Then, the American Bank has had (have) second thoughts because it feared (fear) to be being taken over (take over) by Chinese shareholders with whom it had never had (never have) any relations before. Before, the Chinese had (have) a reputation of being bad financial managers and this made (make) the American bank drag its feet until it become convinced (become convince) that merging with a Chinese bank would bring (bring) more good than harm.

Generally, companies merge (merge) because this is (be) one of the easiest ways to secure fast growth. As businesses expand (expand), the idea of merging appeals (appeal) to more and more companies which would wish (wish) to consolidate their presence in many markets all over the world. Globalization means (mean) that no company is able to withstand competition alone without going into some form or the other of an alliance with other companies.

If the blending of the American and Chinese business cultures go well, Mr. David will know (know) that he will head (head) one of the most financially sound groups in the banking sector. He planned (plan) to visit China next week where he will meet (meet) with his Chinese counterparts on Wednesday. He knows that he shall speak (speak) to a friendly and pro-American group because many of those who hold high positions in the Chinese bank went (go) to business schools in the USA, some with American wives and husbands.

Réponse: Temps/aide de notrepere, postée le 04-03-2012 à 18:04:32 (S | E)

I write (write) to let you know how the negotiations concerning the sale of military helicopters to the Nigerian government are (be). Sorry I did not write (write) you before now but this is because I have been being (be) so busy since I arrived (arrive) here last Monday, getting to meet a number of highly placed government officials.
So far, the feedback at all my meetings had been (be) very positive and I can say that I have never had (never have) such an enthusiastic response to our offer to sell our helicopters. I keep hearing the same message from all the high-ranking government officials I speak (speak) with: that the interest in renewing the fleet of military helicopters grew (grow) ever since the country decided (decide) to be the regional gendarme in the west African sub-region. I assure (assure) that more and more of our helicopters will buy (buy) in the future if we are able to close the current deal in a win-win manner.
I am invited (invite) to speak at a seminar at Abuja University next Monday at 11am. I could not (or couldn't) (can’t) phone you at 11.30 am on Monday as I had promised (promise) because I shall still speak (still speak) before the students. I hope to phone you at noon because I think (think) I would have finished (finish) my seminar then.
I will be (be) in touch next Monday.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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