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Neither / either

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Neither / either
Message from san99 posted on 22-06-2012 at 16:42:45 (D | E | F)

I was taking an exercise and got confused. Will be happy if you can clear the use of neither do I and I don't either.
For example:
She does not like apples, neither do I.
She does not like apples, I don't either.

I guess, both of these sentences have the same meaning, haven't they? If they are different then how?
Thank you for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 22-06-2012 19:08

Re: Neither / either from notrepere, posted on 22-06-2012 at 17:06:49 (D | E)

Yes, they mean the same thing.

Re: Neither / either from gerondif, posted on 23-06-2012 at 17:45:27 (D | E)

There are various ways to agree or disagree with somebody, or to say that you too are in the same situation:

A friend is answering your affirmative declarations:

1) Tag answers:

"He is bright!" "So am I!"
"He likes films!" "So do I!"
"He saw that film!" "So did I!"
"She'll come tomorrow!" "So will I!"

"Me too" is more and more heard, and with this expression, you needn't use the auxiliary verb in your tag answer.

2) Complete answers:

"He is bright!" "I am bright too!"
"He likes films!" "I like films too!"
"He saw that film!" "I saw that film too!"
"She'll come tomorrow!" "I will come tomorrow too!"

3) Shortened complete answer:

"He is bright!" "I am too!"
"He likes films!" "I do too!"
"He saw that film!" "I did too!"
"She'll come tomorrow!" "I will too!"

A friend is answering your negative declarations:

4) Tag answers:

"He isn't bright!" "Neither am I!"
"He doesn't like films!" "Neither do I!"
"He didn't see that film!" "Neither did I!"
"She won't come tomorrow!" "Neither will I!"

"Me neither" is more and more heard, and with this expression, you needn't use the auxiliary verb in your tag answer.

5) Complete answers:

"He isn't bright!" "I am not bright either! "
"He doesn't like films!" "I don't like films either !"
"He didn't see that film!" "I didn't see that film either!"
"She won't come tomorrow!" "I won't come either!"

There is no negation on either as it has already been expressed.

6) Shortened complete answer:

"He isn't bright!" "I am not either! "
"He doesn't like films!" "I don't either !"
"He didn't see that film!" "I didn't either!"
"She won't come tomorrow!" "I won't either!"

Re: Neither / either from lucile83, posted on 23-06-2012 at 17:54:11 (D | E)

You have a few lessons here:

Re: Neither / either from san99, posted on 24-06-2012 at 20:50:28 (D | E)
Thanks Lucile, I had already taken a few tests from the list and got 100% marks. Please check if these sentences are right!
Lucy has two brothers and I met either of them. Neither of them I met??? Please suggest.
Faria has a bright and fair complexion, can I write, I have it too or I too have it. Other tags that can be used in agreement or disagreement of the same sentences would be:
Faria has a bright and fair complexion, So have I.
Faria do not have a bright and fair complexion. Neither do I or Neither have I? Because she has something that I do not have.. Neither do I is not appropriate, would you please clear which of of these two tags are better to use?

Faria is not very intelligent. Neither I am.
Faria is not very intelligent. I am not intelligent either or I am not either. Both tags are appropriate and accurate, am I right?

Note: I took a few exercises on use of none as well, please check a few sentences I have posted below as I have a little confusion.
None is used when we talk about different people, generally when there are more than two people/persons to talk about.
I invited 70 people to the party but none of them ever attended it and appeared at that night.

There were 80 students in the class but none of them could get 100 percent marks in the math subject.

Suzy, Sara, and Sofia were present at the party, I know none of them broken the windows pane.
Neither is used for two people, right?
Both Samia and John were present in the class, neither of them could pass English test.
Which of you is responsible for this mess? You or Jeff? Neither of us did it sir, in fact, we were taking our science glass when this happened. We didn't paint these/those walls of the class nor did we draw your naked picture there.
She can't think of going out, she does not want to stay at home (either). Is it correct to use either in this way.

