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Help/will continue

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Help/will continue
Message from a_limon posted on 26-05-2012 at 00:14:54 (D | E | F)

I just wanted to say "hello" and how useful this site is!
Tell me please what which sentence is correct here.
1) The work will continue for two more hours, because I will be continuing the work. OR
2) The work will continue for two more hours, because I will continue working.
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 26-05-2012 08:43

Re: Help/will continue from gerondif, posted on 28-05-2012 at 18:55:12 (D | E)

both your sentences sound bizarre, the second would be more natural.
1) The work will continue for two more hours, because I will be continuing the work.
(Your sentence could mean: I have decided to be a nuisance, so, the work will continue for two more hours because I have decided to work for two more hours just to make you mad)

2) The work will continue for two more hours, because I will continue working.
Your "because" sounds bizarre, so would be more logical.

Now if you do it the other way round:
I will go on working for two hours, so the work will continue for two more hours, I 'm afraid.

Did you mean ?

We still have two hours'work to do, so I will go on working for two hours, until the job is over.
We've got to work for two more hours, so I won't stop working until we finish.

Re: Help/will continue from a_limon, posted on 28-05-2012 at 23:34:43 (D | E)
Hello,gerondif! I understood what you wrote. Thanks.
I understand that my sentences seem strange. I wrote them only because I just wanted to know if it is possible to think like that(not to say)Could connection be right between two parts of sentence? Now I understood that sentence 2) is more appropriate.
1) The work will continue for two more hours, because I will be continuing the work.
2) The work will continue for two more hours, because I will continue working.(I want to work, and I'm going to work. That is why the work will take me for two more hours.)Yes?
But I'm not still sure if the sentence 1) could mean the same as 2). I heard that "I will be continuing the work." means not the same as "I will continue working". I feel this difference and I agree with it. But I'm not sure if "continuing the work" from the first sentence is the same as in 2).(though it sounds the same way)

Re: Help/will continue from gerondif, posted on 28-05-2012 at 23:56:53 (D | E)
Hello again,

"Hello,gerondif! I understood what you wrote." Great !!!

2) The work will continue for two more hours, because I will continue working.(I want to work, and I'm going to work. That is why the work will take me for two more hours.)

Yes, it can make sense:

I won't stop at 8 o'clock, at dinner time, work will continue for two more hours, because I will continue working until I have finished.

about the two futures:

Don't disturb me when you come back from your party late at night later on because I will be working when you come back. My work will have begun before you come back.

It is different from:

I'll wait for you to come back from your party and we will work when you come back.(we will start working when you come back)

Re: Help/will continue from a_limon, posted on 29-05-2012 at 00:18:47 (D | E)
Gerondif, You meant "I will be working=I will be continuing the work?"

Re: Help/will continue from gerondif, posted on 29-05-2012 at 00:32:25 (D | E)
My latest sentences wouldn't make sense with the verb continue.

the ing form means that the action is taken in the middle or that you insist on its duration.

When I think of it, "to continue" means that you make a decision and it looks strange in the ing form.

As "will" conveys a hint of human will, obstination, decision, the be + ing form behind it is akward.

Re: Help/will continue from a_limon, posted on 29-05-2012 at 00:38:33 (D | E)
I thought that "I will be continuing his work" would mean that someone is ill, and I will be doing his work.Or it is strange anyway?

Edited by lucile83 on 29-05-2012 09:15

Re: Help/will continue from gerondif, posted on 29-05-2012 at 00:45:04 (D | E)
Yes, I've heard it said when somebody is dead and someone else says publicly that he will be continuing his work. But in your sentence, it sounds strange.

Re: Help/will continue from a_limon, posted on 29-05-2012 at 00:50:56 (D | E)
Ok! That is what I wanted to clear. English sometimes is too difficult to get some things.

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Forum > English only


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