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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de desdehace posté le 27-05-2012 à 18:56:18 (S | E | F)

Je serais très contente si vous pouviez corriger le résume ci-dessous d'un livre, je vous remercie grandement...

In 2140, humankind has found a cure to death : a pill called Longevity. Nobody dies any more and the world becomes to be too crowded. Longevity has put even more strain on the world's dwindling resources.
In 2180, humankind is forced to sign the Declaration : to have access to the pill, you aren't allowed to have children.
Childbirth is illegal; unless you opt out of immortality by the time you're sixteen...
Of course, people break the law. If the authorities are aware of the existence of these illegal children nicknamed “Surpluses”, these ones are sent to Surplus Halls to be trained as servants to the immortal legals. Some countries euthanise Surpluses.
Surpluses are treated as slaves, and taught that they are nothing, that they are worthless and a burden for humanity.
Surplus have no access to Longevity and have to work for Legals who have all rights on them.
There is a movement against the Declaration. Members live in basements, under cities and they are planning a rebellion against such a policy. They want to save Surpluses, and give them the chance to live …

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2012 19:06

Réponse: Summary/correction de bluestar, postée le 27-05-2012 à 19:23:50 (S | E)
In 2140, humankind has found a cure to (prep.?) death : a pill called Longevity. Nobody dies any more and the world becomes to be (superflu)too crowded. Longevity has put even more strain on the world's dwindling resources.
In 2180, humankind is forced to sign the Declaration : to have access to the pill, you aren't allowed to have children.
Childbirth is illegal; unless you opt out of immortality by the time you're sixteen...
Of course, people break the law. If the authorities are aware of the existence of these illegal children nicknamed “Surpluses”, these ones they are sent to Surplus Halls to be trained as servants to the immortal legals. Some countries euthanise Surpluses.
Surpluses are treated as slaves, and taught that they are nothing, that they are worthless and a burden for (prep.?) humanity.
Surplus have no access to Longevity and have to work for Legals who have all rights on to them.
There is a movement against the Declaration. Members live in basements, under cities and they are planning a rebellion against such a policy. They want to save Surpluses, and give them the chance to live …


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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