Re: Neither / either from lucile83, posted on 24-06-2012 at 21:36:18 (D | E)

Lucy has two brothers and I met both of them or neither of them or one of them; it depends on the context
Faria has a bright and fair complexion, can I write, I have it too or I too have it. no
Other tags that can be used in agreement or disagreement of the same sentences would be:
Faria has a bright and fair complexion, So have I. ok
Faria does not have a bright and fair complexion. Neither do I ok or Neither have I? no Because she has something that I do not have.. Neither do I is not appropriate, would you please clear which of of these two tags are better to use?

Faria is not very intelligent. Neither I am. ok
Faria is not very intelligent. I am not intelligent either ok or I am not either ok. Both tags are appropriate and accurate, am I right? yes

Note: I took a few exercises on use of none as well, please check a few sentences I have posted below as I have a little confusion.
None is used when we talk about different people, generally when there are more than two people/persons to talk about.

I invited 70 people to the party but none of them ever attended it and appeared at that night.ok
There were 80 students in the class but none of them could get 100 percent marks in the math subject.ok
Suzy, Sara, and Sofia were present at the party, I know that none of them broken broke the windows pane. ok
Neither is used for two people, right? yes
Both Samia and John were present in the class, neither of them could pass the English test.ok
Which of you is responsible for this mess? You or Jeff? Neither of us did it sir, in fact, we were taking our science class when this happened. We didn't paint these/those walls of the class nor did we draw your naked picture there. ok
She can't think of going out, she does not want to stay at home (either). Is it correct to use either in this way. yes, ok

Re: Neither / either from san99, posted on 24-06-2012 at 22:43:33 (D | E)
Thanks Lucile,
Last question for you
If Lucy has three brothers in total and I want to say that I haven't met any of them, how will the sentence be written?
Lucy has three brothers, I haven't met any of them. or I haven't met none of them?

Re: Neither / either from gerondif, posted on 24-06-2012 at 22:47:19 (D | E)
only one negation per sentence, please!
I haven't met any of them.
I have met none of them.

Re: Neither / either from notrepere, posted on 24-06-2012 at 22:59:02 (D | E)

Faria is not very intelligent. Neither am I. ok

Re: Neither / either from san99, posted on 24-06-2012 at 23:01:50 (D | E)
Yes, thanks for catching the mistake.

Re: Neither / either from san99, posted on 25-06-2012 at 01:12:22 (D | E)

Please check more agreements and disagreements:
These grapes are sour. Yes, they are. Right?
These grapes aren't sour. No, they are not.
He looks very proud. Yes, he does.
He is drunk- No, he isn't.
I didn't spill the drink onto him. But you did.
You are right, this is my mistake. No, it isn't.
I cannot drive the car. But I can
I am not a stupid. Yes, you are.

Edited by lucile83 on 25-06-2012 06:50

Re: Neither / either from lucile83, posted on 25-06-2012 at 06:54:51 (D | E)

No article before 'stupid' as it is an adjective.
I am not (a) stupid. Yes, you are.

Everything's OK.

Re: Neither / either from san99, posted on 25-06-2012 at 21:05:30 (D | E)
thanks Lucile.

Re: Neither / either from san99, posted on 25-06-2012 at 22:09:05 (D | E)
To Lucile83,
I just found some more peculiarities, and I would like you to check these, I am not sure If I am making the right sentences.

Let’s pack our bags and go to a warm beach. Shall we?
Oh, I can’t come right now. Please wait two minutes. Can you?
I am right, aren’t I.
There are twenty girls in the bus, aren’t there.
There is just one boy sitting in the car, isn’t there?
Somebody has just called you, haven’t they?

Re: Neither / either from lucile83, posted on 26-06-2012 at 00:05:53 (D | E)

Let’s pack our bags and go to a warm beach, shall we? comma
Oh, I can’t come right now. Please wait two minutes, can you? comma
I am right, aren’t I.
There are twenty girls in the bus, aren’t there.
There is just one boy sitting in the car, isn’t there?
Somebody has just called you, haven’t they?

....everything's OK

Re: Neither / either from san99, posted on 26-06-2012 at 03:05:46 (D | E)
I didn't punctuate my tags and I didn't know that you would notice it...
Thanks once again for being there to correct the mistakes.

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