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A dialogue/ tenses

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A dialogue/ tenses
Message from san99 posted on 21-06-2012 at 22:53:59 (D | E | F)

I have taken several exercises on tenses. I can use correct tenses now, but chances are I can still make mistakes. Taking online exercises is an easy way to learn and practice practise English. Nevertheless, lessons easily learned are easily forgotten. That is why I am writing a short, clean, and to-the-point dialogue in which two friends are talking after a long time.
Please check the accuracy of my work and help me recognize my weak sides. I will work on them.
Thank you very much for your help.

Dialogue between two friends:
The phone rings and she picked it up after three bells.
Hello (the receiver)
Hey there (the caller)
Yes, how can I help you? (The receiver)
I want to talk to Sarah; this is Angel (The caller)
Oh, it’s you… I am Sarah, I am very glad that you called me. It’s a big surprise for me. How are you doing there and how is everyone?

Angel smiling: everyone is fine thank you. How about yourself Sarah? When we last met you had a terrible headache. Are you doing fine now?
Sarah: Yes, it’s better now. I am taking medications for it. You tell me how your life is and why you didn’t call me in three months?
Angel: Oh, good to know about your health. My life, Ah, ah… It’s not the same as before, but I have got more busy now-a-days. I wake early in the morning and go to clinic, it’s really hectic. I feel I am living a life in a circle- all the mornings are same so are the nights. That’s why I have taken leave for one week from the clinic. I was feeling frustrated and needed a little change.
Sarah: That’s great Angel, sometimes you have to come out your boring daily routine and do something interesting. I too was very busy with private tuition, but now I am free for two weeks.
Angel: Well, nice to hear that you are free. I hope you are having fun with kids and John (Sarah’s husband).
Sarah: Yes, I am so much relaxed. No tension at all. I don’t have to wake-up early in the morning and drive to the school. It’s not the first thing to do in the morning, in fact; I just sit in my couch and watch horror movies at home. John is also fit and fine.
Angel: It sounds great!! I had been planning to visit your town for the past three months, but I truly never got time for it. I am missing you a lot. My kids also want to have some fun, and you know Jason and Jimmy really love to play with your kids. So, if you are not working these days can we spend one week together?
Sarah: Trust me, I was about to request you to come for some days and stay with me. I too am feeling very lonely and missing your company. You can come anytime; my doors are always open for you. You don’t need to take my permission before coming to my town. You can come whenever you want!! Ricky and Liz would be very happy to hear this news. I have collected 20 shopping vouchers this month, we will go for shopping and buy latest outfits for the summer and some trendy pair(s) of Christian L****** shoes as well. Oh, I can’t tell you I am very happy to know that you are coming here..
Angel: Hahaha. You are very excited. You haven’t changed a dot. You still love shopping and buying hefty make-up accessories and clothes. Very lively and energetic, ah!! Sure, we can go shopping everyday and pick-up good items. I will bring my credit card along so that we can go to pub
Sarah: And you ain’t changed either… Yeah, I have a huge collection of branded sherry here, their taste is refined and refresh, you will never forget their taste, I can bet on it. A new pub is just inaugurated in the town, I will take you there.
Angel: It sounds yummy!! I’d love to take three packs of sherry with you and watch a romantic movie. Hahaha
Sarah: I can’t wait for that moment when we will be together. Please tell me when exactly will you come here?
Angel: I called the travel agency, they have booked my tickets; my plane will land at 7:00 pm sharp.
Sarah: All right or alright. I will be waiting for you. Please don’t be late and don’t forget to call me when you reach or have reached here. I will also pick you up from the airport.
Angel: Ok thanks a lot. It is ok dear we will take a taxi. Do not worry.
Sarah; No, I will mind that seriously. I will be at airport at 7:10 pm.
Angel: Thank you. I have got to go now; someone is knocking on the door.
Sarah: Ok. We will talk later. Good bye and love you.
Angel: Good bye. Love you too.

