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Message de kikoriki posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:12:11 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde,

Je suis nouvelle sur ce site et j'aimerais votre aide concernant mon compte-rendu de stage que j'ai écrit en anglais. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de fautes, toute critique est constructive.
J’espère que vous pourrez m'aider et l'inverse aussi.
Merci d'avance pour ceux qui pourront me répondre.

During my HNC manager assistant, I had the pleasure to integrate the xxxx Company in xxxx, during my last year. This work placement lasted 5 weeks, from November to December 2011.
xxx is a world steel group, with 290 000 employees in more than 60 countries. The head office of xxx is situated in xxx.

xxx is leader on the main markets of the steel industry of the world: for the automobile, the construction, the electrical goods industry, and the packaging. The group is present in Europe, Asia, Africa and in Americas, and has for objective to develop its position on Chinese and Indian markets.

My Schedules within xxx were very variable, because I decided on schedules, from 8 am to 4 pm every day, with a break of 30 minutes between noon and two.

The research and development site of xxx is the most important research center of the steel industry, with 550 researchers. There are 25 engineers nationalities which are represented on the site. The researchers work at the optimization of the costs and the use of raw materials, as well as at the improvement of the quality of the steel.

I was able to integrate xxx thanks to a friend who is in Bachelor's degree over there.
My tutor was the personal assistant of the Vice-president of the world xxx.

For these 5 weeks, my manager had confided me a professional assignment for my HNC, this assignment consists of 4 different parts:
the organization of saint Eloi, who is the national day of the metal industry, then the organization of a trip to London for the vice-president, the creation and the sending of the greeting cards to all the customers of the vice-president, and to finish the creation of a table concerning the closing days of the various sites of xxx in the world. I had to finish this professional assignment before the end of my work placement, what I left those 5 weeks to make 4 parts.

In this assignment, I sent mails for reservations or to have information and research on the Internet to use in the part greeting cards. I had to find the dates in which we have to send the greeting cards to the various countries, for example, for Asia, the greeting cards must be necessarily received on January 1st.

During my work placement, I don’t have to answer the telephone and to welcome the customers or visitors. My manager in a style of authoritarian management and I could not take initiatives. However, the working relations between us were correct.

I learnt how to use the software packages of the company and especially to finish the wanted work in a limited time. This work placement was a success because it my licence to improve my English and to be trustworthy in the professional domain.
I developed my knowledge of the professional world and the company showed me how to be a valuable assistant.

At present, I am a receptionist at the international fair of xxx until the 5 June. I finished my studies and I look for the work corresponding to my studies or as receptionist as I make at present.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-05-2012 22:14


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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