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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de natnan2206 posté le 06-03-2012 à 12:33:28 (S | E | F)

je dois présenter une personne et exposer ses qualités et ses défauts pour mon cours d'anglais.
Cette personne je l'ai inventée.
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

This is my friend, his name is Thomas. He’s eleven years old. He’s brainy, he is tall, and skinny. His eyes are blues, he has got straight, short and fair hair. He’s faulty in History but he’s gifted in Math, English and Music. He has got many friends at school.
He’s quite helpful and he’s horribly absent-minded because when I sometimes speak him he doesn’t answer, it’s a quality because when I want to take his object he doesn’t notice. And then he is quite rude and awfully lazy because he watches TV all the time when he has nothing to do. He’s crazy about the nutella because he makes always toasts with that. He can’t bear playing on the computer because for him it’s too complicated. He spends his time playing the WII Game, when there is nothing at all at the TV. He rarely makes his bed, he quite often searches games for his tablet. He plays ping-pong once a week during one hour each Wednesday.
I’d like him to stop watch TV because I would like him to go out to play with me.
To my mind he shouldn’t go out too long either because if his father needs help, he will be there for him.But he's my friend and I love it when even.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2012 12:34

Réponse: Présentation/correction de notrepere, postée le 06-03-2012 à 17:22:57 (S | E)

This is my friend, his name is Thomas. He’s eleven years old. He’s brainy, he is tall, and skinny. His eyes are blues (invariable), he has got straight, short and fair hair. He’s faulty in History but he’s gifted in Math, English and Music. He has got many friends at school.
He’s quite helpful and he’s horribly absent-minded because when I sometimes speak [préposition manquante] him he doesn’t answer, it’s a quality because when I want to take his object he doesn’t notice. And then he is quite rude and awfully lazy because he watches TV all the time when he has nothing to do. He’s crazy about the Nutella (nom propre) because he makes always (mal placé) toasts(invariable) with that. He can’t bear playing on the computer because for him it’s too complicated. He spends his time playing the WII Game, when there is nothing at all at the TV. He rarely makes his bed, he quite often searches games for his tablet. He plays ping-pong once a week during one hour each Wednesday.
I’d like him to stop watch[ ] TV because I would like him to go out to play with me.
To my mind he shouldn’t go out too long either because if his father needs help, he will be there for him.But he's my friend and I love it when even.

Modifié par notrepere le 06-03-2012 17:34

Réponse: Présentation/correction de natnan2206, postée le 06-03-2012 à 19:13:20 (S | E)
J'ai corrigé mais je ne comprends pas certain et

This is my friend, his name is Thomas. He’s eleven years old. He’s brainy, he is tall, and skinny. His eyes are blue, he has got straight, short and fair hair. He’s faulty in History but he’s gifted in Math, English and Music. He has got many friends at school.
He’s quite helpful and he’s horribly absent-minded because when I sometimes speak to him he doesn’t answer, it’s a quality because when I want to take his object he doesn’t notice. And then he is quite rude and awfully lazy because he watches TV all the time when he has nothing to do. He’s crazy about Nutella (nom propre) because he always makes toast with that. He can’t bear playing on the computer because for him it’s too complicated. He spends his time playing the WII Game, when there is nothing at all at the TV. He rarely makes his bed, he quite often searches games for his multitouch tablet. He plays ping-pong once a week during one hour each Wednesday.
I’d like him to stop watches TV because I would like him to go out to play with me.
To my mind he shouldn’t go out too long either because if his father needs help, he will be there for him.But he's my friend and I love it when even.Je l'aime quand même.