Edited by lucile83 on 22-06-2012 08:01

Re: A dialogue/ tenses from notrepere, posted on 21-06-2012 at 23:32:16 (D | E)

The phone rings and she picked picks it up after three bells rings.
Hello (the receiver recipient)
Hey there (the caller)
Yes, how can I help you? (The receiver)
I want to talk to Sarah; this is Angel (The caller)
Oh, it’s you… I amThis is Sarah, I am very glad that you called me. It’s a big surprise for me (What a pleasant surprise). How are you doing there and how is everyone?
Angel smiling: everyone is fine, thank you. How about yourself Sarah? When we last met you had a terrible headache. Are you doing finebetter now?
Sarah: Yes, it’sI'mIf you say "Is your headache better" then the response would be "Yes, it's better". better now. I am taking medications for it. You tell me how is your life going and why you didn’t call haven't you called me in three months?
Angel: Oh, good to know about your health. My life, Ah, ah… It’s not the same as before, but I have got more busy now-a-days(I've been very busy lately). I wake up early in the morning and go to the clinic, it’s really hectic. I feel I am living a life in a circle like my life is going in circles- all the mornings are same so are the nights. That’s why I have taken leave for one week from the clinic. I was feeling frustrated and needed a little change.
Sarah: That’s great Angel, sometimes you have to come out your boring daily routine and do something interesting. I, too, was very busy with private tuition, but now I am free for two weeks.
Angel: Well, nice to hear that you are free. I hope you are having fun with the kids and John (Sarah’s husband).
Sarah: Yes, I am so much much more relaxed. No tension at all. I don’t have to wake up early in the morning and drive to (the) school. It’s not the first thing to do in the morning, in fact; I just sit in my couch and watch horror movies at home. John is also fit and fine.
Angel: It That sounds great!! I had been planning to visit your town for the past three months, but I truly never gothad time for it. I am missing(not used in continuous tense) you a lot. My kids also want to have some fun, and you know Jason and Jimmy really love to play with your kids. So, if you are not working these days can we spend one week together?
Sarah: Trust me, I was about to request that you to(should) come (1) for somea few days and stay with me. I, too, am feeling very lonely and missing your company.

(1) In American English, we'd probably use the subjunctive (I was about to request that you come ...) but in British English, you'd probably hear: that you should come...

Re: A dialogue/ tenses from notrepere, posted on 22-06-2012 at 03:11:43 (D | E)

You can come anytime; my doors are always open for you. You don’t need to take ask my permission before coming to my town. You can come whenever you want!! Ricky and Liz would be very happy to hear this news. I have collected 20 shopping vouchers this month. we will are going to go for shopping and buy the latest outfits for the summer and some trendy pairs of Christian L****** shoes as well. Oh, I can’t tell you I am how very happy I am to know that you are coming here..
Angel: Hahaha. You are very excited. You haven’t changed a dot lot. You still love shopping and buying hefty make-up accessories and clothes. Very lively and energetic, ah!! Sure, we can go shopping every day and pick up some good items. I will bring my credit card along so that we can go to the pub.
Sarah: And you ain’t changed either… Yeah, I have a huge collection of branded brandied sherry here, their its taste is refined and refreshing, you will never forget their the taste, I can bet on it. A new pub is just inaugurated in the town, I will take you there.
Angel: It sounds yummy!! I’d love to take bring three packs of sherry with you me and watch a romantic movie. Hahaha
Sarah: I can’t wait for that moment when we will be together. Please tell me when exactly will you come here you are coming?
Angel: I called the travel agency, they have booked my tickets; my plane will land at 7:00 pm sharp.
Sarah: All right or alright. I will be waiting for you. Please don’t be late and don’t forget to call me when you reach or have reached here arrive. I will also pick you up from the airport.
Angel: Ok thanks a lot. It is ok dear we will take a taxi. Do not worry.
Sarah; No, I will mind that seriously insist (Do you mind... is usually used interrogatively) . I will be at the airport at (by) 7:10 pm.
Angel: Thank you. I have got to go now; someone is knocking on the door.
Sarah: Ok. We will talk later. Good bye and love you.
Angel: Good bye. Love you too.

Edited by notrepere on 22-06-2012 17:09

Re: A dialogue/ tenses from san99, posted on 22-06-2012 at 16:05:34 (D | E)
Thanks Notrepere,
The text is full of grammatical mistakes.. HUH. Perhaps,I should proofread before posting it here. I never heard that "should" comes with request or any sentence wherein we make a request. I will keep in mind. I will rewrite the sentences using different ideas and will show you here. Thanks a lot for correcting my mistakes. It's going to a great help to me especially in writing dialogues in the future.

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