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Triple Word Challenge 8

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Triple Word Challenge 8
Message from jonquille posted on 25-06-2012 at 17:56:39 (D | E | F)

Summer is finally here, so I thought I'd restart the game I started last summer. This “game” will have no winners initially, it will merely be a means of displaying your knowledge and talent! Therefore, the rules are simple, but should the need arise and time permit, rules may be adjusted or added.


Goal: Very simple! Create a text using the 3 words that have been given to you. The text may be short (10-40 words) or longer (60-80 words). PLEASE ! Try to keep to these limits, or I'll be up all night reading all of them (and my husband will wonder who is more important) ! Haha!

1) Who can participate?: All members from beginner to expert.
2) Word usage: Try to keep the words in the form in which they are given. However, since this is a game to help you improve your English, some changes to the words will be accepted (letters may be added/changed to correspond to the subject, verbs may be changed from singular to plural). For native English speakers, no changes to the words will be allowed.
3) Language usage: Texts should be correct (grammar, spelling, punctuation). Please make the text appropriate to the users of this site (remember they are of all ages!). You will receive a private message if your text has errors.
4) Texts: Entries may be surrealistic or “creative” but they must make sense logically!
5) Game end: Each game will finish on the date noted in red. Words for succeeding games will be chosen randomly from the texts of those who have participated in the current game.
6) Text: To make the words easier to find in the texts, please put the game words in blue.

Important!! Closing date for this game: Saturday, 6 PM in New Hampshire, USA
(Your first challenge...what time is it for you when it is 6 PM in New Hampshire? )

Your next challenge – to use these words in a text (sentence, SHORT story, poem):

Noun – summer
Adjective – steamy
Verb – traveling (travelling: British English)

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from lucile83, posted on 25-06-2012 at 19:30:52 (D | E)
Hello jonquille!

It's fine to see you again!I'll come back tonight anyway, after dinner.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from san99, posted on 26-06-2012 at 03:09:14 (D | E)
Are we allowed to write anything, but it should revolve around these three words. Right?

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from jonquille, posted on 26-06-2012 at 05:22:21 (D | E)
Hi san99!
You may write what you wish (Very short story, poem, paragraph, etc.) but it must contain the three words shown. Please put those words in blue so I can see them more quickly.

Good luck and have fun with it!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from lucile83, posted on 26-06-2012 at 08:23:20 (D | E)
Hello jonquille,

Here is my try,
When he was young he used to visit a lot of countries and he spent most of his time travelling and meeting people from all over the world. Last summer, for a change, he went to a nice spot where the landscape is gorgeous and the climate warm and dry, rather than to a place where the climate is steamy. He doesn't know yet where to go this summer, but I bet he will go to a warm and sunny place.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from dolfine56, posted on 26-06-2012 at 11:26:54 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille,
Nice to see you again!
Thanks for this new challenge

One of my friends won a beautiful vacation in Guiana; so he was very happy to have the opportunity to discover a country he didn't know.
When he arrived in that country,in summer,not only was it raining, but it was also very hot....a real steamy climate!
As he didn't really appreciate it,he decided to spend his next holidays in a more temperate country...and as he was fed up of the tropics,he thought it would be nice to be travelling in Europe, in France,maybe?

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from komiks, posted on 26-06-2012 at 17:49:03 (D | E)
Hello jonquille
Here's my try :

It's winter, it's very cold. The windows are steamy. It has snowed all night, so I can't go to school today. In order to kill time, I'm thinking about last summer. ! We were travelling around the world when we suddenly had to come back to France ...

I hope my english isn't too bad, because it's a language I appreciate very much and I work a lot to speak it as best as possible.
Thank you
See you soon

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from irish21, posted on 26-06-2012 at 19:40:31 (D | E)
Hello jonquille,

a little text that comes to my mind:
I like to go traveling in Asia, especially Thailand.
The weather is hot and steamy all year round.
The summer period (or hot season) is from March to June and is the low season for tourism.
Summer is my favourite season because there are less tourists.
Thank you for reading.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from jonquille, posted on 26-06-2012 at 20:01:14 (D | E)
Welcome to this "game" komiks and irish21! It's nice to see new "faces" here amidst the "regulars" !

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from irish21, posted on 26-06-2012 at 23:13:22 (D | E)
Hello again jonquille,
thank you for welcoming me

I would like to replace the word 'favourite' with 'favorite'
(American English). I'm sorry for this mistake.

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from jonquille, posted on 27-06-2012 at 00:23:09 (D | E)
Hello irish21!
Good catch on the spelling! I accept either American or British spelling...just try to be consistent. Use one or the other! And (I'll admit it!) sometimes I don't catch the British/American difference, since often we'll use both here. But, if I don't catch it, I'm sure those who were trained in British English will! (That's the nice thing about this site/game...we all help one another. )

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from lucile83, posted on 27-06-2012 at 10:10:39 (D | E)
I did!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from lakata, posted on 28-06-2012 at 11:41:48 (D | E)
Hello dear Jonquille!
You can't imagine how happy I am to see you again! Thank you so much to give us the opportunity to play this funny game again.

Last summer I was travelling in the steamy jungles of Borneo when an orangutan jumped out of a tree and tried to kiss me! My goodness, what a steamy love scene!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from ariane6, posted on 28-06-2012 at 12:20:28 (D | E)
Hello jonquille !
Nice to see you !

Actually, last summer my friend and I were travelling in Germany.
The steamy jungle just mentioned was the ape's enclosure at Berlin Zoo (Tiergarten).
What is true is that an alpha male, tempted with my friend's reddish hair, mistaking her for a female orangutan, started to kiss her.

Edited by ariane6 on 01-07-2012 10:35

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from jonquille, posted on 28-06-2012 at 15:08:51 (D | E)
I wonder what an orangutan's kiss feels like? I think that I, too, will have to start traveling more in the summer to experience these steamy love scenes!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from jonquille, posted on 01-07-2012 at 01:33:29 (D | E)
Hello to all!
We have come to the end of the week and to Triple Word Challenge #8. There were wonderful submissions from all of you. Each created a great image in my mind. So great, that I combined all of them and came up with a silly little poem to close out this episode. I will leave each of you to determine how the "story" finishes!

In Guiana, an ideal day,
Steamy and hot, perfect weather to play...
If you're an orangutan!

But in France, it was not the same,
For there, the cold and rainy weather came...
What a shame, no summer tan!

And around the world, in Borneo
There was an ape traveling to and fro...
With reddish hair and a fan!

What did he need? He wanted a kiss,
from the ape in the zoo named Sweet Lil' Sis...
Then he spied her...

New words for the new game are posted in Triple Word #9. See you there!

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from lucile83, posted on 01-07-2012 at 08:31:45 (D | E)
Thank you very much jonquille.
I'll go and read number 9

Re: Triple Word Challenge 8 from lakata, posted on 01-07-2012 at 08:32:27 (D | E)

Good Sunday morning, dear Jonquille!

Congratulations for this poem!
What a funny and clever way - as usual- to finish this game!

Thank you for all and see you on the Triple Word Challenge 9, with more customers I hope!

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Forum > English only


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