Réponse: Présentation/correction de notrepere, postée le 06-03-2012 à 21:18:31 (S | E)

This is my friend, his name is Thomas. He’s eleven years old. He’s brainy (OK ), he is tall, and skinny. His eyes are blue, he has got straight, short and fair hair. He’s faulty (1) in History but he’s gifted in Math (2), English and Music. He has got many friends at school.
He’s quite helpful and he’s horribly absent-minded because when I sometimes speak to him he doesn’t answer, it’s a quality (3) because when I want to take his object (3) he doesn’t notice. And then he is quite rude (4) and awfully lazy because he watches TV all the time when he has nothing to do. He’s crazy about Nutella (nom propre) because he always makes toast with that. He can’t bear playing on the computer because for him it’s too complicated. He spends his time playing the WII Game (5), when there is nothing at all on the TV. He rarely makes his bed, he quite often searches (6)games for his multitouch tablet. He plays ping-pong once a week during (mauvaise traduction) one hour each Wednesday.
I’d like him to stop watches TV because I would like him to go out to play with me.
To my mind he shouldn’t go out too long either because if his father needs help, he will be there for him.But he's my friend and I love it when even (7).Je l'aime quand même.

(1) mauvais adjectif; une personne ne peut pas être 'faulty'
(2) math maths
(3) ce mot n'a pas de sens dans le contexte
(4) In what way does his watching TV make him rude?
(5) a Wii game (i en minuscule)
(6) préposition manquante
(7) Faites attention à ce que vous voulez dire ! Ce texte provient bien sûr d'un traducteur en ligne, non ? Merci de consulter un vrai dictionnaire, s'il vous plait.

Modifié par notrepere le 06-03-2012 21:19

Réponse: Présentation/correction de natnan2206, postée le 07-03-2012 à 12:53:38 (S | E)

J'ai procédé à quelques modifications voici le résultat:

This is my friend, his name is Thomas.
He’s twelve years old. He’s brainy, tall, and skinny. His eyes are blue, he has got straight, short and fair hair.
He’s no good at History but he’s gifted in Maths, English and Music. He has got many friends at school.

He’s horribly absent-minded because when I sometimes speak to him he doesn’t answer; he's always in a dream and awfully lazy because he watches TV all the time when he has nothing to do, but he has a lot of good qualities He’s quite helpful and he’s sincere because he always tell the truth.
He’s crazy about Nutella because he always makes toast with that. He can’t bear playing on the computer because for him it’s too complicated. He spends his time playing the Wii Game when there is nothing at all on the TV. He rarely makes his bed, he quite often searches the games for his multitouch tablet. He plays ping-pong once a week for one hour each Wednesday.
I’d like him to stop watches TV because I would like him to go out to play with me.
To my mind he shouldn’t go out too long either because if his father needs help, he will be there for him.But he's my friend and all the same, I still like his

Réponse: Présentation/correction de sherry48, postée le 07-03-2012 à 14:19:35 (S | E)
Hello natnan2206.
Some errors still to fix.
He’s horribly absent-minded because when I sometimes speak to him ....(words not in the right place)
he’s sincere because he always tell the truth. (agreement)
he quite often searches * the games for his multitouch tablet. (as notrepere said, you need a preposition)
I’d like him to stop watches TV (watch does not agree with the subject, because it is not the verb...use a gerund)
But he's my friend and all the same, I still like his (object pronoun)
That is all.

Réponse: Présentation/correction de natnan2206, postée le 07-03-2012 à 15:05:53 (S | E)
Hello Sherry and notrepere
Thank you to help me

He’s horribly absent-minded because sometimes when I speak to him he doesn’t answer; he's always in a dream and awfully lazy because he watches TV all the time when he has nothing to do, but he has a lot of good qualities He’s quite helpful and he’s sincere because he always tells the truth.
He’s crazy about Nutella because he always makes toast with that. He can’t bear playing on the computer because for him it’s too complicated. He spends his time playing the Wii Game when there is nothing at all on the TV. He rarely makes his bed, he quite often searches at games for his multitouch tablet. He plays ping-pong once a week for one hour each Wednesday.
I’d like him to stop watching TV because I would like him to go out to play with me.
To my mind he shouldn’t go out too long either because if his father needs help, he will be there for him.But he's my friend and all the same, I still like him


Réponse: Présentation/correction de natnan2206, postée le 08-03-2012 à 17:30:43 (S | E)
Ma correction plus haut est elle juste
Merci pour vos réponses

Réponse: Présentation/correction de sherry48, postée le 09-03-2012 à 04:00:16 (S | E)
Hello natnan2206.
An incorrect preposition...searches for. Sherry


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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