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Adverb/ sentence

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Adverb/ sentence
Message from a_limon posted on 01-07-2012 at 23:54:50 (D | E | F)

Could you tell me please whether I'm right if I consider that the adverb can be put at the beginning of the sentence if only it doesn't modify the verb in the sentence?
Quickly,he was running along the Queen Street.(wrong)
Ussually, he runs along the Queen Steet. (Right,because "usually" doesn't modify "run". In the place of "usually", there could be the the main clause "it is usual thing" (it is usual thing that he runs along the Queen Street.)
If the adverb stands at the beginning of the sentence,whether does it be separated by the comma always?
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 02-07-2012 00:45
Sorry, I can't correct your message; I should rewrite it entirely.

Re: Adverb/ sentence from gerondif, posted on 02-07-2012 at 00:31:23 (D | E)
Yes, I suppose an adverb of time can be put at the beginning of a sentence and can be separated by a comma:

Usaully, he gets up early.
Exceptionally, he got up late this morning.

An adverb of manner will be put after the verb:
He speaks very slowly.

Watch out with your verb "to be":
"If the adverb stands at the beginning of the sentence,whether does it be separated by the comma always? "Does it be" doesn't exist !!

"Can you tell me if it is always separated by a comma ?" (no inversion in indirect speech)

The only time you can use do and be in the same sentence is:
Don't be late !!
or the form of insistance:
DO be reasonable !!

Re: Adverb/ sentence from a_limon, posted on 02-07-2012 at 01:22:02 (D | E)
Thank you for correction my question.
Could we say:"Quickly,run quickly without stopping!"?"Quicker,run quicker,not stopping!"
I mean in this case,"quick(er)" (the adverb of a manner) modifies the verb, but it stands in the beginning of the sentence.

Re: Adverb/ sentence from gerondif, posted on 02-07-2012 at 19:45:03 (D | E)
I remember a song "Barbara Allen", by Joan Baez, where she sang:
"So slowly, slowly she got up,
and slowly she drew nigh him"

So I suppose if you want to insist you could put an adverb of manner at the beginning of a sentence.

But what is poetical in the Joan Baez ballad can be awkward in your sentence.

I hear more often : Come quick! or Come quickly!

Could we say:"Quickly,run quickly without stopping!"? I suppose we could , although I had rather say:
Quick! run quickly without stopping !"

"Quicker,run quicker,not stopping!" in my opinion, NO, because:

quicker is the comparative of the adjective quick: He is quicker than me.

The comparative of the adverb "quickly" should be "more quickly".

Run more quickly, without stopping! Don't stop !

"quickly" sounds bizarre anyway, people rather say: he runs fast.

There can be a difference between quickly and fast:
It I drive fast, my speed is high.
If I drive quickly, it can mean I change the gears quickly but my old wreck of a car is still very slow !!

I have already heard "Run quicker" I suppose it is an imitation of "run faster" but fast is both an adjective and an adverb and faster is correct for both.

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Forum > English only


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