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Message de maxwell posté le 24-05-2012 à 12:32:05 (S | E | F)

J'ai des difficultés à comprendre tous les commentaires de cette vidéo. Dans ma proposition ci-dessous, j'ai indiqué entre parenthèses les mots dont je ne suis pas sûr, et j'ai laissé un blanc (...) quand je ne trouve pas de solution satisfaisante. Merci pour vos propositions.
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Ma proposition :

Kristi Yamagushi, currently in first place. Next to skate : Surya Bonaly.
Now on the ice, certainly with most exotic background, eighteen-year-old Surya Bonaly, born in the island of Reunion, adopted as a baby in Nice, raised there, now lives in Paris, the two-time european champion, in third place.

Known for her athletic jumping ability, all week she's been doing a quadruple toe-loop at the beginning of her program. If she does the quad, it will be right here. She goes for it. Cheated by half a turn, but she didn't fall down.

Next : triple lutz and a triple toe-loop. Triple lutz : she slipped (off the toe).
(2:30) Not known for her artistry, she's really worked hard (...) on this program (...) but she has breaks in her program like that, it's very distracting.
Well, we have seen (the bubble) of Kristi Yamagushi. We saw the problems of Nancy Kerrigan. Surya Bonaly in (...) difficulty. And Midori Ito is fourth, and yet to skate.
For Midori to win the gold tonight (of course) someone must finish on top of Kristi Yamagushi, in the free program. (Thus for now), noone has.

Triple loop but she hangs on to that landing.
The one problem she does have with the choreography comes right here, where she'll stop, break, square up and go for a jump. It breaks the flow of her artistry. And then she pulls up a triple-triple combination : even though it was too-footed, she's a great athlete.
She might get the credit for the technical merit (...) she'll be penalized for artistic impression.
Every time she does one of these breaks like right here, it stops the flow of the program and it really hurts artistically.

The French love her. Will the nine judges ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-05-2012 18:43

Réponse: Video/help de bluestar, postée le 24-05-2012 à 17:48:31 (S | E)

This is what I heard (in blue)..I didn't quite catch it all.

Kristi Yamagushi, currently in first place. Next to skate : Surya Bonaly.
Now on the ice, certainly with most exotic of backgrounds, eighteen-year-old Surya Bonaly, born in the island of Reunion, adopted as a baby in Nice, raised there, now lives in Paris, the two-time european champion, in third place.

Known for her athletic jumping ability, all week she's been doing a quadruple toe-loop at the beginning of her program. If she does the quad, it will be right here. She goes for it. Cheated by half a turn, but she didn't fall down.

Next : triple lutz and a triple toe-loop. Triple lutz : she slipped (off the toe).
(2:30) Not known for her artistry, she's really worked hard (...) on this program (...) but she has breaks in her program like that, it's very distracting.
Well, we have seen (the bobble, not bubble) of Kristi Yamagushi. We saw the problems of Nancy Kerrigan. Surya Bonaly in (...) encountering difficulty. And Midori Ito is fourth, and yet to skate.
For Midori to win the gold tonight (of course) someone must finish on top of Kristi Yamagushi, in the free program. Thus far, no one has.

Triple loop but she hangs on to that landing.
The one problem she does have with the choreography comes right here, where she'll stop, break, square up and go for a jump. It breaks the flow of her artistry. And then she pulls up a triple-triple combination : even though it was too two-footed, she's a great athlete.
She might get the credit for the technical merit but won't she be penalized for artistic impression?.
Every time she does one of these breaks like right here, it stops the flow of the program and it really hurts artistically.

I hope this helps

Réponse: Video/help de maxwell, postée le 24-05-2012 à 21:45:08 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup bluestar ! il ne reste plus que 3 zones d'ombre :-)

Réponse: Video/help de sherry48, postée le 24-05-2012 à 22:15:08 (S | E)
Hello. Here's what I heard for the following sentence:
Not known for her artistry, she's really worked hard (on it). This program(has created a stir,) but (the word 'when' should be here, but he didn't say it)she has breaks in her program like that, it's very distracting.

Réponse: Video/help de bluestar, postée le 24-05-2012 à 22:58:02 (S | E)
Bonsoir...It's hard to be sure but, having listened to it again, I think "square up" in the penultimate paragraph should be "square off"....

Réponse: Video/help de notrepere, postée le 25-05-2012 à 00:38:27 (S | E)

The commentators are Vern Lundquist and Scott Hamilton. Kristi Yamaguchi. It is "square off". hurts her artistically

Réponse: Video/help de maxwell, postée le 25-05-2012 à 16:24:39 (S | E)
Tout à fait notrepere et bluestar ! merci beaucoup !
Merci sherry, je proposerais alors :
Not known for her artistry, she's really worked harder on this program to create a stir but she has breaks in her program like that, it's very distracting.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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