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Being or been/help

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Being or been/help
Message from san99 posted on 26-06-2012 at 03:11:47 (D | E | F)

I am no different from other people who are confused between being and been when it comes to choosing the one. However, I felt I am less confused than others.
As usual I am writing a few sentences.
Looking forward to your comments/suggestions.
Thank you

Being the only bread earner of the family, John worked day and night to earn money.
Being rude, Rossy was disliked by all students of the class.
We invited everyone to the party and all friends were there except Yasmin. Being unconfident, she never attends prom parties and evening get-togethers.
Being polite, the police man let us drive the car and move towards Toronto even we were caught for car speeding. It was so nice of him to let us go!!

A story was being told by Lucy’s grandmother.
The apples were being eaten by two hungry thieves.
The tree was being cut by a woodcutter.
The raindrops were being collected in a white bucket; they believe that these drops would free them from their miserable life and relief their people from all types of malicious epidemics.

You are nothing: neither a vampire nor a cannibal, but a human being like me.
Human beings are the most superior animals in the world.
Being in the bed throughout the night, she realized the real value of the good health.

Have been
You have been very nice to all of us.
She has been crying for three hours.
She had been cooking the pasta for an hour when I reached the home.
He has been writing a letter since last night. He writes a letter and then tears it into several pieces; again writes and does the same. I do not know what exactly he wants to write in the letter.

It had been raining since Monday.
It has been raining since July.
She has been starving since last night.
She has been watching a movie for two hours.
I have been waiting for you for fifteen minutes.
Wedding gowns have been in the trend for ages.
Replica shoes have been on the market since 1988.

I have been having nightmares since I was a child.
We have been communicating with each other through letters ever since we have fallen in love.
She has been very quiet ever since we met.

Edited by lucile83 on 26-06-2012 08:41

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Forum > English only


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