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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de mlleexaureliie posté le 01-07-2012 à 17:24:36 (S | E | F)

pourriez-vous me dire si ma lettre contient des erreurs, s'il vous plaît?
Je suis en 4ème, donc elle en contient sûrement.Merci pour votre aide.

Hello, it’s Aurélie ******,
Do you remember me? You welcomed in your home with Mathilde and Loïs during our trip in England with the College xxx. I’d like to have news about you. I miss you!
I wanted to stay in touch with you because I loved spending a few days during our trip with you.
Our trip was awesome ! Your country is very beautiful and very interesting !
Mummy and Daddy would like to discover your country. Me I’d like to return in England. Further, my favourite group of music lives there.
Otherwise, I’m on holidays !!! I leave in Brittany on July, 7th and I'll finish on July, 28th.
I would like to stay in touch with you, if you are agree, can you send me an email ?
Or if you want to reply by letter, here is my address :

Thank you,
Fondly (ce n'est pas trop familier?), Aurélie x

Modifié par mlleexaureliie le 01-07-2012 17:33
Modifié par mlleexaureliie le 01-07-2012 17:34

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-07-2012 00:59

Réponse: Lettre/Correction de notrepere, postée le 01-07-2012 à 17:40:29 (S | E)

Mostly errors with prepositions.

Hello, it’s Aurélie ******,
Do you remember me? You welcomed me in your home with Mathilde and Loïs during our trip to England with the College xxx. I’d like to have news about you (ne se dit jamais en anglais; I'd like to hear from you, I'd love to hear how you're doing. I miss you!
I wanted to stay in touch with you because I loved spending a few days during our trip with you.
Our trip was awesome ! Your country is very beautiful and very interesting !
Mummy and Daddy would like to discover your country. Me I’d like to return to England. Further, my favourite group of music music group lives there.
Otherwise, I’m on holidays !!! I leave for Brittany in July, 7th and I'll finish on July, 28th.
I would like to stay in touch with you, if you (are) agree, can you send me an email ?

Réponse: Lettre/Correction de mlleexaureliie, postée le 01-07-2012 à 17:48:17 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!
Et "Fondly", n'est-ce pas trop familier?

Réponse: Lettre/Correction de notrepere, postée le 01-07-2012 à 19:01:24 (S | E)

fondly is ok.

Réponse: Lettre/Correction de mlleexaureliie, postée le 01-07-2012 à 19:02:42 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de m'avoir aidée!

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-07-2012 01:02


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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