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Expression/ imagination

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Expression/ imagination
Message de laura60400 posté le 28-05-2012 à 12:03:37 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je dois faire une expression portant sur mon avenir. Voici ce que j'ai fait mais je ne suis pas très à l'aise avec l'anglais, alors si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider...
Merci d'avance à tous.

Twenty years later, I hope I have made all that I wished. I would marry to a man I love, I would have wonderful children and I would name Mathis and Maelys. I would have managed to do the job I admired so much: teacher.
Also, I hope I would have my animals whose I dreamed young; at that age, it would be like a mini farm. Indeed, I would have a dog which name Nala, a rabbit I would name Lili and finally a goat I would name Misha.
I also hope I would have managed to have my own house which would correspond perfectly to my tastes and those of my husband and that would be large enough to accommodate my small colony with a large garden because for me the nature is what is most beautiful.
With respect to my parents, I hope that would live a happy retirement no problem because all their lives, they struggled to pay us our studies, to make us happy me and my sisters despite the limited resources they had. We never wanted for anything and my childhood remains an unforgettable memory
That's what I think of my life when I would have 20 years and I hope with all my heart that happen.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-05-2012 12:31

Réponse: Expression/ imagination de notrepere, postée le 28-05-2012 à 17:21:07 (S | E)

Twenty years later, I hope I will have made(pas le bon mot) all that I wished. I would be marry to a man I love, I would have wonderful children andthat I would name Mathis and Maelys. I would have managed to do the job I admired so much: being a teacher.
Also, I hope I would have my animals whose I dreamed young; at that age, it would be like a mini farm. Indeed, I would have a dog which named Nala, a rabbit I would name Lili and finally a goat I would name Misha.
I also hope I would have managed to have my own house which would correspond perfectly to my tastes and those of my husband and that would be large enough to accommodate my small colony with a large garden because for me, the nature is what is most beautiful.
With respect to my parents, I hope that [pronom manquant] would live have a happy retirement [* mot manquant] no problems because all their lives, they struggled to pay us our studies, to make us happy, me and my sisters, despite the limited resources they had. We never wanted for anything and my childhood remains an unforgettable memory
That's what I think of my life when I would have 20 years and I hope with all my heart that happen.

Réponse: Expression/ imagination de laura60400, postée le 28-05-2012 à 19:38:05 (S | E)
merci de votre réponse, je vais faire les corrections nécessaires


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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