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Correction/ CV et motivation

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Correction/ CV et motivation
Message de emeline78 posté le 03-07-2012 à 19:13:21 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je suis à la recherche d'un stage pour la rentrée aux Etats-Unis.
Serait-il possible que vous m'indiquiez les erreurs de mon CV et de ma lettre de motivation s'il vous plaît?
Je vous remercie d'avance !

Le CV :

French student with a strong work ethic, positive attitude, ability to work under pressure and be a part of a team.
Currently looking for a four-month production or casting internship, so she can achieve professional growth.


• June to July 2012 - xxx, Production Assistant
➢ Preparation of documents about guests, contacts with the candidates of a radio game, creation of a press kit to search partners for a radio show

• October to December 2011 - xxx, Advertising Assistant
➢ Business intelligence, analyse of the competition, assist do design strategies

• June to July 2011 - xxx Assistant
➢ Monitoring medias coverage, update databases and coordinate the distribution of press releases, press and public relations with journalists and bloggers

• January to March 2011 - xxx, Community Manager
➢ Creation and management of a Facebook page, writing articles for the blog Deco on Demand, public relations with professionals and bloggers

• September 2010 to present - xxx, Extra for TV shows

• July 2010 - xxxx, Receptionist


• Since 2010 - MA Program in Communication at xxx (Superior Institute of Communication) with a specialization in Brands Global Communication – Second year

• June 2010 - A Level in literature section


• Pack Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
• Adobe software initiation (In Design, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamwaver)
• Familiar with Apple and Window’s networks
• Good knowledge of social medias


• French: Native speaker
• English: Good knowledge


• Belly dance: Since three years, many shows during the year
• Theater: Four years, internship at the Cours Florent
• Involvement in associations: In 2010, creation of a theater company for the association Kiêthon (Autistic children) and nursing homes

Et voici la lettre de motivation :

To whom this may be concern,

I am a sophomore student with a Brands Global Communication major at the Superior Institute of Communication known as xxx in France.
I take the opportunity to contact you because I am highly interested to apply for an internship in your company from September to December 2012.

I have an excellent ability to communicate with people. During four years, I attended to acting classes and, I graduated high school with a literature major which allowed me to acquire a good English level with excellent writing skills. Furthermore, I was able to practice it during the internship I had as a community manager for the website xxxx. Later on, I got a two months and a half internship at xxx agency which taught me a lot about the press relations department.
I then, had the opportunity to work as the assistant production for the well-known French national radio called xxxx which I am currently working for. This first experience in the audiovisual department has confirmed my desire to work in the broadcasting one in the future.
Finally, the position of receptionist I had gave me the sense of welcoming, and the ability to build strong relationship with people. I work fast and accurate, I am able to multi task and I am flexible with scheduling.

For a very long time now, I have been fascinated by the audiovisual department. I would love to be part of a company as prestigious as (name of the company). This is a unique, and one time opportunity for me. I am also passionate about creating TV. I have been working as an extra for the xxx for the past 2 years.
All of these experiences have allowed me to explore the world of television and made me enjoy being behind the scenes.
My taste for human contact and organization make me want to eventually become a casting director or a production assistant.
Despite my lack of experience in companies like yours, I am still convinced I would be a perfect fit because of my high motivation and my curiosity.

I thank you in advance for taking my application under consideration. I look forward to hear from you, and please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.


Modifié par lucile83 le 03-07-2012 20:45

Réponse: Correction/ CV et motivation de notrepere, postée le 03-07-2012 à 19:36:37 (S | E)

To whom this may be concern, To whom it may concern

I am a sophomore student with a in Brands Global Communication major at the Superior Institute of Communication known as xxx in France.
I take am taking the opportunity to contact you because I am highly very interested to apply in applying for an internship in your company from September to December 2012.

I have an excellent ability to communicate with people. During four years, I attended to acting classes and, I graduated high school with a literature major which allowed me to acquire a good English level with excellent writing skills. FurthermoreAdditionally, I was able to practice it during the internship I had as a community manager for the website xxx. Later on, I got a two months and a half month internship at xxx agency which taught me a lot about the press relations department.
I then had the opportunity to work as the assistant production (production assistant?) for the well-known French national radio called xxx which I am currently working for. This first initial experience in the audiovisual department has confirmed my desire to work in the broadcasting one industry in the future.
Finally, the position of receptionist I had gave me the sense of welcoming(taught me the skills of greeting and welcoming people), and the ability to build strong relationship with people. I work am a fast and accurate worker, and I am able to multi task and I am flexible with scheduling.

For a very long time now, I have been fascinated by the audiovisual department. I would love to be part of a company as prestigious as (name of the company). This is a unique, and one time opportunity for me. I am also passionate about creating TV. I have been working as an extra for the xxx for the past 2 years.
All of these experiences have allowed me to explore the world of television and made me I've enjoyed being behind the scenes.

My taste for human contact and organization make me want to eventually become a casting director or a production assistant.
Despite my lack of experience in companies like yours, I am still convinced I would be a perfect fit because of my high motivation and my curiosity.

I thank you in advance for taking my application under consideration. I look forward to hearing from you, and please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.

Réponse: Correction/ CV et motivation de emeline78, postée le 03-07-2012 à 20:12:48 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !!!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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