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Correction /oral BTS

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /oral BTS
Message de bisoureal posté le 26-05-2012 à 19:22:26 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît à corriger ce texte car mercredi prochain je passe l'oral d'anglais pour mon bts BTS.
Voici le texte que j'ai préparé :

During my two-year course, I was studied a BTS MUC within a training system alterning work and school one very 2 weeks. I worked in a construction and building maintenance industries company called XXXX. Primarily to the professional end-user. It concentrates primarily on hammer drills, fire stops, and installation systems, but manufactures and markets an array of tools.

I found this placement by myself, by sending an application letter and a CV. Among ale the applications I sent to 15 companies, XXX was the first to give me a positive answer reply. The company's headquarters are located in XXXX, Principality of XXXX. The XXX is bordered by XXX to the west and south and by XXXX to the east. I work in XXXXX in the north of the city and I had a ten minutes commute to and from work by bike. The working hours were the usual 7 to 5 ones.

I work as a salesman council. I learned several things: How to sell products, resolve disputes cliens. I also learned to work as a team.

After the first week, I was able to work on my own: I took initiatives and prospected new clients; I was in charge of customers' follow-ups. I gradually learned the products and sales techniques. The use of computers hasalso had a long apprenticeship as complex.

My supervisor manages a team of seven vendors; I realised how important it was to have good interpersonal skills in order to motivate a team. With time and experience gained in compagny, I managed to become an employee competent.

I believe this work placement was a success as it allowed me first to realise I had chosen the right studies, and secondly to better understand how the working world operated. I now feel ready to be part of it. Also, I think the alternation is a great way to discover the world of work.

Alors votre avis ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Modifié par bisoureal le 26-05-2012 19:23

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2012 19:33

Modifié par bisoureal le 27-05-2012 16:41


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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